Many people have heard that phrase “kindness generates kindness” and bet that being kind is important to maintain harmony in relationships. In addition to being true, there are other positive points in practicing gentle actions, such as reinforcing empathy and provoking a sense of well-being.
That is, respecting and caring for other people through words and actions is a way to obtain benefits for mental and even physical health !
With so many positive points, there is even a World Kindness Day. So, see what are the benefits of putting in small and large practices:
What is kindness?
Kindness is a quality of what is kind and kind, according to the dictionary. In practice, this can be understood as someone who takes care of the other person, respecting their feelings.
Often, being kind is mistaken for actions like opening the door for someone or giving preference to the queue at the market for an elderly person.
Although they can also be considered gentle actions, this behavior goes far beyond, including respectful and empathetic attitudes in the way of speaking or giving guidance (even a correction can be made in a gentle way), it can also include offering help or just respecting the moment of each person.
And many people think that being kind is a benefit only for those who receive an act of care. But, in fact, those who practice it also feel the results. There are several indications that people who evaluate their actions and seek to be more kind and careful in their actions and words are also happier.
That is, taking care of other people is a way of taking care of yourself.
And there are some possible ways to do this: one of them is that the care you have for another person is usually taken care of. Thus, it is common to recognize one’s own limits and feelings better, minimizing or abolishing those exaggerated self-charges.
Another aspect is about physical well-being. That’s right, being kind reflects on health.
There are several studies that point out that taking actions and having empathic behaviors, helping other people or giving emotional help, for example, can trigger the release of hormones, such as dopamine and serotonin – the famous hormones of happiness.
This generates a series of health benefits, such as reducing stress and anxiety too! That is, being kind only brings benefits.
How did World Kindness Day come about?
According to the portal of the Legislative Chamber, World Kindness Day emerged in 1996, from a Conference held in Tokyo. The event brought together several people aligned with the idea and importance of promoting kindness. From the 2000s, the world movement was officially created, aiming to take actions that
What to do to be kinder?
Being kinder does not have to be a difficult activity – in fact, it is quite simple and can be reinforced daily.
It can be practiced through actions such as:
- Evaluate communication: think about whether comments and statements are relevant and appropriate to the situation;
- Moderate the tone of criticism: there are several ways to say something. Criticism can be constructive if there is a genuine interest in helping another person. But if it is empty, it may sound rude and unreasonable;
- Offer help: pay attention around yourself and offer help even without the other person having to ask;
- Make comments that help with well-being and self-esteem: instead of criticizing something, pointed out how a job was done well or how the other person has developed with something;
- Putting yourself in the other person’s shoes: empathy is an excellent way to practice kindness.
Why does kindness help with well-being?
It is nothing new that kindness generates more well-being. At first, just reducing possible tensions and conflicts is enough for there to be more harmony in social relations, promoting a more harmonious environment.
But, in addition, there are studies that point out other mental health – and even physical – benefits of putting kindness into practice:
Reduces anxiety
People who educate themselves to be kind will make this behavior more and more natural and bring benefits in reducing anxiety. This is because kindness creates a feeling of relaxation.
With the most stable levels of dopamine and serotonin, well-being is constant, which affects the mental state of agitation. The result is less anxiety.
Promotes more happiness
Harmonic environments help to take care of the mental health of the people who attend it. Therefore, being kind can have a direct effect on the feeling of well-being and happiness.
In this respect, the person who takes kind actions tends to feel good about doing it, just as the person who receives it tends to feel gratitude – which generates a positive cycle of well-being.
And all of this can be measured by exams already carried out in some tests and research. This is because this satisfaction that arises after a gentle act triggers the release of dopamine in the brain, a hormone related to well-being.
Gives you more energy and disposition
Mental well-being is reflected in physical health too! Therefore, everything that promotes satisfaction, joy and relaxation can have beneficial effects on the general health of the body. As being kind reduces anxiety, can improve self-esteem and generates more well-being, the body tends to have more disposition and energy.
Thus, taking gentle actions can have similar effects to the practice of physical activities.
Reduces pain
This is because it leads to the production of endorphins, a hormone naturally produced by the body. This substance is related to the perception of pain.
In addition, in everyday life, kind people tend to be less stressed, which is directly related to tension headaches, for example. In other words, the whole body benefits from taking care of others.
Take care of the heart
Some research shows that practicing kind and empathic actions leads to the release of oxytocins, which are hormones related to affectivity, love and sexuality.
In addition to these aspects, oxytocin plays an important role in cardiac protection, as keeping it at higher and more stable rates can lower blood pressure – this, in itself, helps to reduce cardiac risks.
November 13 is World Kindness Day. On that date, it is worth practicing actions that reflect positively on the entire physical and mental body.
Therefore, the Healthy Minute helps you to take care of your health in a simple way!