Condom (male, female): how to put it on? See errors

Condoms are contraceptive methods with a high level of functionality. People who lead an active sex life should have an essential accessory in their daily life on the condom. This is because, in addition to serving to prevent an unplanned pregnancy, they also serve as protection against Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).

Condoms are 90 to 95% effective in preventing pregnancy and STDs. It is a contraceptive method indicated for men and women in any age group, with no contraindications. It should be used in both heterosexual and homosexual relationships.

They fall into two categories: the male condom and the female condom. Both have the function of preventing direct contact of the penis with the vagina, of the mouth with the penis / vagina, or of the penis with the anus, avoiding the exchange of fluids and secretions during sexual intercourse, thus preventing pregnancy and STDs as the syphilis , or HIV .

In recent years, the number of people infected with the HIV virus has grown. This is because there is a myth that condoms should be used only to prevent pregnancy, which is not the case.

For this reason, the use of condoms is recommended even when sexual intercourse occurs through the use of erotic toys, such as dildos, vibrators or strap-on straps .


Male condom

What is?

The male condom is a rubber cover that must be placed over the erect (hard) penis before sexual intercourse to avoid contact between the penis and the vagina and the exchange of body fluids.

In the case of oral and anal sex, condoms are also indispensable. Although these two practices do not result in pregnancy, the risk of STD transmission continues to exist.

How to put

1. Check the packaging

Before you even buy a condom, it is necessary to check the packaging, checking if it is within the expiration date. Condoms that are out of date have more risks of tearing and failing.

Before use, look for holes in the packaging. If you find any defect, throw it away and use a new one.

2. Store it correctly

If not stored properly, condoms can become rough and, as a result, more likely to tear. Condoms exposed to light and heat, for example, become more fragile than the others.

Do not leave a condom in your back pocket, in your wallet, or in your car’s glove compartment. In these places, the condom is at risk of being exposed to heat, which increases your chances of failing.

Also, never leave condoms out of the sealed package until it is time to use them.

3. Open the packaging carefully

The packaging must be opened by hand, on the sides. Do not use your teeth or sharp objects such as knives and scissors to open the package, as this may damage the product. The package is designed with an arrow in the corner of the package that indicates a perforation that facilitates its opening.

4. Check which way the condom rolls out

That’s easy. Just look at the reservoir and the edges of the condom. Normally, the reservoir is facing upwards. But as this is not always the case, look and feel the edges.

If the upturned end is smooth, then you are putting the condom in the wrong way. The right way is that the smooth edge is facing downwards.

Another way to identify this is through touch. You should put the condom on your thumb, without unrolling it. Then, pass the indicator on the side of the condom, from the tip to the bottom. If your finger is stopped by the edge, it is on the right side. Otherwise, your finger will go straight down.

If the reservoir is inverted, hold the condom by the edge and blow. That way, he will return to the right side.

5. Wearing a condom

First, the penis must be completely erect, so that the condom is comfortable and tight on the penis, without over-squeezing or forming air bubbles. When wrapped around a semi-erect penis, it loosens and can tear more easily.

Hold the reservoir so that it is closed. This will prevent air from entering and create a bubble inside during use. This prevents tears and also leaves room for semen at the time of ejaculation.

Holding the reservoir, place the condom on the tip of the penis. With your free hand, remove the pubic hair from the path and unroll the condom along the penis, removing the air bubbles that appear.

If you are going to use a toy, the process must be the same.

6. Na hora H

With the condom on and adjusted to the penis, it is already possible to proceed to penetration. If you want, you can apply lubricant to facilitate the act. It is very useful as it reduces the possible damage to the condom.

Many lubricants have spermicides, which further reduces the risk of pregnancy. Pass a little of the product on the condom if it is not lubricated and a little on your partner too, especially for anal sex.

An important tip to note is that you should not use oil-based lubricants or petroleum jelly on the condom, as it can spoil. Lubricants made with water or silicone are the best options to use with latex, as they come out more easily and, in addition, do not stain the sheets.

During the act, stay tuned, checking the condom every now and then, to see if everything is okay, if it is in place, if it has not torn, etc. If any of these things happen, change condoms immediately and consider using some other contraceptive, such as the morning-after pill , for example.

If you intend to engage in different types of sexual intercourse, change condoms. If you are going to switch between anal and vaginal sex, for example, you must change the condom to avoid the risk of infections. Bacteria present in the rectum can cause urinary infections or serious vaginal infections. If the penis goes from the anus to the mouth, stomach infections are also at risk of happening.

After ejaculation, remove your partner’s penis immediately. Take the condom by the base and remove it, taking care that it does not leak. Do not wait until the penis softens inside the vagina or anus, as the condom may end up inside your partner.

Before discarding the condom, tie the end to prevent leakage and / or place it wrapped in toilet paper. Do not throw the used condom in the toilet, as it will clog it when flushing.

Female condom

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What is?

The female condom is a polyurethane tube with one end open and the other closed, attached to two flexible rings. It acts as a barrier, preventing sperm and other secretions from coming into contact with the vagina.

It is disposable and must be used in all sexual intercourse, before contact between the penis and the vagina, and can be placed up to 8 hours before intercourse.

How to put

1. Look for damage and imperfections

Like the male condom, the female condom is susceptible to manufacturing damage. So check the packaging. Check if it is within the expiration date, otherwise it has more risks of tearing and failing.

Also look for holes in the packaging. If the condom shows any kind of failure, throw it away and open a new one.

2. Be careful when opening the packaging

It is important to note that, as with the male condom, teeth or sharp objects, such as knives and scissors, should not be used to open the package, as this may end up damaging the product.

Instead, open with your hands, by the sides. The package was designed with an arrow in the corner of the package that indicates the perforation that facilitates its opening.

3. Identify the inner and outer ends

The female condom consists of two flexible rings located at its two ends. One of these rings is opened and the other is closed.

The closed ring is the one that must be introduced into the woman’s vaginal canal, as it is the one that prevents the passage of sperm and other secretions from the penis into the vagina, while the open ring must be on the outside, on the outside of the vagina. vagina, to allow the penis to enter.

One of the ways to more easily identify which ring is right is by size. The inner ring is smaller than the outer ring, just so that it can be easily inserted.

4. Find a comfortable position

The most comfortable position to insert the condom varies from woman to woman. Some prefer to lay it down, others squat and still others prefer to stand. Choose the one that makes you feel more comfortable and get to work.

5. Inserting the condom

First, tighten the inner ring, joining the edges with the index and thumb fingers, so that it is narrow in the shape of an “8”. The open end should stick out.

With your other hand, open the big lips of the vulva and push the inner ring to the bottom of the vagina. Then, insert one or two fingers into the condom to make sure it is not twisted and that the outer ring is covering your large lips.

It is important to be very careful with your nails. If they are too large, they may end up puncturing or tearing the condom.

6. Na hora H

At the time of penetration, the woman must hold the outer ring and guide the penis inside it, making sure that it does not enter the vagina outside the condom.

After ejaculation, it is important to hold the condom in place for the partner to pull the penis out of the vaginal canal. Before removing the condom, she must turn the ring to prevent the sperm from leaking and then remove the product. To do this, just gently pull the condom out of the vagina.

Before discarding the product, the open end must be tied to prevent leakage. Do not throw the used condom in the toilet, as it will clog when flushing.

The 10 most common mistakes when putting a condom on

1. Putting on the condom too late

The condom must be used during all sexual intercourse, even if you are using another contraceptive method! Any physical contact between genitals, even if only with the skin, can lead to contagion of STDs.

Many couples make the mistake of not putting on a condom before penetration. This is very dangerous, because man produces a lubricating liquid that is made up of practically 100% of proteins derived from semen. Contact of this fluid with the vaginal canal can lead to unwanted pregnancy or infections.

Therefore, it is ideal that the condom is placed as soon as the penis is erect .

2. Use oil-based lotions with the latex condom

Coconut oil, lotions, massage oils and petroleum jelly can break up the latex. Therefore, use only silicone or water based lubricants.

A scientific article recently published in the International Journal of Sexual Health (“ International Journal of Sexual Health ”, in free translation) shows that in approximately 4.1% of the studied sexual relations, people used oil-based lubricants.

3. Unroll the condom before putting it on the penis

A study by the University of Indiana, USA, shows that between 2 and 25% of people unroll the condom completely before putting them on the penis.

Unrolling the condom before putting it on is very dangerous, as it increases the chance of air bubbles forming in the condom, which increases the possibility of ruptures and bursts during intercourse.

4. Put the condom on the wrong side

Many people do not check which way the condom unfolds and therefore end up putting it on the wrong side. The correct thing is to let it down and not up, as exemplified in the topic “How to put a male condom” in this text.

If you started to put the condom on and realized you were trying to unroll it on the wrong side, remove it and put a new one in the right way.

5. Use the same condom for different sexual acts

If you are having vaginal sex and are going to jump into the anal, for example, be sure to change condoms. Using the same condom for two different relationships can lead to infections and STDs.

6. Remove the penis from the vagina when it is already flaccid

If there is a loss of erection after ejaculation and the penis is still inserted in the vagina, after the withdrawal, the condom may end up staying inside. It is very important to pull the penis out when it is still erect, as this avoids any contact between the semen and the inside of the vagina.

To ensure an even greater level of safety, you can hold the condom against your penis when pulling it out.

7. Use a condom stored for months in your wallet or backpack

A condom is a sensitive product and can easily spoil. Studies indicate that carrying the product up and down without proper storage for more than 4 weeks can damage the product.

8. Do not leave an empty space at the tip of the condom

The tip of the condom, also called a reservoir, serves to contain the sperm after ejaculation. Be sure to squeeze that end when placing the condom so that there is room for ejaculation, otherwise the sperm may spill over the sides.

9. Stop using a condom too soon

When you have a steady partner, using a condom can seem boring. However, it is important that the two of you stop using contraception only after talking about it and getting tested to see if you have any STDs.

If you and your partner stop using condoms too soon, you are risking disease.

10. Do not use a condom during oral sex

Although it is not a common practice, the ideal is that you do use a condom during oral sex. Although rare, there are records of HIV transmission through oral sex. Condoms or flavored lubricants can make the experience more enjoyable. Go testing until you find the ideal one for you.

Remember: it is not because most people do not use protection during oral sex that you should feel embarrassed and stop using it. The body is yours and the decision is up to you! The safest thing, again, is to use a condom.

Where to find / buy condoms?

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Condoms can be found at any pharmacy or online store . They can also be found in some markets and supermarkets.

Another option is also to go to the health centers. There, condoms are on display and accessible to anyone, for free!

Frequently asked questions

If I use more than one condom, am I more protected?

No! Quite the opposite. Using a condom on top of the other stimulates tears and cracks because of the friction between the walls of the condom.

Using the male condom in conjunction with the female condom is also boring. The friction between the two can cause one of them or the two to tear.

Is it necessary to use a condom during anal sex?

Yea! During anal sex, fluid changes occur that can cause STD transmission. Another reason is to protect against possible infections and contamination in the area. The flora of the anorectal region is different from that found in the urethra or in the vagina, which can cause damage to genital health.

Can I use the same condom twice?

No! The condom is disposable, that is, it was made to be thrown away after its only use. Don’t even think about washing and using it again, as this can damage the resistance of the latex, making the condom burst more easily.

What should I do if the condom breaks?

First, calm down! That things happen. What you should do, at first, is to remain calm and look for pieces of the condom. Some pieces may have stayed inside you or your partner. Condoms left inside the body can cause irritation, so look for the spare pieces.

If you are afraid of becoming pregnant, consult a gynecologist and check the possibility of taking the morning-after pill. It must be taken within 72 hours at the most, or its effectiveness will be reduced. You can find them at any pharmacy. It is worth remembering that it is not good to simply take the medicine without first consulting your gynecologist.

If you are not sure about your partner’s health, go to the nearest Unified Health System (SUS) and take the PEP, the “morning after pill” of HVI. Take advantage and already do tests for other STDs too.

Is there a penis too big for a condom?

No. Condoms are highly elastic and adapt to any anatomy. What happens is that some men feel uncomfortable with the traditional condom and need to use other versions of the product.

However, contrary to popular belief, the difference between normal and large condoms is in the width of the product and not in the length. The length of condoms varies from 16cm to 19cm, while the width of the average condom is 52mm and can be exchanged for smaller versions, 49mm, or larger, 55mm.

Can people who have a latex allergy use a male condom?

No. But that does not mean that the individual cannot use a condom at all. There are now condoms made of silicone and other materials with little allergenic potential on the market . The female condom, which is made of polyurethane or nitrile rubber, is also an option.

Therefore, if the man or the woman is allergic to latex, the ideal is to look for any of these alternatives.

Does a condom protect against all STDs?

No. Only the penis and the inner area of ​​the vagina are protected during sexual intercourse. Therefore, any wart or sore caused by STDs on the parts that are not covered by the condom can transmit the disease by contact.

Diseases such as HPV and gonorrhea can cause sores in areas of the intimate area, such as the base of the penis and the outer area of ​​the vagina. As these areas are not protected by the use of condoms, the risk of contamination continues.

If my partner and I are already HIV positive, do we still need to use condoms?

Yea! Even people with HIV should be even more careful!

That’s because there are still other sexually transmitted diseases that can be passed from one to the other. As people with HIV are already more sensitive to infections, care must be redoubled.

In addition, there are different types of HIV. It may be that your partner has another variation of the virus, and this can cause reinfection or superinfection, which causes the progression and severity of the disease to increase more quickly, even with the correct use of medications.

Is there a risk of pregnancy and HIV contamination even using a condom?

Yes. However, these risks are usually related to condom misuse. If the condom is placed correctly, the risks of pregnancy and HIV contamination are close to zero.

Condoms are the best contraceptive method available today. You need to use it without fear of being happy, as both STDs and unwanted pregnancies are risks that condoms can help to decrease. Protecting yourself is never too much!

More doubts ?! Send them to us! We will be super happy to answer them!
