At-risk pregnancy is a very popular and worrying issue among women who wish to become pregnant or are already pregnant.
It is common for the possible risks in pregnancy to develop in women who already have a problem before becoming pregnant or do not take proper care during pregnancy.
It is important to pay attention to care and in any situation, always choosing to look for one or a health professional.
Especially because high-risk pregnancies can have bad consequences for both the woman and the baby.
What can be considered a risky pregnancy?
Risk pregnancies are diagnosed when there is a possibility of compromising the health of the mother or baby.
Women with chronic illnesses before pregnancy, who have developed any changes after fertilization or have already had some risky pregnancies, need to be aware.
Adolescents up to 17 years old or women over the age of 35, who have heart, lung, clotting and thromboembolic disorders, diabetes and high blood pressure are more likely to be at risk of pregnancy.
What is the risk pregnancy ICD?
High-risk pregnancies can be found in ICD-10, which is the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health-Related Problems, under the code: Z35 – High-risk pregnancy supervision.
At what age is the chance of a high-risk pregnancy greater?
The chance of a risky pregnancy is usually higher in women over 35 years old or adolescents under 17 years old.
This happens because, after the age of 35, the woman has fewer eggs and is less fertile, with a greater possibility of spontaneous abortions and genetic diseases in the baby, such as Down’s Syndrome.
Before the age of 17, adolescents are more prone to gestational changes, and there may be more difficulties in responsible prenatal care.
What are the symptoms of a risky pregnancy?
The symptoms of a high-risk pregnancy can manifest at any time during pregnancy and discomforts such as these may arise:
- Pain when urinating;
- Bleeding;
- Sudden swelling in the body;
- Pain when walking;
- Dizziness and fainting;
- Sudden acceleration of heart rate.
When pregnancy is diagnosed, several laboratory tests and exams are performed.
Other quite common conditions, which indicate gestational risks, are:
High pressure
The pre-eclampsia appears generally after the 20th week of pregnancy and can cause symptoms such as headaches, blurred vision, swelling of the body and abdominal pain.
It is a serious condition characterized by an increase in blood pressure, which can result in more serious consequences for the mother and baby.
It is common among women who are in the gestational period to experience genital bleeding in the 4th or 5th month of pregnancy. Often, they do not indicate any serious condition, but – at other times – they can be a warning sign.
Symptoms such as fever , dizziness, cramps and fainting can be some discomforts present.
During the final period of pregnancy, bleeding may suspect the risk of placental detachment. Severe condition, where the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the baby may occur.
What are the precautions with high-risk pregnancies?
When it comes to high-risk pregnancies, women should pay attention to care and prevention.
Among them we can include:
- Rest;
- Have a balanced diet;
- Go to the obstetrician regularly;
- Control the weight;
- Do not smoke and consume alcoholic beverages.
In general, following the tips above together with the presence of medical guidelines can be great ways to achieve good results during this period.
High-risk pregnancies can be a problem in any woman’s life. It is very important to pay attention to their symptoms and preventions, always choosing to seek follow-up by a health professional in any situation.
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