Dog allergy: how to have a pet and control symptoms?

Several people want to have a pet. For this, they often resort to dogs, known for being “man’s best friend”.

However, when in contact with the animal, rhinitis and asthma symptoms can happen in some people.

If you feel watery eyes, redness, runny nose and itchiness when you are around a dog, you may be allergic to the animal.


How do I know if I have a dog allergy?

If when you get close to a dog or go to a place where the pet was present and symptoms of allergic rhinitis and asthma occur, the chances of allergy are great.

To confirm the diagnosis, it is important to consult a doctor who will assess the existence or not of the allergy.

In general, there are two types of proof tests: blood and contact.

In the contact test, drops of potentially allergic substances are applied to an area of ​​the patient’s body (usually on the forearm). Then, holes are made for the substance to penetrate the skin.

After about 20 minutes, it is usually possible to assess whether there is an allergy or not.

In the blood test, blood samples are collected and tests are performed to find out which substance the patient is allergic to.

Why does dog allergy occur?

Many people believe that allergies to animals are caused by pet hair.

However, the reality is that they occur, in general, due to the proteins produced by the animal and that may be present in its saliva, urine and even peeled skin.

These substances are allergenic to humans, that is, they are not recognized by the body.

Upon contact with these substances, the body can trigger an exaggerated immune response, that is, the symptoms of the allergic crisis.

Can I be allergic to dog saliva?

-Yeah . Allergy-causing proteins in humans are present in the saliva, peeling skin and urine of animals.

These proteins are produced by pets and can be allergenic to humans.

What happens is that, often, dogs lick themselves. When you do this, the substances present in your saliva pass to the pet’s fur, which subsequently loosens and propagates in the environment.

Thus, it is not necessary to come into direct contact with the dog for the allergy to manifest.

Just be in a place where the animal was previously present, as the particles invisible to the naked eye may have settled on sofas, cushions and rugs.

Is there an allergy to dogs’ urine?

-Yeah . In addition to saliva, most of the substances that cause allergies to humans are in the urine of dogs.

Consequently, the dog’s pee often comes into contact with its coat.

In this way, as in other cases, hair can serve as a vehicle for allergens to spread throughout the environment.

Therefore, not only direct contact with urine causes the allergy, but also with places where the animal has been.

What are the symptoms of dog allergy?

The symptoms of allergies to animals can vary according to the time of exposure to the allergenic agent and the sensitivity of each person. Despite this, in general, they are very characteristic and easy to identify, like constant sneezing. Among the main symptoms caused by the problem are:

Sneeze and runny nose

Sneezing along with runny nose are, in general, the first symptoms noticed in an allergy attack.

They occur as an attempt by the body to eliminate substances foreign to the body.

Itching and nasal obstruction – inflammation of the lining of the nose – can also accompany these symptoms.

Red and watery eyes

Eye irritation and increased tearing are characteristic of an allergic crisis.

This is because the eyes have their own lubrication and defense system. Tears, in addition to keeping the region moist, also protect against impurities.

As in other symptoms, redness and increased tear production are the body’s defense mechanisms against substances foreign to the body.

Difficulty breathing and wheezing

In more severe cases in the clinical picture, asthma symptoms, such as difficulty in breathing and wheezing, can occur.

This happens due to irritation in the respiratory tract, caused by allergenic substances.


The respiratory system is formed by cilia, responsible for filtering impurities that enter the body through breathing. Despite this, not all particles are always filtered.

The cough is a reaction of the body in an attempt to eliminate foreign particles that may have gone straight and are in the respiratory tract.

Itchy skin

Reactions in the dermis are also symptoms of allergy.

Small pellets on the skin, intense itching in regions such as the hands and rough skin may be the result of contact with allergenic substances.

Can dog allergies be cured?

No . There is still no cure for dog allergy. However, there are some methods that help to reduce allergic symptoms.

Among them, the use of anti-allergic drugs and care at home, such as keeping the environment clean and airy.

It is important to note that medications should only be used under medical guidance.

What to do to treat? Can you keep the dog at home?

It depends on the sensitivity of the allergic person. But in general, yes. The first thing to do when suspecting the presence of allergy is to consult a doctor to confirm the diagnosis.

After proven, if the allergy is moderate or mild, there are some precautions that can be taken to reduce the symptoms without giving up the presence of the bug.

Among them, the use of medicines indicated by the professional and changes in the place where the animal lives. Here are some options:


Some remedies can help control allergic attacks.

In general, they are antihistamines, that is, drugs that inhibit the action of histamine, a substance that causes an exaggerated immune response.

Use must be made in accordance with medical advice. However, if it is necessary to use the antiallergic very often, it is necessary to evaluate other measures of coexistence with the pet.

Among the options are:

  • Alergaliv ;
  • Claritin Compressed ;
  • Alektos;
  • Agasten Tablet ;
  • Desloratadine Biosynthetics ;
  • Cetihexal.

It is worth remembering that the use of medications should be made only under medical prescription.


Immunotherapy is a treatment that can be used as a therapeutic resource in case of allergies.

The technique consists of applying the substances that cause the allergy to the person’s body (subcutaneously or sublingually), in increasing doses with each administration.

It aims to develop tolerance to the allergen in the patient’s body.

The treatment can last for about 3 years or more, but it depends on a rigorous evaluation with immunologists and allergists.

Home Measures

Some measures can be taken indoors to make living with the pet more comfortable.

Between them:

  • Always use a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth to clean the environment in which you live;
  • Prevent the animal from entering the room of the person who has the allergy;
  • Use an air purifier;
  • Avoid using rugs and carpets;
  • Change bed linen regularly;
  • Keep the windows open.

It is also recommended that the animal bathe once a week or, at the most, every 15 days.

These measures will not completely eliminate the allergy, however, they can lessen the symptoms.

Is it possible to have an allergy to a short-haired dog?

-Yeah . What causes the allergy is not the hair, but proteins that dogs produce.

However, animals with short hair, in general, are less likely to cause allergies than those with long hair.

This is because, often, allergenic particles stick to the coat through saliva – when the dog licks itself, for example – or peeling skin.

When the coat comes off the animal, it takes these particles with it. But shorthaired dogs usually shed less fur. If the pet is in separate environments from the allergic person, it is possible that there will be less contact with the allergenic agent.

Despite this, choosing a short-haired dog as a pet does not necessarily mean that the allergy will not occur.

Dog allergy is a problem faced by many people, even those who love animals.

This can often be an obstacle for those who want to have a pet.

However, there are some remedies and cares that can help to relieve symptoms and facilitate the coexistence of those who do not give up the animal.

Wanna know more about? The Healthy Minute has complete content about pets for you! Check it out and stay informed!
