Natural tranquilizer (for anxiety, for sleep): see options

Many people are adept at using alternative and natural therapies to treat the most diverse problems. Of course, these options alone are not always sufficient, so it is common for them to act in a complementary manner in conjunction with traditional methods.

Regardless, it cannot be denied that these treatments have proven their effectiveness and are being used more and more, with the most diverse purposes.

In this sense, we have separated some information about one of these therapies: natural tranquilizers . Better understand what the options are, what they are for and if they can really be useful:


What is a tranquilizer (anxiolytic)?

Anxiolytic drugs , popularly called “tranquilizers”, are commonly used to treat depression and anxiety , as well as in some cases of insomnia .

The most common are those in the therapeutic class of benzodiazepines . This includes remedies considered as sedatives (soothing) or hypnotic (inducing sleep), but with low toxicity to the organism and which are less likely to produce dependence, without reducing its effectiveness.

Basically, the action of the tranquilizers is based on the inhibition of certain areas of the brain that may be over-stimulated. That is, an operation beyond normal that may be causing problems such as stress and anxiety.

Thus, the effect of medication is to decrease these sensations, provide muscle relaxation and reduce alertness, as well as induce sleep.

What is possible due to the fact that the tranquilizers, when in contact with the organism, potentiate the action of the neurotransmitter GABA, which then inhibits the action of the central nervous system (CNS). This means that it causes a sedative action, which provides relief from unwanted tensions, ensuring a calming action.

Read more: How to treat Anxiety?

Are there any natural tranquilizers?

-Yeah . In addition to anxiolytic drugs (sedatives or sedatives) that are synthetic substances (produced in laboratories), it is possible to obtain the desired action from natural tranquilizers.

Initially, it is common that the first thing to come to mind are some teas, popularly known for their tranquilizing action. There are actually a lot of options from them, but this is not the only alternative.

It can also be highlighted, some remedies made in a natural way (phytotherapics) and also foods that can provide the calming effects in the body.

In the sequence, you can better understand each of these alternatives and see the options:


The remedies considered as natural tranquilizers are those that provide tranquilizing effects, but are not made in a synthetic way. Thus, they are classified as herbal medicines .

This means that it is a medication made from medicinal plants, which uses only plant derivatives: juice, wax, exudate, oil, extract, tincture, etc.

In this sense, some options of natural calming remedies (herbal medicines) are:

  • Recalm;
  • Calman;
  • Sintocalmy;
  • Ritmoneuran RTM.

Most of these medications rely on Passiflora incarnata as an active ingredient, a plant with medicinal properties. When in contact with the body, it increases the levels of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) in the brain.

This substance has the function of reducing brain activity, providing relaxation.

It should be noted that herbal medicines are a form of alternative therapy, so that they may not have the desired (or sufficient) effects in some patients. In addition, remember that the use of these medications also requires medical monitoring.


Some foods have in their composition certain substances that favor the feeling of relaxation and can help in the treatment of anxiety, stress and insomnia.

Unlike herbal remedies, these items do not have any contraindications to consumption, except in cases of allergy or intolerance. Therefore, they can be consumed at will and do not need a professional indication like medications.

Check out some of these ingredients and understand why they can be beneficial in this regard:

  • Milk – milk and its derivatives are a source of tryptophan , the amino acid responsible for the production of serotonin and melatonin, two hormones that act in the regulation of sleep and the feeling of well-being;
  • Banana – bananas are also rich in tryptophan, in addition to being a source of nutrients such as vitamin B6, magnesium and potassium. These, collaborate with muscle relaxation, which can relieve feelings of stress;
  • Passion fruit – it is not new that the consumption of passion fruit provides relaxation, this is related to the alkaloids and flavonoids (bioactive compounds) present in its composition. These substances act as “depressants” in the central nervous system (CNS), providing tranquilizing action;
  • Kiwi – Kiwi is one of the foods that stimulates the production of melatonin , the hormone responsible for inducing sleep, so that it can help in cases of insomnia. It is also a source of vitamin C, folic acid and potassium (help against tiredness, stress and irritability).
  • Peanuts – also a source of tryptophan, peanuts can help in the production of hormones that induce the feeling of well-being, which causes it to have a tranquilizing action in the body and reduces the levels of irritability.

Read more: Kiwi: what it is, how to use and nutritional properties


Certainly one of the most common natural calming options is teas. There are thousands of options, with the most diverse plants and countless purposes. It is a very old therapy and that is still part of our culture today.

Here are some options of plants that can be infused like tea and help treat anxiety, stress and insomnia problems:

  • Chamomile – has a calming action on the nervous and also digestive system, it is commonly used as a therapy in cases of insomnia and agitation;
  • Passiflora (or passion fruit flower) – in addition to being present in herbal medicines that have a tranquilizing action, this plant can be ingested in the form of tea, which also has sedative properties;
  • Melissa (or lemon balm) – its calming action is mainly related to the smell that the plant releases, which provides a feeling of tranquility and collaborates with the treatment in cases of anxiety, insomnia and nervousness;
  • Valerian – this plant helps against sleep and anxiety disorders, its action is to help control brain activity. Its use should be done in moderation , as it can cause side effects such as dizziness and disorientation;
  • Kava-Kava – is a potent natural anxiolytic, so that its action is related to the relief of the feeling of anxiety, nervousness, insomnia. However, its continuous use is not recommended, as it can cause liver problems , so it is also not indicated for those suffering from liver diseases.

How do natural tranquilizers act?

In general, the action of natural tranquilizers is related to the stimuli and modulations they perform in brain activity. Both herbal remedies as teas or foods, usually stimulate the production of hormones such as serotonin and melatonin .

Which directly collaborate with sleep, feeling of well-being and other functions.

In addition, natural tranquilizers regulate brain activity in order to decrease responses to stress and anxiety. What happens, for example, from the increase in gamma-aminobutyric acid ( GABA ) that acts in the CNS to reduce stress and anxiety.

Thus, providing the desired tranquilizer action when making use of the tranquilizer.

It is worth noting that, consequently, different types of natural tranquilizers (medicine, teas and foods) generate effects at different intensities.

Natural remedy for anxiety: what options and how to use?

Anxiety is a problem that affects thousands of people, at different intensities and for a number of reasons. It is a disorder that, in more severe cases, lacks other medical interventions and traditional medicines.

However, in mild cases of this problem, some natural remedies that help in the treatment can be used. In addition, in other circumstances, they may also be indicated as a form of complementary therapy.

Check out some options of these drugs, as well as their indication:

  • Ansiopax – its active ingredient is the herbal medicine Piper methysticum , so it is intended for mild to moderate stages of anxiety and insomnia, promoting relief of symptoms such as tension and excessive agitation;
  • Pasalix® PI – Passiflora incarnata , a plant that increases the levels of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) in the brain, which reduces brain activity and provides relief from anxiety, irritability and agitation;
  • Seakalm – also has Passiflora incarnata as an active ingredient, so its indication is for the treatment of mild anxiety and irritability, nervous agitation, in addition to helping against insomnia.

These are just a few examples of natural remedies that can be beneficial for anxiety. However, self-medication is not recommended (even if they are natural alternatives), always seek the guidance of a professional.

Natural sleep remedy

The natural remedies indicated to treat sleep disorders and help you sleep are of the herbal type , which means that it is a medication with 100% vegetable origin.

Among the options, the most popular remedies are those that rely on Valeriana officinalis as an active ingredient, a plant with sedative and calming properties. Check out:

  • Calmazil – is indicated to promote sleep and assist in the treatment of sleep disorders associated with anxiety.
  • Valeriane – according to the package leaflet, it is intended to relieve tension, stress, aid in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease) and as a sleep promoter;
  • Sonoripan – like Calmazil, this medication is indicated to help you sleep and to treat sleep disorders that are related to anxiety.

Although all of these are herbal medicines and, therefore, natural, this does not exclude the need to carry out medical monitoring for their use. Mainly due to the fact that they are remedies that act directly on the central nervous system (CNS).

In addition, indiscriminate use can cause addiction and health complications in general.

Natural remedy for stress

Stress is a problem that can be linked to everyday issues, such as pressure at work and family problems. However, there are cases in which it is a chronic issue, when it results from pressures suffered for longer periods of time.

In this sense, it needs treatment and care, since it can lead to other complications such as increased blood pressure and blood clots due to the release of adrenaline – which increases the chances of stroke and infarction , for example.

Therefore, some alternatives of natural remedies that can combat stress are:

  • Tensart – is intended to treat states of irritability, nervous agitation, insomnia and anxiety disorders. Its action occurs in the central nervous system, producing a sedative effect;
  • Maracugina – according to the package insert, its indication is for states of irritability, nervous agitation and mild anxiety. To guarantee this action, it counts on Passiflora incarnata as an active substance;
  • Passiene – as with the other options, it is a remedy indicated to treat irritability, agitation, problems sleeping and complications resulting from anxiety.

Considering the serious effects that stress causes on the body, remember that alternative therapies do not dispense with professional monitoring.

Therefore, if you do not feel an improvement in your stress symptoms, see a specialist.

Natural tranquilizers are alternatives that can be used in a single or complementary way, varying according to the degree of need of the patient. Although they are of vegetable origin, care and moderation in use are necessary.

Self-medication is never recommended. Always count on the help of professionals.

And keep following the Healthy Minute for more content on well-being and health!

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