Treatment of hepatic steatosis
Most people with non-alcoholic fatty liver do not develop major liver problems and remain in the first stage of the disease (simple steatosis hepatis).
Simple hepatic steatosis can heal on its own if the cause is eliminated.
For example, weight loss or better diabetes control can solve the problem of fatty liver.
It is important to change lifestyle habits to prevent the disease from progressing to a more serious stage and to reduce the risk of having a heart attack or stroke.
The ideal treatment for hepatic steatosis:
- Definitive rejection of alcohol.
- Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis is due to several factors, such as diabetes (especially type 2 diabetes), increased triglycerides, obesity, exposure to solvents and use of medications such as amiodarone, diltiazem and tamoxifen.
Weight loss and exercise
The most important thing people with non-alcoholic fatty liver can do is gradually lose body weight along with regular exercise.
Nutrition for fatty liver
Different diets are possible, this article discusses the recommendations of conventional medicine, the blood group diet of Dr. D’Adamo/Mozzi and the vegan diet/raw food diet of the natural hygienist Shelton.
Nutrition according to conventional medicine
Many experts believe that no more than 20-30% of total daily calories should come from fat.
The AHA (American Heart Association) makes the following recommendations:
- less than 7 percent of daily calories should come from saturated fat;
- less than 1 percent should be ingested with trans fats;
- the daily total cholesterol intake should be less than 300 mg.
To limit trans fats and saturated fats, avoid eating or cooking fats that are solid at normal room temperature.
Carbohydrates should account for 50-60 percent of daily calorie intake. You should consume at least five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables and the rest of the calories in the form of complex carbohydrates, for example as whole grains.
Additional fiber, such as ground flaxseeds, can be added to meals in small amounts.
Fiber binds the lipids in the intestine and slows or prevents their absorption.
proteins should account for about 15 percent of the daily energy requirement.
Fat sources and proteins in the form of red meat and whole milk should be avoided.
You should eat more fish, legumes, soy, low-fat milk, protein or egg substitutes.
Medications and supplements
A study by the Department of Medicine, University Health Network in Toronto shows that in a group of 80 patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver, atorvastatin 20 mg in combination with vitamins C and E reduces the risk of developing moderate to high-grade hepatis steatosis by 70% after four years of treatment.
Blood group diet for fatty liver
Dr. D’Adamo/Mozzi recommend different foods depending on the blood type, because the immune system of the person of a certain blood type may react negatively to some substances, while someone belonging to a different blood type has no problems with this food.
However, there are foods that should be avoided in case of liver problems:
- Cereals (especially those containing gluten)
- Milk and dairy products
- Fried
- Alcohol
- Pork and sausages
Vegan diet/raw food diet according to Shelton’s health hygiene
Health hygiene is a natural medicine that cures diseases with diet and healthy lifestyle and condemns all inorganic substances (such as medicines and dietary supplements).
In the case of fatty liver, prolonged fasting (about 3 days) allows the organism to save the energy needed for digestion and focus on eliminating the toxins that affect the functioning of the organs.
After the short fasting cure, a vegan diet/raw food diet is recommended, rich in fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes.
Shelton’s blood type diet and health hygiene have many things in common: both advise eating only a few foods per meal, avoiding certain food combinations, avoiding fried foods, alcohol, dairy products and cereals, and also advocating a multi-day fasting cure.
The main difference concerns animal protein: Shelton is strongly against it, while the blood type diet considers meat and fish to be useful and important foods, especially for people of blood type 0.
Natural remedies for steatosis hepatis
smoking If you smoke, you should stop smoking, because this reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.
If you suffer from high blood pressure or high cholesterol, medical treatment may be required.
If the patient has type 2 diabetes, it may be necessary to use drugs that lower the level of sugar in the blood.
Initially, drugs are taken in the form of tablets, sometimes it is a combination of several tablets.
In advanced diabetes, insulin injections may be necessary.
Alcohol Non-alcoholic steatosis hepatis is not caused by alcohol, but alcoholic beverages can worsen the condition. Therefore, one should refrain from drinking alcohol.
Herbal medicine
Among the natural remedies based on plants, there are the following elements: artichoke, dandelion and milk thistle, which support digestion and liver function. They also act as antioxidants and detoxifying.
Fatty liver can be actively prevented by monitoring high-risk patients and instructing them to behave correctly with regard to healthy nutrition and exercise.
Prognosis for patients with steatosis hepatis
The prognosis of fatty liver depends on the stage of the disease. Fatty liver alone usually has a benign course and progression to cirrhosis is rare.
Cirrhosis develops in 1-2% of cases within 20 years.
Central obesity and insulin resistance are risk factors for diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular and kidney diseases.
With steatohepatitis, 10-12% of patients develop cirrhosis within eight years.
This is comparable to the rate of progression of cirrhosis in alcohol-related liver disease.
- Fatty liver or steatosis hepatis: symptoms and causes
- Asthma: bronchial and allergic, therapy, natural remedies and nutrition
- Seborrheic eczema: therapy, home remedies and nutrition