Red dots on the glans penis

If spots, red dots or rashes appear on the glans penis or scrotum (scrotum), men are worried about having a sexually transmitted disease or an allergy.

Fortunately, in most cases, red dots on the glans penis are harmless.
The size, shape, and color of the spots can clarify whether it’s something to worry about.


Causes of red dots on the glans penis

Hair follicles
Several and tiny dots under the skin of the scrotum on the penile shaft are normal hair follicles.
These nodules look similar to each other.

Genital herpes A group of small blisters that become painful ulcers may be caused by herpes
The first occurrence is often associated with severe pain and febrile illness, while a recurrence can be mild.
Herpes is a common cause of genital ulceration.
It is highly contagious and usually sexually transmitted.

An allergy can cause a red or white rash on the glans.
There may also be many red, strawberry-like dots that come and go.
The cause may be:

  • be a cleaning product
  • or the fabric of clothing that is in contact with the penis (underwear or sportswear for cyclists).

Molluscum contagiosum (MC)
Molluscum contagiosum causes small, pearl-like pimples with a central, rounded depression.
MC can form on:

  • Penis
  • Scrotum
  • inner thighs,
  • other parts of the body.

These dots can be confused with genital warts or herpes. In contrast to herpes, however, they are painless and have a typical pearl-like color with a central dent. Molluscum contagiosum does not cause complications, but spreads easily to others:

  • sexually,
  • through direct skin contact.

Normally, it passes by itself over the course of a few months.

Pearl-like papules on the penis
Pearl-like papules on the penis (also called hirsuties papillaris genitalis or genitalis coronae glandis) are small appendages in the form of pink or red warts that form in the furrow or corona of the glans.
These papules are arranged in one or more rows at the base of the glans.
They are more common in men with uncircumcised penis.
They are usually asymptomatic and can persist throughout life.
Therapy is not required, except for aesthetic reasons.

Fordyce glands
Fordyce glands are extremely common physiological rashes, occurring in 80% to 95% of the population.
Fordyce glands can be seen:

  • on the glans,
  • on the penile shaft,
  • on the scrotum.

Usually they are small yellowish or whitish dots.
They are small papules that are painless and appear in groups.
Fordyce glands are not dangerous or contagious and therefore do not require treatment.

Genital warts or condylomata acuminata
Genital warts are pink appendages on the skin and often occur:

  • in the perianal zone,
  • on the penile shaft,
  • on the scrotum.

It is a common viral infection caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which spreads through sexual intercourse.
Some people do not develop signs or symptoms at first, but you can observe the formations 1-3 months after sexual contact.
In some people, however, several months or years may pass before the warts become visible.

Initially, the genital warts are small appendages, smooth or rough and of skin-colored color, which can cause irritation to the glans.
The number and size of condylomas gradually increase, can organize themselves in groups and resemble cauliflower in appearance.
In severe cases, a group of condylomas can sometimes be seen in the perianal zone, on the penis and on the glans penis, which is defined as condyloma acuminatum giganteum or Buschke-Löwenstein tumor. Some authors claim that condylomas can degenerate into a malignant form: a verrucous carcinoma.

Lichen planus
Small, shiny, pink bumps on the glans, scrotum and foreskin can result from a lichen planus.
Sometimes the papules have the finest scales and sometimes they are smooth. They usually have a ring or line shape. The papules can cause itching.
Similar lesions may occur on other parts of the body, especially:

  • on wrists,
  • on the shin.

Lichen planus appears like many small red or purple plaques.
These formations are relatively rare and can appear on the genitals. Even though most of the lesions are asymptomatic, some can provoke itching.
The cause of lichen planus is largely unknown.

It is an inflammatory reaction in which the cells of the skin and mucus are attacked by the immune system.
Lichen planus can be an autoimmune disease or triggered by taking medication.
Lichen planus is not infectious; special therapy is not required, because it passes by itself over time.

The angiokeratoma is an appendage structure that occurs frequently:

  • on the scrotum,
  • on the glans.

You can see a small dot of dark red, blue or black color in the form of a rounded papule.
Even though the majority of cases are asymptomatic, it can sometimes cause itching.
Usually you see them:

  • in groups,
  • on the scrotum of older men.

However, they can also occur singly or in young men.
In young people, the angiokeratoma appears smaller and red, while on the skin of older people it appears large, dark blue or black.
Although the angiokeratoma of the scrotum is considered a safe disorder, it can be a cause for concern in patients.

These spots are also called Angiokeratoma scroti Fordyce:

  • they are not contagious,
  • do not need to be treated.

If the area of the angiokeratoma covers the swimming trunks area of a child, this may be caused by the so-called Anderson-Fabry disease.
This disorder stems from an enzyme deficiency. For an accurate assessment, a doctor must be consulted.

Bowenoid Papulosis
Normally, bowenoid papules occur in young and sexually active people.
These are small bubbles:

  • which occur singly or in combination,
  • red, brown or skin colour,
  • with a smooth or rough surface.

Bowenoid papules occur very often on the penile shaft, even though they can be seen everywhere in the genital area.
These dots:

  • are caused by the human papillomavirus HPV (the virus that causes genital warts),
  • They are sexually transmitted.
  • resemble genital warts.

They are usually caused by the strain of the herpes virus 16.
Bowenoid is considered a transitional phenomenon between genital warts and Bowen’s disease, which is potentially malignant.

Scrotal calcinosis
Scrotal calcinosis is a rare, harmless disease characterized by the growth of coarse, non-painful papules and nodules on the scrotum.
The nodes can occur singly or multiply.
According to some authors, the structures are idiopathic, others believe that they
would form during a normal metabolism of calcium.

Syringoma on the penis
Syringoma on the penis is a rare dermatological disease.
Only a few cases of penissyringoma are documented in the medical literature.
Clinically, syringoma appears on the penis with small, asymptomatic yellow-brown or skin-colored papules, which may also be localized:

  • on the penile shaft
  • or on the lateral surface of the scrotum.

Syringoma is harmless and does not require therapy.

Red dots on the glans penis due to balanitis caused by Candida

Yeast is present in the human body and does not cause any symptoms.
Infection by yeast (mycosis) is much more difficult to detect in men than in women.
It is a common misconception that women get sick more easily than men.
In fact, infections of Candida in women are detected immediately, but men and women are at the same risk of infection.

Causes of mycosis Eating disorders correlate with infections
caused by Candida albicans.
Possible factors for the occurrence of yeast infections are:

  • The excessive consumption of gluten-containing products such as:
    • Wheat
    • Barley
    • Pizza
    • bread, crackers and rusks,
    • Noodles
  • Peanuts
  • excessive alcohol,
  • drinks such as coffee, tea and beer,
  • Milk and dairy products
  • fast food dishes,
  • irregular rhythm of life.

If too many antibiotics are taken, this can change the intestinal flora. This creates a favourable environment for Candida albicans.
The infection can also spread through sexual intercourse.

Symptoms of yeast infection
Systemic candidiasis (multiple organs are affected) brings symptoms that are easy to detect.
Among the symptoms there are: 1. excessive fatigue, 2. muscle pain, 3. joint pain, 4. endocarditis:
inflammation of an inner lining of the heart,
5. impaired digestive system, 6. diarrhea, 7. white spots on genitals or on the tongue, 8. increased pulse rate,

9. Lack of white blood cells,
10. Meningitis (inflammation of the skin), etc.

Balanitis, or glans swelling, is a hard-to-miss symptom of Candida infection.
Symptoms of candida on the glans penis include:

  1. unbearable itching,
  2. burning sensation on the glans,
  3. foul smell,
  4. Ache
  5. painful penis, especially after sexual intercourse,
  6. red dots, which can be recognized especially on the erect penis,
  7. redness and white substances on the glans penis and foreskin,
  8. Secretion discharge from the foreskin and from the vesicles.

Candidemia is the commonly used term for the presence of the fungus in the bloodstream.
The signs of yeast infection in the blood are fever and chills that do not respond to treatment.

Some patients may suffer:

  • Shock
  • Problems of the kidneys and blood clotting.

Since the fungus uses the bloodstream to distribute it, these infections can cause mycoses in any organ or tissue.

Diagnosis of Candida albicans infection
The doctor diagnoses this disease through a physical examination.

Treatment of a yeast infection
Doctors usually prescribe certain antifungal drugs that contain amphotericin B, such as:

  • fluconazole,
  • ketoconazole,
  • Isoconazole.

The most important thing is to consult a doctor.
Antibiotics or combined drugs such as Sulmycin ointment with Celestan-V are contraindicated in case of Candida infection.

Other causes of red dots on the glans penis

There are various other diseases that can develop on scrotum or penis. Some of them are listed below.
In addition, there are quite a number of other diseases that can develop on the genitals and have not been mentioned in this article.

  • Seborrheic keratosis
  • Epidermoid cysts of the penis
  • Secondary syphilis
  • Neurofibroma
  • Leiomyoma
  • Melanocytic nevus
  • Scabies
  • Varicose veins
  • Granuloma annulare
  • Nevus comedonicus
  • Xanthogranuloma
  • Pseudosarcoma Kaposi
  • Inflammatory or erysipeloid carcinoma
  • Leprosy
  • Soft or necrotizing ulcer
  • Insect bite and tick bite
  • Lymphogranuloma venereum
  • Granuloma inguinale

Natural remedies for red dots on the glans penis

Until the doctor’s appointment, the following tips can help:
1. Wash the penis area with lukewarm water.
2. Do not use harsh soaps, detergents or antiseptics.
3. Always wear soft cotton underwear.
4. Use condoms to avoid contracting STDs and AIDS. Consider this possibility every time a sexual relationship is entered into with the partner.

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