The skin is one of the parts of the body that suffers most from exposure to external agents, whether they are environmental or polluting factors. Because of this, it is common that she is affected by several problems. Among them, some can be more common and frequent:
Pitiríase versicolor
What is?
Although known as “beach ringworm”, pityriasis is not acquired on beaches and pools. The disease is caused by fungi normally present on the skin. In some cases they develop, leading to the appearance of spots.
Usually, these spots appear in places on the body that are more oily. They usually have brown, white and reddish tones.
Prevention and treatment
To avoid the appearance of pityriasis versicolor it is important to take some measures such as changing clothes whenever it is wet, choosing cotton clothes and always taking a shower after physical exercise or other activities that make the body sweat.
However, when the disease is already installed, soaps and specific lotions for the skin can be used, as long as with a medical prescription.
Geographic silkworm (parasite Ancylostoma brasiliensis )
Forms of contagion and appearance
This disease can be transmitted through direct contact with the feces of dogs and cats. Staying in places with contaminated soil (grass, earth or sand) is usually enough for the problem to arise.
The lesions present in the cutaneous region (caused by the parasite) can form small lines with a reddish aspect, causing itching and, consequently, infections.
Prevention and treatment
In order to prevent the parasite, simple measures can be taken on a daily basis, such as: not walking barefoot, cleaning the animals’ feces daily, washing your hands frequently with soap and water, and protecting the litter boxes with lids. Ointments and medications, depending on each case, are indicated for the infected person.
It is an infection caused by the virus called Herpes simplex . Transmitted through kissing or sexual contact, this disease has no cure and manifests itself when the immune system is weak.
Herpes manifests itself through small blisters on the side of the mouth or on the gums. Before its onset, it is possible to experience fever , malaise, headaches and muscle aches, as well as itching, tingling and burning in the affected area.
Factors such as stress , fatigue , excessive exposure to the sun, in addition to other factors can lead to decreased immunity, driving the onset of infection.
How to avoid and treat
One of the simplest ways to prevent the disease is to avoid direct contact with infected people, when the wounds are visible and large. For this, it is important to avoid sharing objects and items for personal use. It is always advisable to wash them with hot water after contact with those who have the virus.
When you already have herpes, some precautions, such as washing the affected area with soap and water, can prevent the virus from spreading. It is also necessary to avoid bursting the bubbles. Medicines can be prescribed to make herpes go away faster.
When to go to the doctor?
Regardless of the disease, consultation with a dermatologist is extremely necessary so that the problem does not get worse and is treated correctly.