The sexual act involves several stages. At this point, in addition to pleasure, other issues must be taken into account. Diseases, hygiene, protection and ways to spice up the relationship are some of them. Knowing the risks and how to avoid them can help put concerns aside.
Oral sex can bring health risks when it is not practiced with the proper protection. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like herpes and HPV are the most common types transmitted. In addition to these, syphilis , hepatitis, chlamydia and AIDS are other STDs that are also easily passed on to the partner, either by vaginal lubrication fluid or by contact with semen.
Although it is important, there is no need for any special type of hygiene care, in addition to those already considered common. Epilation can be a good alternative to increase the sensitivity of the intimate region and provide more pleasure, but as the hair has the function of protecting this area, it is important to evaluate well if only the aesthetic issue is relevant.
Food and sex
To spice up or sweeten the moment, some foods can be used at the right time. A valid attitude, however, it is important to assess the possible risks. Irritations and allergies can be caused when there is contact with the skin.
It is preferable to choose specific products for this. Easily found in sex shops, they are specially developed for this use and do not usually cause allergic reactions.
Or use of a condom
Sexually transmitted diseases are not always visible, so it is essential to never give up the use of condoms. Taking care even when the appearance of the intimate area is in order can be one of the most effective ways to avoid health problems.