Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled or semi-solid pouches that form within or on the ovary. The problem presents itself in different ways. In some cases they do not harm your health, but in others they require attention.
Most of the time the cysts are found in women between 20 and 35 years of age, but they can also be detected in those who are already in menopause .
In some cases, the presence of cysts does not bring symptoms, in other situations, when there is twisting or rupture, there is bleeding and acute abdominal pain. Cysts can be divided into three types:
Follicular Cyst
The cyst Follicular is the most common. It forms when there is no ovulation and the follicle does not release the egg, leading to the formation of the cyst. The maximum size of a follicular cyst is 6 centimeters. Only 25% of women with this type experience pain. To detect the presence of the follicle, ultrasound is used.
Pure Lute
The luteal cyst can be ruptured during menstruation and take about 3 months to disappear completely. When ruptured, the follicle produces hormones that prepare the body for fertilization of the egg. If not, the corpus luteum is eliminated. There is a possibility that this body fills with blood or fluid and expands, becoming a cyst. Although they are able to grow up to 10 centimeters, most cases have no symptoms.
Hemorrhagic Cyst
The hemorrhagic cyst is present in the ovaries of many women. It can appear and disappear naturally between menstrual cycles. Usually, treatment is not necessary, but in more serious situations the surgical procedure should be performed.
As much as most go unnoticed, some pains are common in the case of cysts on the ovary, such as: during sexual intercourse, swelling in the abdomen, pain when going to the bathroom and pelvic pain.
There is no specific treatment and the cyst is often eliminated or disappears spontaneously. Ultrasound and pelvic exams are essential for early diagnosis. Periodic checking is the only way to avoid major problems.