Canine otitis medicine: how to take care of your pet’s health

Some diseases that affect us can also manifest in pets. One of them is otitis , an inflammation that affects the ears.

In canine otitis, the animal has some characteristic symptoms. One of the most obvious is to scratch the ear a lot with the paw or scrape it on the walls or furniture, showing great discomfort – usually caused by itching or pain.

There are several causes of otitis. Finding out what triggered the disease is essential for the treatment to be done with the correct medication.

It can happen as a result of trauma (in a game, a bite, scratch on the branch or hit the head), after bathing and grooming or after cleaning the ear with cotton swabs or tweezers.

These actions can cause injuries and favor inflammation in the future.

Canine otitis can also be common in dogs that are in constant contact with water, that play in the rain and enter swimming pools, for example. When the region is not dried, there is a favor of the proliferation of bacteria and fungi.

Therefore, canine otitis can be caused by different agents.

Medications vary according to these factors. Therefore, it is necessary to take the dog to the veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis.

The use of inappropriate medication, in addition to offering risks of side effects, does not help to treat the condition and the pet may continue to suffer from the disease.

Check out more about remedies for canine otitis and how to prevent it in your dog:


What is the best remedy for canine otitis?

Antibiotic , antifungal, anti-inflammatory and ceruminolytic remedies (which reduce the wax and secretion for cleaning) of the animal’s ear canal are used in the treatment of canine otitis .

Most medications are for external use (or topical use), found in solutions that must be applied directly to the dog’s ear. However, in some cases, it is possible for the vet to recommend pills, but it is more rare.

Before prescribing one of these types of medications, the veterinarian must examine with an otoscope (device to observe the dog’s ear canal) to observe the place and clean the region, so as not to push the dirt in when applying the medication.

Some of the remedies most used in these treatments are the following:


It is a topical antibiotic prescribed for the treatment of otitis caused by mycoses, parasites or bacteria. It can be used to treat dogs, cats and horses with the condition.


Otodem is a recommended remedy for the treatment of skin and ear infections. It can be prescribed for ear infections caused by mycoses, parasites and bacteria. It is a medication for external use, which must be applied after cleaning the ear canal.


It is an antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic remedy, used to treat otitis in dogs and cats.


Doxifin is a topical antibiotic that can be recommended for the treatment of several diseases that affect dogs and cats, including canine otitis.

Home remedy for canine otitis

Some people use homemade recipes to treat canine otitis. These recipes include apple cider vinegar, green tea, almond oil, water with salt and other ingredients that have some anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Using these home remedies, however, does not guarantee treatment of the condition. As seen, the best remedy for canine otitis is the one that is according to the cause.

The ideal is to take the animal to the veterinarian, as this professional will know which medicine to prescribe.

Home remedies can be used as a supplement, but the possibility should be consulted with the doctor.

Which breeds are most affected?

All dogs can suffer from canine otitis, as there are several factors that can trigger this type of inflammation in the ear.

However, some breeds may be more susceptible to the problem, due to the anatomy of the ear. Examples are dogs that have floppy, furry or longer ears.

The most common breeds are:

  • Cocker Spaniel;
  • Basset Hound;
  • Golden Retriever;
  • Dachshund;
  • Irish Setter;
  • Labrador Retriever;
  • German Shepherd;
  • Dachshund.

With the right care and correct hygiene, it is possible to prevent the condition in these dogs or any other breed, since the disease can affect all animals.

How to prevent canine otitis?

One of the main causes of canine otitis is inadequate hygiene, which can occur due to the use of inappropriate products, lack of cleaning, use of cotton swabs and tweezers or in the baths, – in which water and soap may end up in the dog’s ear.

Therefore, to prevent canine otitis, it is important to take care of the dog’s hygiene. For this, the ideal is to put cotton in the dog’s ear to prevent the entry of soap and water before bathing.

The most suitable cotton is the hydrophilic, a more dry type of cotton widely used in hospitals for dressings and wound hygiene.

In addition to hygiene, it is important to take him to the veterinarian periodically, paying attention to the symptoms of otitis. The main signs include:

  • Unpleasant or strong smell;
  • Secretion (pus and cerumen) in the ears;
  • Redness in the ear region;
  • Behavior change;
  • Intense itching;
  • Signs of pain (head tilted constantly and dejection);
  • Constantly shake your head.

Having a pet is a joy, as they are our companions in many moments. But, in addition to affection, they also need care. Therefore, every owner should be concerned with the health of the pets, paying attention to possible signs and symptoms.

We inform in this text how the treatment of canine otitis is normally and what types of drugs are commonly used.

When you realize that something may be wrong with your puppy, seek advice from a veterinarian and do not medicate yourself.

The use of inappropriate remedies or home treatments can make the condition even worse, depending on the condition.

Thanks for reading and keep up with pet health articles here at Hickey solution!
