At one time or another everyone needs to buy medicine, don’t they?
And it is at this time that you realize that you have a medicine with a difficult name, with a complicated, similar substance, generics, reference and now you also have the same interchangeable similar.
As if that were not enough, each of these medications has a multitude of presentations and each with its own terms. This is where things really complicate, there are so many abbreviations, pharmaceutical forms, packaging, accessories, related terms that, what was meant to help, ends up causing even more headaches .
To help you, we decided to explain what all these terms mean. Check out:
Information on medicines involves several technical characteristics, such as the pharmaceutical forms, routes of administration and packaging.
The lack of standardization of nomenclatures and concepts related to these characteristics hinders the correct classification of medicines and common understanding. Another important aspect is the abbreviation of these technical characteristics, which are widely used in official publications, but are not standardized and constitute an obstacle to communication.
This work was developed with the objective of creating controlled vocabularies (standardization of terms, concepts and abbreviations) to be used as a primary reference, mainly in the registration and post-registration of medicines, in their package inserts and labels, in information systems and other activities that require standardized information on packaging, routes of administration and pharmaceutical forms of medicines, as in the certification of Good Manufacturing Practices (hence the need to convey the drug production line in this standardization).
The standardization was carried out from the survey and systematization of the “state of the art” on pharmaceutical forms, routes of administration and packaging in terms of terminologies and concepts used by pharmacopoeias, health authorities and other national and international references. Meetings were held with several professionals in the field for the validation and review of the structure, concepts and terms, in order to arrive at the best possible classification and understanding.
In order to legitimize the work and to make the process transparent, the standardization was published in the form of Public Consultations No. 50/07, which presents the list of pharmaceutical forms and routes of administration, and No. 81/07, which presents the list of packaging . After the contributions of society and the regulated sector, standardization has reached its final format, which is flexible to accommodate new pharmaceutical forms, routes of administration and packaging that arise as a result of technological development, and can be updated periodically.
Abbreviation for publication
Reduced form of the word up to a limit, so that there is no prejudice to the understanding in the publication of the record or in other activities that require standardized information about medicines.
Supplement designed to dose, conduct or perform the administration of the pharmaceutical form to the patient. Marketed in the secondary packaging along with the medication and without direct contact with the pharmaceutical form.
It allows the total or partial visualization of the content and has a tone between brownish and yellowish. The amber color, being widely used, although it can be transparent or translucent, has a specific classification, due to its characteristics, which gives the packaging. It constitutes a protection barrier to luminosity.
Packaging composition
Material used in the production of a packaging component (eg: glass, plastic, aluminum).
Primary package
Packaging that maintains direct contact with the medication.
Secondary packaging
External product packaging, which is in contact with the primary packaging or intermediate packaging, and may contain one or more primary packaging.
Wrapper, container or any form of packaging, removable or not, intended to cover, package, fill, protect or maintain, specifically or not, medications.
Intermediate wrap
Optional packaging that is in contact with the primary packaging and constitutes a wrap or any other form of removable protection, and may contain one or more primary packaging, as approved by Anvisa.
Pharmaceutical form
Final state of presentation that the pharmaceutical active ingredients have after one or more pharmaceutical operations performed with the addition of appropriate excipients or without the addition of excipients, in order to facilitate its use and obtain the desired therapeutic effect, with characteristics appropriate to a particular route of administration.
Basic dosage form
General type of dosage form that groups together specific dosage forms with similar characteristics (eg capsule, tablet, suspension, solution).
Specific pharmaceutical form
Pharmaceutical form, in most cases, originates from the basic pharmaceutical form, with an indication of the form of presentation and administration and other characteristics of the formulation (eg, aerosol, for dilution, for infusion). The specific dosage forms are grouped by the basic dosage form.
Immediate release
Type of release of pharmaceutical forms that are not intentionally modified by a special formulation design and / or manufacturing method.
Prolonged release
Type of modified release of pharmaceutical forms that allows at least a reduction in the frequency of dose when compared to the drug presented in the form of immediate release. It is obtained through a special formulation design and / or manufacturing method.
Delayed release
Type of modified release of pharmaceutical forms that presents a delayed release of the active ingredient. The delayed release is achieved by means of a special formulation design and / or manufacturing method. Gastro-resistant preparations are considered delayed-release forms, as they are designed to resist gastric fluid and release the active ingredient in the intestinal fluid.
That prevents viewing the content, covering all colors. It constitutes a protection barrier to luminosity.
Closed system
System of administration of parenteral solutions that, during all the preparation and administration, does not allow the contact of the solution with the environment.
General term
General name of the package that groups packages with similar characteristics (eg: ampoule, filled applicator, tube, blister).
Related terms
Words with similar meanings that should be used to facilitate the location of the classification.
That allows partial visualization of the content, covering all colors except amber.
That allows the total visualization of the content, covering all colors except amber.
Route of administration
Location of the organism through which the drug is administered.
Controlled vocabulary
Standardization of names, concepts and abbreviations.
Solid Pharmaceutical Forms
Concept : system designed to produce a systemic effect by the diffusion of the active principle (s) at a constant speed, for an extended period of time.
Abbreviation : ADES
For GMP certification purposes : Adhesive.
Concept : solid circular pharmaceutical form designed to release the active ingredient at a constant speed, for an extended period of time.
Abbreviation : RING
For GMP certification purposes : Ring.
Concept : solid pharmaceutical form in the shape of a rectangle, containing one or more active ingredients.
Abbreviation : BAR
For GMP certification purposes : Barra.
Concept : solid pharmaceutical form containing one or more active ingredients, long and thin, often cylindrical in shape and that dissolves or melts at body temperature.
Abbreviation : BAST
For GMP certification purposes : Baton.
General concept
Solid pharmaceutical form in which the active ingredient (s) and / or excipients are contained in a soluble hard or soft shell, of varying shapes and sizes, usually containing a single dose of the active ingredient. It is usually formed of gelatin, but it can also be of starch or other substances
Hard Capsule
Concept : capsule that consists of two prefabricated cylindrical sections (body and cover) that fit together and whose ends are rounded. It is typically filled with active ingredient (s) and excipients in solid form. It is usually formed of gelatin, but it can also be of other substances.
Abbreviation : CAP DURA
For GMP certification purposes : Capsule.
Prolonged Release Hard Capsule
Concept : capsule that consists of two prefabricated cylindrical sections (body and cover) that fit together and whose ends are rounded. It is typically filled with active ingredient (s) and excipients in solid form. It is usually formed of gelatin, but it can also be of other substances. See definition of extended release.
Abbreviation : CAP DURA LIB PROL
For GMP certification purposes : Capsule.
Delayed Release Hard Capsule
Concept : capsule that consists of two prefabricated cylindrical sections (body and cover) that fit together and whose ends are rounded. It is typically filled with active ingredient (s) and excipients in solid form. It is usually formed of gelatin, but it can also be of other substances. See definition of delayed release.
Abbreviation : CAP DURA LIB RETARD
For GMP certification purposes : Capsule.
Soft Capsule
Concept : capsule consisting of a gelatin shell, of various shapes, more malleable than that of hard capsules. It is usually filled with liquid or semi-solid contents, but it can also be filled with powders and other dry solids.
Abbreviation : CAP MOLE
For GMP certification purposes : Soft capsule.
Extended Release Soft Capsule
Concept : capsule consisting of a gelatin shell, of various shapes, more malleable than that of hard capsules. It
is usually filled with liquid or semi-solid contents, but it can also be filled with powders and other dry solids. See definition of extended release.
Abbreviation : CAP MOLE LIB PROL
For GMP certification purposes : Soft capsule.
Delayed Release Soft Capsule
Concept : capsule consisting of a gelatin wrapper, of various shapes, more malleable than that of hard capsules. It
is usually filled with liquid or semi-solid contents, but it can also be filled with powders and other dry solids. See definition of delayed release.
Abbreviation : CAP MOLE LIB RETARD
For GMP certification purposes : Soft capsule.
General concept
Solid dosage form containing a single dose of one or more active ingredients, with or without excipients, obtained by compressing uniform volumes of particles. It can be of a wide variety of sizes and formats, have markings on the surface and be coated or not.
Concept : uncoated tablet. The excipients used are not specifically intended to modify the release of the active ingredient (s) in digestive fluids.
Abbreviation: COM
For GMP certification purposes : Compressed.
Modified Release Tablet
Concept : pill that has a modified release. It should be classified as modified release only when the “delayed release” and “prolonged release” classifications are not adequate.
Abbreviation : COM LIB MOD
For GMP certification purposes : Compressed.
Extended Release Tablet
Concept : tablet whose excipients are specifically designed to modify the release of the active principle in digestive fluids. See definition of extended release.
Abbreviation : COM LIB PROL
For GMP certification purposes : Compressed.
Effervescent tablet
Concept : tablet containing, in addition to the active ingredients, acidic substances and carbonates or bicarbonates, which release carbon dioxide when the tablet is dissolved in water. It is intended to be dissolved or dispersed in water before administration.
Abbreviation : COM EFEV
For GMP certification purposes : Effervescent tablet.
Chewable tablet
Concept : tablet formulated so that it can be chewed, producing a pleasant aftertaste in the oral cavity.
Abbreviation : COM MAST
For GMP certification purposes : Tablet and / or Coated tablet.
Orodispersible tablet
Concept : pill that disintegrates or dissolves quickly when placed on the tongue.
Abbreviation : COM ORODISP
For GMP certification purposes : Compressed.
Mouthwash tablet
Concept : tablet that must be dissolved in water for the preparation of mouthwash, which is a liquid intended for mouthwash with action on the gums and mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. It should not be swallowed.
Abbreviation : COM COLUT
For GMP certification purposes : Compressed.
Tablet for Solution
Concept : pill intended to be dissolved in water before administration. The solution produced may be slightly cloudy due to the excipients used in the manufacture of the tablet.
Abbreviation : COM SOL
For GMP certification purposes : Compressed.
Tablet for Suspension
Concept : tablet that, when in contact with a liquid, quickly produces a homogeneous dispersion (suspension). It is intended to be dispersed before administration.
Abbreviation : COM SUS
For GMP certification purposes : Compressed.
Coated tablet
Concept : tablet that has one or more thin layers of coating, usually polymeric, designed to protect the drug from air or moisture, for drugs with an unpleasant odor and taste, to improve the appearance of the tablets or for some other property than that of change the speed or extent of release of the active ingredient.
Abbreviation : COM REV
For GMP certification purposes : Coated tablet.
Extended Release Coated Tablet
Concept : tablet that has one or more thin layers of coating, usually polymeric, designed to modify the speed or extent of release of the active ingredient (s). See definition of extended release.
Abbreviation : COM REV LIB PROL
For GMP certification purposes : Coated tablet.
Delayed Release Coated Tablet
Concept : tablet that has one or more thin layers of coating, usually polymeric, designed to modify
the speed or extent of the release of the active principle (s), presenting a delayed release of the principle (s) active). See definition of delayed release.
Abbreviation : COM REV LIB RETARD
For GMP certification purposes : Coated tablet.
Intra-uterine device
Concept : system to be inserted into the uterus to prevent effective conception from the release of the active principle at a constant speed, for an extended period of time.
Abbreviation : IUD
For BPF certification purposes : Intrauterine device.
Concept : solid pharmaceutical form that consists of a thin and elongated film, containing a single dose of one or more active ingredients, with or without excipients.
Abbreviation : FIL
For GMP certification purposes : Film.
Blood cell
Concept : solid pharmaceutical form in the form of small spheres consisting of sucrose or a mixture of sucrose and lactose, impregnated with the desired potency and with alcohol above 70%.
Abbreviation : GLOB
For GMP certification purposes : Globule.
Chewing gum
Concept : solid dosage form of a single dose containing one or more active ingredients, consisting of insoluble, sweet and tasty plastic material. When chewed, it releases the active ingredient in the oral cavity. Intended for administration by mouth. It should not be swallowed.
Abbreviation : GOMA
For GMP certification purposes : Gum.
General concept
Solid dosage form containing a single dose of one or more active ingredients, with or without excipients. It consists of solid and dry aggregates of uniform volumes of dust particles resistant to handling.
Concept : see general concept (topic above).
Abbreviation : GRAN
For GMP certification purposes : Granules.
Effervescent granules
Concept : granules containing, in addition to the active ingredients, acidic substances and carbonates or bicarbonates, which release carbon dioxide when the granules are dissolved in water. It is intended to be dissolved or dispersed in water before administration.
Abbreviation : GRAN EFEV
For GMP certification purposes : Effervescent granules.
Granules for Solution
Concept : granules intended to be dissolved in water before administration. The produced solution can be slightly milky due to the excipients used in the manufacture of the granules.
Abbreviation : GRAN SOL
For GMP certification purposes : Granules.
Granules for Suspension
Concept : granules that, when in contact with a liquid, quickly produce a homogeneous dispersion (suspension). It is intended to be dispersed before administration.
Abbreviation : GRAN SUS
For GMP certification purposes : Granulated.
Coated Granules
Concept : granules that have one or more thin layers of coating, usually polymeric, designed to protect the drug from air or moisture, for drugs with an unpleasant odor and taste, to improve the appearance of the granules or for any other property other than that of change the speed or extent of release of the active ingredient.
Abbreviation : GRAN REV
For GMP certification purposes : Coated granules.
Extended Release Coated Granules
Concept : granules that have one or more thin layers of coating, usually polymeric, designed to modify the speed or extent of release of the active ingredients. See definition of extended release.
Abbreviation : GRAN REV LIB PROL
For GMP certification purposes : Coated granules.
Delayed Release Coated Granules
Concept : granules that have one or more thin layers of coating, usually polymeric, designed to modify the speed or extent of the release of the active ingredients, presenting a delayed release of the active ingredient. See definition of delayed release.
Abbreviation : GRAN REV LIB RETARD
For GMP certification purposes : Coated granules.
Concept : sterile solid dosage form containing one or more active ingredients and of suitable size and shape to be inserted into a body tissue in order to release the active ingredient (s) for an extended period of time. It is administered by means of an appropriate special injector or by surgical incision.
Abbreviation : IMPL
For GMP certification purposes : Implant.
General concept
Solid pharmaceutical form that contains one or more active ingredients, usually in a sweet base and with a pleasant taste. It is used for slow dissolution or disintegration in the mouth. It can be prepared by molding or compression.
Hard Pellet
Concept : rigid tablet to be dissolved slowly.
Abbreviation : PAS DURA
For GMP certification purposes : Pellet.
Gummy Paste
Concept : flexible and soft tablet of mixtures containing synthetic or natural polymers.
Abbreviation : PAS GOM
For GMP certification purposes : Pellet.
General concept
Solid pharmaceutical form containing one or more dry active ingredients and with reduced particle size, with or without excipients.
Concept : see general concept.
Abbreviation : PO
For GMP certification purposes : Powder.
Aerosol Powder
Concept : powder packed under pressure containing a propellant gas and therapeutically active ingredients that are released after activation of an appropriate valve system.
Abbreviation : PO AER
For GMP certification purposes : Aerosol powder.
Effervescent Powder
Concept : powder containing, in addition to the active ingredient (s), acidic substances and carbonates or bicarbonates, which release carbon dioxide when the powder is dissolved in water. It is intended to be dissolved or dispersed in water before administration.
Abbreviation : PO EFEV
For GMP certification purposes : Effervescent powder.
Lyophilized Powder for Solution for Injection
Concept : sterile powder for the subsequent addition of liquid to form a solution. Prepared by lyophilization, a process that involves removing water from products by freezing at extremely low pressures.
Abbreviation : PO LIOF SOL INJ
For GMP certification purposes : Lyophilized powder.
Lyophilized Powder for Suspension for Injection
Concept : sterile powder intended for the subsequent addition of liquid to form a suspension. Prepared by lyophilization, a process that involves removing water from products by freezing at extremely low pressures.
Abbreviation : PO LIOF SUS INJ
For GMP certification purposes : Lyophilized powder.
Lyophilized Powder for Injectable Sustained-Release Suspension
Concept : sterile powder intended for the subsequent addition of liquid to form a suspension. Prepared by lyophilization, a process that involves removing water from products by freezing at extremely low pressures. See definition of extended release.
For GMP certification purposes : Lyophilized powder.
Mouthwash Powder
Concept : powder that must be dissolved in water before use for the preparation of mouthwash, which is a liquid intended for mouthwash with action on the gums and mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. It should not be swallowed.
Abbreviation : PO COLUT
For GMP certification purposes : Powder.
Powder for Solution
Concept : powder destined to be reconstituted to form a solution.
Abbreviation : PO SOL
For GMP certification purposes : Powder.
Powder for Solution for Injection
Concept : sterile powder for the subsequent addition of liquid to form a solution.
Abbreviation : PO SOL INJ
For GMP certification purposes : Powder (with terminal sterilization and / or aseptic preparation).
Powder for Solution for Infusion
Concept : sterile powder intended for reconstitution to form a solution for use by infusion. This solution is usually isotonic with blood and is used mainly for high volume administration.
Abbreviation : PO SOL INFUS
For GMP certification purposes : Powder (with terminal sterilization and / or aseptic preparation).
Powder for Suspension
Concept : powder destined to be reconstituted to form a suspension.
Abbreviation : PO SUS
For GMP certification purposes : Powder.
Powder for Injection Suspension
Concept : sterile powder intended for the subsequent addition of liquid to form a suspension.
Abbreviation : PO SUS INJ
For GMP certification purposes : Powder (with terminal sterilization and / or aseptic preparation).
Prolonged Release Injection Suspension Powder
Concept : sterile powder intended for the subsequent addition of liquid to form a suspension. See definition of extended release.
Abbreviation : PO SUS INJ LIB PROL
For GMP certification purposes : Powder (with terminal sterilization and / or aseptic preparation).
Concept : dry and sectioned vegetable drug, of defined granulometry, with a diameter above 0.315 mm, intended for extemporaneous preparations such as infusions or decoctions.
Abbreviation : RAS
For GMP certification : Rasura.
Concept : solid pharmaceutical form with variable form depending on
the mold obtained, derived from the action of an alkali solution in animal or vegetable fats or oils. Intended for application on the skin surface.
Abbreviation : SAB
For GMP certification purposes : Soap.
General concept
Solid pharmaceutical form of various sizes and shapes, adapted for insertion into the rectal, vaginal or urethral orifice of the human body, containing one or more active ingredients dissolved or dispersed on a suitable basis. Suppositories fuse, melt or dissolve at body temperature.
Concept : see general concept.
Abbreviation : SUP
For GMP certification purposes : Suppository .
Concept : solid dosage form of a single dose that can have several shapes, but which is usually ovoid. Contains one or more active ingredients dispersed or dissolved on an appropriate basis. Adapted for insertion into the vaginal orifice, they melt, melt or dissolve at body temperature.
Abbreviation : OVL
For GMP certification purposes : Egg.
Concept : solid pharmaceutical form prepared from a mass made with hydroalcoholic solution, the active ingredient (s) and lactose, or from the crushing itself moistened in hydroalcoholic solution. It is molded on tabletops and is fragile and brittle.
Abbreviation : TABLE
For GMP certification purposes : Tablet.
Liquid Pharmaceutical Forms
General concept
Liquid pharmaceutical form of one or more active ingredients that consists of a two-phase system involving at least two immiscible liquids and in which a liquid is dispersed in the form of small drops (internal or dispersed phase) through another liquid (external or to be continued). It is usually stabilized by one or more emulsifying agents.
Concept : see general concept.
Abbreviation : EMU
For GMP certification purposes : Emulsion.
Aerosol Emulsion
Concept : emulsion packaged under pressure, containing a propellant gas and therapeutically active ingredient (s) that are released after activation of an appropriate valve system.
Abbreviation : EMU AER
For GMP certification purposes : Aerosol emulsion.
Drops Emulsion
Concept : emulsion intended for administration in the form of drops.
Abbreviation : EMU GOT
For GMP certification purposes : Emulsion.
Injectable Emulsion
Concept : sterile emulsion for injection.
Abbreviation : EMU INJ
For GMP certification purposes : Small volume parenteral emulsion (with terminal sterilization or aseptic preparation).
Infusion Emulsion
Concept : sterile emulsion with water as the continuous phase, usually isotonic with blood and used mainly for administration in large volume.
Abbreviation : EMU INFUS
For GMP certification purposes : Large volume parenteral emulsion (with terminal sterilization or aseptic preparation).
Spray Emulsion
Concept : emulsion administered as a liquid finely divided by a jet of air or steam.
Abbreviation : EMU SPR
For GMP certification purposes : Emulsion.
Concept : solution, containing one or more active ingredients, for application to the nails. It forms a film that does not come out with water.
Abbreviation : ESM
For GMP certification purposes : Enamel.
Concept : pharmaceutical form that consists of a large volume of gas dispersed in a liquid, usually containing one or more active substances. It is formed by the action of a propellant, and there may also be other excipients.
Abbreviation : ESP
For GMP certification purposes : Foam.
General concept
Pharmaceutical form consisting of a pure chemical substance in the liquid state, which may be aqueous or oily. Note: this dosage form should not be applied to solutions, suspensions, emulsions, shampoos and liquid soaps.
Concept : pharmaceutical form consisting of a pure chemical substance in a liquid state.
Abbreviation : LIQ
For GMP certification purposes : Net.
Concept : fatty liquid soluble in ether and insoluble in water.
Abbreviation : OLE
For GMP certification purposes : Oil.
Liquid soap
Concept : solution, containing one or more active ingredients, for application on the skin surface.
Abbreviation : SAB LIQ
For GMP certification purposes : Soap.
General concept
Clear and homogeneous liquid pharmaceutical form, which contains one or more active ingredients dissolved in a suitable solvent or in a mixture of miscible solvents.
Concept : solution for mouthwash, with action on the gums and mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. It should not be swallowed.
Abbreviation : COLUT
For GMP certification purposes : Mouthwash.
Colutório Spray
Concept : solution for mouthwash, with action on the gums and mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. Presented in the form of a liquid finely divided by a jet of air or steam.
Abbreviation : COLUT SPR
For GMP certification purposes : Mouthwash.
Concept : hydroalcoholic solution with a pleasant and sweet taste, containing dissolved active ingredient (s).
Abbreviation : ELX
For GMP certification purposes : Elixir.
Concept : see general concept.
Abbreviation : SOL
For GMP certification purposes : Solution.
Aerosol Solution
Concept : solution packaged under pressure, containing a propellant gas and therapeutically active ingredient (s) that are released after activation of an appropriate valve system.
Abbreviation : SOL AER
For GMP certification purposes : Aerosol solution.
Extended Release Solution
Concept : clear and homogeneous liquid pharmaceutical form, which contains one or more active ingredients dissolved in a suitable solvent
or in a mixture of miscible solvents. See definition of extended release.
Abbreviation : SOL LIB PROL
For GMP certification purposes : Solution.
Drops Solution
Concept : solution intended for administration in the form of drops.
Abbreviation : SOL GOT
For GMP certification purposes : Solution.
Injectable Solution
Concept : sterile solution for injection. Abbreviation: SOL INJ
For GMP certification purposes : Small volume parenteral solution (with terminal sterilization and / or aseptic preparation).
Dilution Solution
Concept : solution presented in a more concentrated form and that must be diluted before administration.
Abbreviation : SOL DIL
For GMP certification purposes : Solution.
Solution for Injectable Dilution
Concept : sterile solution presented in a concentrated form and that must be diluted to a determined volume and with an appropriate liquid before administration.
Abbreviation : SOL DIL INJ
For GMP certification purposes : Small volume parenteral solution (with terminal sterilization and / or aseptic preparation).
Mouthwash Dilution Solution
Concept : solution presented in a concentrated form and that must be diluted to a determined volume and with an appropriate liquid, intended for mouthwash with action on the gums and mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. It should not be swallowed.
Abbreviation : SOL DIL COLUT
For GMP certification purposes : Solution.
Dilution Solution for Infusion
Concept : sterile solution presented in a concentrated form and that must be diluted to a determined volume and with an appropriate liquid before being administered by infusion. This solution is usually isotonic with blood and is used mainly for high volume administration.
Abbreviation : SOL DIL INFUS
For GMP certification purposes : Small or large volume parenteral solution (with terminal sterilization and / or aseptic preparation).
Infusion Solution
Concept : sterile solution that meets all the requirements to be administered by infusion. This solution is usually isotonic with blood and is used mainly for high volume administration.
Abbreviation : SOL INFUS
For GMP certification purposes : Large volume parenteral solution (with terminal sterilization and / or aseptic preparation).
Irrigation Solution
Concept : sterile solution used to irrigate the skin and mucous membranes.
Abbreviation : SOL IRR
For GMP certification purposes : Large volume parenteral solution (with terminal sterilization and / or aseptic preparation).
Spray Solution
Concept : solution administered in the form of a liquid finely divided by a jet of air or steam.
Abbreviation : SOL SPR
For GMP certification purposes : Solution.
General concept
Liquid dosage form containing solid particles dispersed in a liquid carrier, in which the particles are not soluble.
Concept : see general concept.
Abbreviation : SUS
For GMP certification purposes : Suspension.
Aerosol Suspension
Concept : suspension packed under pressure, containing a propellant gas and therapeutically active ingredients that are released after activation of an appropriate valve system.
Abbreviation : SUS AER
For GMP certification purposes : Aerosol suspension.
Extended Release Suspension
Concept : liquid pharmaceutical form that contains solid particles dispersed in a liquid carrier, in which the particles are not soluble. See definition of extended release.
Abbreviation : SUS LIB PROL
For GMP certification purposes : Suspension.
Delayed Release Suspension
Concept : liquid pharmaceutical form that contains solid particles dispersed in a liquid carrier, in which the particles are not soluble. See definition of delayed release.
Abbreviation : SUS LIB RETARD
For GMP certification purposes : Suspension.
Suspension Drops
Concept : suspension intended for administration in the form of drops.
Abbreviation : SUS GOT
For GMP certification purposes : Suspension.
Injectable Suspension
Concept : sterile suspension for injection.
Abbreviation : SUS INJ
For GMP certification purposes : Small volume parenteral suspension (with terminal sterilization and / or aseptic preparation).
Extended Release Injectable Suspension
Concept : sterile suspension for injection. See definition of extended release.
Abbreviation : SUS INJ LIB PROL
For GMP certification purposes : Small volume parenteral suspension (with terminal sterilization and / or aseptic preparation).
Spray Suspension
Concept : suspension administered as a liquid finely divided by a jet of air or steam.
Abbreviation : SUS SPR
For GMP certification purposes : Suspension.
Concept : solution or suspension, containing one or more active ingredients, for application on the scalp surface.
Abbreviation : XAMP
For GMP certification purposes : Shampoo.
Concept : aqueous pharmaceutical form characterized by high viscosity, which contains no less than 45% sucrose or other sugars in its composition. Syrups usually contain flavoring agents.
Abbreviation : XPE
For GMP certification purposes : Syrup.
Semi-solid dosage forms
Concept : semi-solid pharmaceutical form that consists of an emulsion, formed by a lipophilic phase and an aqueous phase. It contains one or more active ingredients dissolved or dispersed on an appropriate basis and is normally used for external application to the skin or mucous membranes.
Abbreviation : CREM
For GMP certification purposes : Cream.
Concept : semi-solid pharmaceutical form for external application. It consists of an adhesive base containing one or more active ingredients distributed in a uniform layer on an appropriate support made of synthetic or natural material. Intended to keep the active ingredient in contact with the skin, acting as a protector or as a keratolytic agent. Abbreviation : EMPL
For GMP certification purposes : Patch.
Concept : semi-solid pharmaceutical form with one or more active ingredients, containing a gelling agent to provide firmness to a colloidal solution or dispersion (a system in which particles of colloidal size – typically between 1 nm and 1 mm – are uniformly distributed across of the liquid). A gel can contain suspended particles.
Abbreviation : GEL
For GMP certification purposes : Gel.
General concept
Semi-solid dosage form for application to the skin or mucous membranes, which consists of a solution or dispersion of one or more active ingredients in low proportions on an appropriate basis.
Concept : see general concept.
Abbreviation : POM
For GMP certification purposes : Ointment.
Concept : ointment containing a large amount of dispersed solids (at least 25%).
Abbreviation : PAST
For GMP certification purposes : Pasta.
Gaseous Pharmaceutical Forms
Concept : gaseous preparation used for medicinal purposes.
Abbreviation : GAS
For GMP certification purposes : Gas.
Routes of Administration
Concept : intended for administration in the oral cavity or in a specific part of the oral cavity such as the gum, palate, tongue and teeth.
Abbreviation : BUC
Concept : intended for application to the scalp.
Abbreviation : CAPI
Concept : intended for application on the surface of the skin and cutaneous attachments.
Abbreviation : DERM
Concept : administration in the epidural space, located between the dura and the periosteum of the vertebral canal.
Abbreviation : EPI
Concept : administered through the nasal and oral respiratory system simultaneously for local or systemic effect.
Abbreviation : INAL
Nasal Inhalation
Concept : administered through the respiratory system, exclusively through the nasal route, for local or systemic effect.
Abbreviation : INAL NAS
Oral Inhalation
Concept : administered through the respiratory system, exclusively orally, for local or systemic effect.
Abbreviation : INAL OR
Concept : administration within an artery.
Abbreviation : IAR
Concept : administered within a joint.
Abbreviation : IA
Concept : administration within the dermis.
Abbreviation : ID
Concept : administered within a muscle.
Abbreviation : IM
Concept : intended for administration within the cerebrospinal fluid or at any point on the cerebrospinal axis, including injection into the cerebral ventricles.
Abbreviation : IT
Concept : intended for administration within the uterus.
Abbreviation : IU
Concept : administered within a vein.
Abbreviation : IV
Concept : intended for application within the vitreous body of the eye.
Abbreviation : IVIT
Concept : intended for washing and cleaning open wounds or body cavities.
Abbreviation : IRR
Concept : administered in the nasal cavity to obtain a local or systemic effect.
Abbreviation : NAS
Concept : intended for application to the eyeball or conjunctiva.
Abbreviation : OFT
Concept : intended for administration by mouth.
Abbreviation : OR
Concept : intended for application in the ear canal, without exerting harmful pressure on the eardrum.
Abbreviation : OTO
Concept : intended for application to the rectum.
Abbreviation : RET
Concept : administered under the skin (hypodermic, subdermal).
Abbreviation: SC
Concept : intended to be placed under the tongue, where the active ingredient is absorbed directly through the oral mucosa.
Abbreviation : SUBL
Concept : administered by diffusion through the dermal layer of the skin into the systemic circulation.
Abbreviation : TRANSD
Concept : intended for application in the urethra.
Abbreviation : URET
Concept : intended for application to the vagina.
Abbreviation : VAG
Packaging and Accessories
Principles of standardization
General concept
Hermetically sealed container, intended for the storage of sterile liquids for parenteral use and whose content is used in a single dose.
Translucent plastic ampoule
Abbreviation : AMP PLAS TRANSL]
Transparent plastic ampoule
Abbreviation : AMP PLAS TRANS
Amber glass ampoule
Abbreviation : AMP VD AMB
Transparent glass ampoule
Abbreviation : AMP VD TRANS
Filled applicator
General concept
Plunger device, filled with medication, for single dose administration.
Opaque filled plastic applicator
Transparent plastic filled applicator
General concept
Flexible container, flattened and folded or sealed on one side, with a removable opening on the other side. Used for the packaging of semi-solid medicines.
Aluminum tube
Abbreviation : BG AL
Aluminum / opaque plastic tube
Abbreviation : BG AL PLAS OPC
Opaque plastic / aluminum tube
Abbreviation : BG PLAS AL OPC
Opaque plastic tube
Abbreviation : BG PLAS OPC
Transparent plastic tube
Abbreviation : BG PLAS TRANS
General concept
Container consisting of a molded tray with cavities in which the pharmaceutical forms are stored, usually with a cover of laminated material sealed to the molded part, which must be opened or broken to access the contents.
Aluminum and aluminum blister
Abbreviation : BL AL AL
Blister made of aluminum and amber plastic
Abbreviation : BL AL PLAS AMB
Blister made of aluminum and opaque plastic
Abbreviation : BL AL PLAS OPC
Blister made of aluminum and translucent plastic
Abbreviation : BL AL PLAS TRANSL
Blister made of aluminum and transparent plastic
Abbreviation : BL AL PLAS TRANS
General concept
Flexible material container used to protect or contain one or more doses of a medication (eg, large volume parenterals or irrigation solution).
Clear plastic pouch
Abbreviation : BOLS PLAS TRANS
Transparent plastic bag (closed system)
General concept
Container with rectangular or polygonal section, for the transport and storage of liquids.
Opaque plastic bottle
Abbreviation : BOMBO PLAS OPC
Translucent plastic bottle
Abbreviation : BOMBO PLAS TRANSL
General concept
Container usually in tubular format, with narrow neck, flat bottom, open, with rubber plunger, to be used in an applicator pen with the possibility of multiple dosages.
Transparent glass carpule
Abbreviation : CAR VD TRANS
General concept
Container for the storage of compressed gas to keep a gas under pressure.
Aluminum cylinder
Abbreviation : CIL AL
Metal cylinder
Abbreviation : CIL MET
General concept
Flexible material container formed by two sealed blades containing the medicine.
Aluminum envelope
Abbreviation : ENV AL
Aluminum / paper envelope
Abbreviation : ENV AL / PAP
Aluminum / plastic envelope
Abbreviation : ENV AL / PLAS
Abbreviation : ENV PAP
Opaque plastic envelope
Abbreviation : ENV PLAS OPC
pencil case
General concept
Container with format and division of internal space designed to contain medicines.
Plastic case
Abbreviation : EST PLAS
General concept
Container for storing liquids for administration in a single dose.
Amber Plastic Flacon
Abbreviation : FLAC PLAS AMB
Opaque plastic flaconet
Abbreviation : FLAC PLAS OPC
Transparent plastic flacon
Abbreviation : FLAC PLAS TRANS
Transparent glass flacon
Abbreviation : FLAC VD TRANS
Amber glass flacon
Abbreviation : FLAC VD AMB
Opaque glass flacon
Abbreviation : FLAC VD OPC
General concept
Container usually tubular in shape, with a narrow neck and a flat or concave bottom.
Aluminum bottle
Abbreviation : FR AL
Amber plastic bottle
Abbreviation : FR PLAS AMB
Opaque plastic jar
Abbreviation : FR PLAS OPC
Translucent plastic bottle
Abbreviation : FR PLAS TRANSL
Transparent plastic bottle
Abbreviation : FR PLAS TRANS
Amber glass bottle
Abbreviation : FR VD AMB
Opaque glass bottle
Abbreviation : FR VD OPC
Transparent glass bottle
Abbreviation : FR VD TRANS
Ampoule bottle
General concept
Container usually of tubular format, for the packaging of medicines administered by parenteral route, sealed with flexible material that must be perforated for the administration of the medicine
Transparent plastic vial
Abbreviation : FA PLAS TRANS
Transparent plastic vial (closed system)
Amber glass vial
Abbreviation : FA VD AMB
Transparent glass vial
Abbreviation : FA VD TRANS
Applicator bottle
General concept
Container usually tubular in shape, with a narrow neck, flat or concave bottom. It has a device for administering a medication to a specific location in the body (eg, potent mixes and vials used for enemas).
Amber plastic applicator bottle
Abbreviation : FR APLIC PLAS AMB
Opaque plastic applicator bottle
Abbreviation : FR APLIC PLAS OPC
Translucent plastic applicator bottle
Transparent plastic applicator bottle
Abbreviation : FR APLIC PLAS TRANS
Amber glass applicator bottle
Abbreviation : FR APLIC VD AMB
Opaque glass applicator bottle
Abbreviation : FR APLIC VD OPC
Transparent glass applicator bottle
Abbreviation : FR APLIC VD TRANS
Transfer bottle
General concept
Flask with attached device that allows connection to the closed system bag.
Amber glass transfer bottle
Abbreviation : FR TRANSF VD AB
Transparent glass transfer bottle
Abbreviation : FR TRANSF VD TRANS
Drip bottle
General concept
Container usually tubular in shape, with a narrow neck and a flat or concave bottom. It has a device specifically designed for the application of a liquid in the form of a drop .
Amber plastic drip bottle
Abbreviation : FR GOT PLAS AMB
Opaque plastic drip bottle
Abbreviation : FR GOT PLAS OPC
Translucent plastic drip bottle
Abbreviation : FR GOT PLAS TRANSL
Transparent plastic drip bottle
Abbreviation : FR GOT PLAS TRANS
Amber glass drip bottle
Abbreviation : FR GOT VD AMB
Opaque glass drip bottle
Abbreviation : FR GOT VD OPC
Transparent glass drip bottle
Abbreviation : FR GOT VD TRANS
Frasco spray
General concept
Container usually tubular in shape, with a narrow neck and a flat or concave bottom. It has an atomizer or a device that expels the medicine finely divided and carried through the air. It is not used to package aerosols, since the aluminum bottle is used for packaging this pharmaceutical form.
Amber plastic spray bottle
Abbreviation : FR SPR PLAS AMB
Opaque plastic spray bottle
Abbreviation : FR SPR PLAS OPC
Translucent plastic spray bottle
Abbreviation : FR SPR PLAS TRANSL
Transparent plastic spray bottle
Abbreviation : FR SPR PLAS TRANS
Amber glass spray bottle
Abbreviation : FR SPR VD AMB
Opaque glass spray bottle
Abbreviation : FR SPR VD OPC
Transparent glass spray bottle
Abbreviation : FR SPR VD TRANS
General concept
Thin layer of flexible material.
Aluminum foil
Abbreviation : LAM AL
Paper sheet
Abbreviation : LAM PAP
General concept
Wide container with normally cylindrical shape, flat bottom and with short and wide neck. Contains solid or semi-solid medications.
Metal pot
Abbreviation : PT MET
Amber plastic pot
Abbreviation : PT PLAS AMB
Opaque plastic pot
Abbreviation : PT PLAS OPC
Translucent plastic pot
Abbreviation : PT PLAS TRANSL
Transparent plastic pot
Abbreviation : PT PLAS TRANS
Amber glass pot
Abbreviation : PT VD AMB
Opaque glass jar
Abbreviation : PT VD OPC
Transparent glass pot
Abbreviation : PT VD TRANS
Filled syringe
General concept
Cylindrical device, with cannula-shaped adapter, with or without a fixed needle and with plunger.
Syringe filled with amber plastic
Abbreviation : BE PRENC PLAS WITH
Syringe filled with clear plastic
Syringe filled with amber glass
Abbreviation : SER PREENC VD AMB
Syringe filled with clear glass
Abbreviation : SER PREENC VD TRANS
General concept
Flexible material container formed by two sealed blades that separate and protect each pharmaceutical form of the medicine. To access each pharmaceutical form, it must be cut or broken. Contains solid or semi-solid medications.
Aluminum Strip
Abbreviation : STR AL
Aluminum / paper strip
Abbreviation: STR AL / PAP
Aluminum / plastic strip
Abbreviation : STR AL / PLAS
Strip the papule
Abbreviation : STR PAP
Opaque plastic strip
Abbreviation : STR PLAS OPC
General concept
Container without neck, in the shape of a hollow and elongated cylinder, made of rigid material, for the storage of solid pharmaceutical forms.
Aluminium tube
Abbreviation : TB AL
Plastic tube
Abbreviation : TB PLAS
Secondary Packaging
Abbreviation : CX
Cool box
Abbreviation : CX TERM
General concept : commercial packaging in the shape of a small box containing the primary packaging of the medicine.
Abbreviation : CT
General concept : flexible material formed by two sealed blades.
Abbreviation : ENV
Concept : auxiliary device for the targeted administration of the drug, to be attached to the primary product packaging.
Abbreviation : ADAPT
Concept : hollow cylindrical fixation device for the administration of liquid pharmaceutical forms.
Abbreviation : AGU
Concept : device for the targeted administration of a medication.
Abbreviation : APLIC
Concept : medication delivery device used in inhalers.
Abbreviation : ATIV
Concept : device for administering pressure medication.
Abbreviation : BOMB
Inhaler chamber
Concept : device used to store the medicine after nebulization, until it is inhaled.
Abbreviation : CAM INAL
Applicator pen
Concept : device for applying medication to a specific location in the body, with or without a needle attached and with a fixed or variable dose mechanism.
Abbreviation : CAN APLIC
Measuring spoon
Concept : spoon-shaped device used for dosing and administering a medication.
Abbreviation : COL
Concept : device intended for the application of a liquid drop by drop.
Abbreviation : CGT
Dosing cup
Concept : cup-shaped device used for dosing and administering a medication.
Abbreviation : COP
Concept : liquid used in the reconstitution and / or dilution of a drug.
Abbreviation : DIL
Concept : device used to conduct the medicine to be inhaled.
Abbreviation : ESPAÇ
Concept : device designed to avoid contact with the medication during administration.
Abbreviation : ESP
Concept : device through which a medicine can be administered by inspiration through the nose or mouth.
Abbreviation : INAL
Concept : device designed to clean the medication application site.
Abbreviation : LEN
Brush tool
Concept : instrument equipped with hair, bristles, threads or other filaments of any material, attached to the end of a cable.
Abbreviation : PINC
Concept : cylindrical device, with cannula-shaped adapter, with or without a prefixed needle and plunger, for parenterally administering a dose of a medicine.
Abbreviation : SER
Dosing syringe
Concept : cylindrical device, with cannula-shaped adapter and plunger, for administering a medication.
Abbreviation : SER DOS
Dose indicator valve
Concept : device that shows the correct day of administration and the correct dose of medication, indicating that the dose has been removed.
Abbreviation : VALV
Related Terms
Standardized term | Related terms |
Transdermal patch | Transdermal therapeutic system, transdermal delivery system |
Hard capsule | Two-piece capsule, hard gelatin capsule, gelatin capsule |
Inhalation capsule | Inalant capsule |
Soft capsule | One-piece capsule, softgel, soft gelatin capsule, soft gelatin capsule, gelatin pearl |
Vaginal capsule | Gynecological capsule |
Carpule | Flaconete-refil |
Compressed | Simple tablet |
Inhaled tablet | Inhalation tablet |
Orodispersible tablet | Oral disintegration, oral disintegration |
Tablet for solution | Soluble tablet |
Tablet for suspension | Dispersible tablet |
Coated tablet | Dragee, dredged tablet |
Dropper | Dripper |
Creme | Semi-solid emulsion |
Intra-uterine device | Intra-uterine system |
Plaster | Plaster |
Emulsion | Lotion |
Aerosol emulsion | Lotion |
Dermatological aerosol emulsion | Lotion |
Rectal aerosol emulsion | Enema |
Dermatological emulsion | Lotion |
Rectal emulsion | Enema |
Vaginal emulsion | Vaginal douche |
Envelope | Sachet |
Spacer | Aerocamara |
Film | Strip, film |
Drip bottle | Dropper bottle |
Gas | Medical gas |
Inhalation gas | Inhaling gas |
Gel | Jelly |
Grainy | Granule |
Dispersible granules | Granules for suspension |
Soluble granules | Granules for solution |
Prolonged release | Extended release, sustained release, prolonged action, slow disintegration, gradual release, gradual disintegration |
Delayed release | Gastro-resistant, enteric coated, delayed disintegration |
Opaque | Milky |
Vaginal ovum | Vaginal suppository, pessary |
Hard tablet | Drops |
Gummy pastille | Gum pastilles |
Ointment | Ointment, paste |
Solution | Elixir, syrup, tincture |
Prolonged-release solution | Film forming solution, collodion |
Dermatological prolonged-release solution | Film forming solution, collodion |
Ophthalmic solution | Eye drops |
Solution for mouthwash | Mouth solution |
Solution for rectal dilution | Enema |
Rectal solution | Enema |
Vaginal solution | Vaginal douche |
Urethral suppository | Urethral rod |
Dermatological suspension | Lotion |
Ophthalmic suspension | Eye drops |
Rectal suspension | Enema |
Vaginal suspension | Vaginal douche |