A burning sensation on the skin can be annoying or painful, depending on the severity.
Often the burning is caused by the nerves, but there are many other possible causes.
Skin injuries, infections and autoimmune diseases can cause:
- Ache
- Nerve damage.
Causes of the feeling of skin burning
One of the most common reasons for burning in the body is damage or dysfunction of the nervous system.
The nervous system consists of:
- central nervous system, brain and spinal cord,
- peripheral nerves, which are located throughout the body.
Various types of nervous diseases and diseases of the spine cause burning pain as symptoms of:
- Inflammation of a nerve of the spine, caused by narrowing of the lumbar vertebrae or vertebral arthrosis on the back.
It is a natural ageing phenomenon.
The inflammation causes burning pain in some, but not always. - Cervical osteoarthritis is a consequence of aging.
The degeneration of the joints and vertebrae of the cervical vertebrae causes this disease and chronic pain in the cervical spine. - Disc hernia or herniated disc occurs when a disc in the spine slips out of its seat and presses on a nerve root.
The hernia can cause:- Burn
- Backache
- Pain along the legs.
- Peripheral neuropathy refers to damage to a single nerve or group of nerves.
The condition causes pain in one part of the body.
As an example, there is carpal tunnel syndrome, which causes pain in the wrist, and compression syndrome of the ulnar nerve, which causes pain in the arm and hand.
Neuropathy can affect any nerve in the body.
Often this is caused by diabetes mellitus
If at least two nerves or sectors are affected, one speaks of polyneuropathy. - Dysfunctions of the central nervous system can cause skin burning.
There are several causes, including:- Brain tumor
- Epilepsy
- vertebral fractures,
- Stroke
- Parkinson’s disease.
- Neuralgia is a burning pain that can be felt along a nerve.
It can be caused by infections such as:- Herpes zoster
- Irritants
- Traumas
- bone compressions or tumors,
- Diabetes.
- Neuropathies of the small nerve fibers can burn under the skin and cause a tingling sensation, as if ants were running under the surface.
- Multiple sclerosis is a disease of the nervous system.
It is characterized by damage to the protective material that surrounds the nerve cells and causes various symptoms, such as burning pain.
Poor circulation. If the blood vessels harden or constrict, this reduces blood flow.
This can cause numbness or burning pain, especially to:
- Hands
- Legs
- feet.
Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and elevated cholesterol increase the risk of developing peripheral vascular disease that affects blood circulation.
- Accidents, injuries, and trauma are other options for burning skin discomfort when they cause skin lesions.
- Stings and bites of insects and poisonous animals create a burning sensation on the affected area, especially when touched.
- Frostbite occurs when skin and tissues are exposed to excessive cold.
At first you feel numbness and as a result, frostbite causes a burning sensation.
Burning on the skin without redness in case of deficiency symptoms
1. Pernicious anemia is a vitamin B12 deficiency. The burning sensation mainly affects the tongue.
Megaloblastic anemia can be provoked by the lack of vitamin B2 or folic acid.
12. Beriberi is a deficiency of thiamine or vitamin B3. The burning sensation is especially noticeable at night and affects the feet.
1.Hypoparathyroidism is a rare condition characterized by an underproduction of parathyroid hormone, a hormone produced by the parathyroid glands.
This can lead to calcium deficiency.
Burning sensation on the skin of the face
This symptom may be caused by:
- Rosacea, a skin condition associated with redness and sometimes severe sensation of warmth.
- Aphthae are ulcers that cause pain and burning in the mouth.
- Herpes labialis is a condition characterized by the formation of burning blisters on the mouth and lips.
- Trigeminal neuralgia causes burning and shooting pain on one side of the face, from the ear towards the cheekbones, eye and chin.
Burning after showering
Products that come into contact with the face can cause a burning sensation after showering, for example:
- Soap
- Shampoo
- Shaving cream.
The burning sensation can be caused by a skin reaction to chemical substances contained in the cleaning products.
Rarely, it is a reaction to the water temperature.
Burning skin during pregnancy
The skin changes during pregnancy are caused by hormone increase.
Hormonal changes can affect the skin and cause various problems, such as:
- Acne
- Rashes
- dry skin with burning.
After delivery, the skin can return to normal.
- Increase in hormone levels. Estrogens and progesterone can alter the skin’s condition by making the skin too dry.
- A responsible factor for this symptom is skin stretching.
The burning sensation in the area of the abdomen arises when the uterus enlarges to make room for the fetus.
Skin stretching can cause:
– burning sensation, – abdominal pain,– pain in the right or left flank.
Some women also feel a burning sensation below the breasts after stretching the skin.
The areola may be irritated due to dry and painful skin. - Intertrigo is a condition in which the skin becomes dry and itchy. The affected areas are armpits, chest, knees and other skin folds.
This condition is caused by an infection caused by bacteria or fungi and is associated with skin burning. - Hyperthyroidism can cause:
- Itch
- Rashes
- burning sensation.
- Miliaria. The blockage of the sweat glands can lead to a skin disorder called miliaria, also known as a heat rash or heat pimples.
Burning on the skin due to fear
Scientists are beginning to understand how the mind affects the body.
Many people who suffer from severe anxiety and panic attacks feel a very strong burning sensation on the skin.
If you are afraid, there is an adrenaline rush in the body.
Adrenaline affects humans in different ways.
Some people feel:
- Weakness
- Tingle
- Burning all over the body.
Fibromyalgia is a pathological disorder that affects anxious people. The main symptom is muscle pain, but in some cases it causes a burning sensation.
Sensation of burning sensation on the eyes
Some people feel a burning sensation around the area of the eyes, even if they have no skin symptoms.
Anxiety can lead to dry eyes, even if the connection has not yet been discovered.
Burning sensation on the testicle and scrotum
Epididymitis is an inflammation of the epididymis, the tube that leads from the testicle to the vas deferens.
Usually, epididymitis is caused by the spread of bacterial infections from:
- Ureter
- Prostate
- Bladder.
The most common infections that cause this situation in young men are sexually transmitted diseases; These include:
- Gonorrhoea
- Chlamydia.
In older men and children, Escherichia coli and similar infections are much more common.
Epididymitis can begin with:
- mild fever,
- Ague
- Feeling of heaviness in the testicles.
Among others, the symptoms are:
- bloody sperm,
- discharge from the penis,
- pain in the lower abdomen,
- Fever
- Pain in the groin area due to enlargement of the lymph nodes
- pain and swelling on one testicle,
- pain during ejaculation,
- burning on the testicle during micturition,
- frequent urination,
- swollen testicle.
Symptoms of inguinal hernia
A hernia is common and can cause discomfort to the scrotum and testicles.
Signs and symptoms of rupture include:
- Paraphrased swelling on the scrotum or groin area (above the thigh), which can worsen with cough and physical exertion.
- Burning sensation on the scrotum and/or testicles.
- Pain in the groin.
Other causes of burning on the foreskin and glans penis:
- genital herpes,
- infection with Candida genitalis,
- lichen planus.
Vulvaral burning
In women, burning on the genitals is often called vulvodynia. It is pain without redness on the vulva.
Therapy for skin burning
Once the cause of the burning sensation has been found, the most appropriate treatment can be chosen.
Household remedies
Olive oil can relieve burning on the chest and abdomen. This natural remedy is especially suitable for pregnant women.
Avoid heat and keep calm. Until burning on the skin is eliminated, the following should be avoided:
- hot water,
- direct sunlight.
Do not scratch the skin, even if it itches, to avoid infection.
Improve blood circulation. With diabetogenic tendency to skin burning, blood circulation should be improved by:
- regular physical activity,
- Avoid foods that lead to a glycemic peak.
are various ointments and oils against burning caused by infections or allergic reactions.
The doctor may prescribe:
- Antidepressants in patients who develop the feeling of burning skin as a result of anxiety.
- Topical corticosteroids can be used to curb skin burning as much as possible.
Physiotherapy In case of nerve compression, physiotherapy
, for example the McKenzie method, can be used. This is the best treatment for a herniated disc.
Surgical intervention
In more severe cases, the doctor may recommend surgical intervention (for example, surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome or a herniated disc).