What is retinal detachment?
Retinal detachment affects approximately 20,000 people each year in Brazil and can progress to blindness, especially if the patient takes too long to seek treatment.
This is because the retina is like a photographic film, extremely thin and delicate. Its function is to register the reflection of objects and project images in the form of nerve stimuli for the brain to interpret them.
What we see, then, is not the objects of the world, but a representation of them, an interpretation of what is projected on the membrane.
The narrow layer lines the inner part of the eyeball and is not fixed on it, but only accommodated, as if it were a fabric covering the surface.
The detachment occurs when part or all of the retina detaches from the wall of the eyeball, due to ruptures (holes) or pressure suffered. The causes can result from eye or skull injuries, diseases, infections or degeneration due to age.
The rupture of the retina does not necessarily affect the detachment. In that case, laser intervention may be sufficient to prevent the condition from worsening. But if there is a separation of the membrane, the treatment is surgical and represents an emergency condition.
As there is an interruption in the supply of nutrients to the membrane, the degenerative process is fast and can cause irreversible damage to cells, causing blindness.
When the retina dislocates, there is no pain, which makes it difficult for the patient to perceive the emergency. In general, there is mild discomfort in the eyeball and changes in vision, including flashes of light, dark spots and partial vision impairment.
The condition is cataloged by the CID (International Classification of Diseases) with the code H33, for detachments and retinal defects.
The eye
Human eyes are called “eye on camera”. The shape of the organ is globular and is located in the bone cavities on the face, about 24 mm in diameter.
Although, at first, it looks like a very simple structure – a globe that receives rays of light and turns them into an image engraved on a membrane – the human eye is extremely complex.
With the function of capturing the world, the system is highly powerful, surpassing the best photographic cameras, being able to assimilate variations of light, color intensity, alternate the focus of the images and capture the world in 3 dimensions.
Even when we are not looking closely at something, the eyes continue to work on the assimilation of images and move about 40 times per second.
Those responsible for ocular agility are 6 extrinsic muscles (lateral rectum, medial rectum, superior rectum, inferior rectum, inferior oblique and superior oblique) that connect to the white part of the globe (sclera).
In addition, tear glands prevent the eyes from becoming dry, producing tears that are spread across the eyes when the eyelids blink, about 24 times a minute.
The eye system is highly complex, but the main parts are:
It is the outermost structure of the eyes and acts by focusing the light that falls on the eyeball. In addition, the coating protects the eyes from contamination and injury as soon as it involves the entire posterior region of the globe.
It can be called sclerotic and is the white part of the eyes, connected to the cornea. In it, the extraocular muscles, responsible for the movement of the globe, are connected, and its function is to protect and maintain the round shape of the organ.
The white part of the eye is covered by a thin mucous membrane called the conjunctiva.
With the eye protection function, the layer is located between the sclera and the eyelids, and can be divided between tarsal conjunctiva (covers the back of the eyelids) and bulbar (covers the sclera).
It is easier to be recognized as it comprises the colored eye area. Located in the anterior part of the cornea, the structure has a central opening between 2mm and 4mm, which is called the pupil. In addition, it is mainly composed of muscle fibers and pigments in varying amounts.
Therefore, the pupil is the opening of the iris for the controlled entry of light. The amount of light rays received is regulated by the dilation or contraction of the pupils, which work in the same logic as the diaphragm of a photographic camera.
Thus, when there is a lot of light reaching the eyes, the iris contracts. When the supply decreases, the iris dilates.
Eye color is defined by genetic inheritance, and can vary between brown, green and blue tones. In 2008, research by the University of Copenhagen indicated that people with blue irises have some common ancestor, as soon as the color is the result of a genetic mutation that occurred about 10 million years ago.
Ciliary body
It is part of the internal muscles and is located behind the iris. The structure produces ciliary humor (a fluid composed of nutrients that fills the eyeball) and is responsible for altering the focus of vision.
Watery Humor
It is a fluid compound that fills the inner and posterior parts of the globe. It contains substances that nourish tissues, such as glucose, oxygen and amino acids.
Also called a lens, it is composed of 65% water, 35% protein and the rest of minerals. The lens has a gelatinous and slightly elastic consistency.
In addition to being responsible for clear vision, through a process called accommodation, the lens helps to focus on objects that are at different distances.
In this process, the shape of the lens is changed according to the focal distance. With age, the elasticity and adjustment of the focus of the lens are reduced, due to the degenerative processes undergone by the body.
Vitreous humor
It is a transparent and gelatinous substance that a large part of the eye. The fluid is responsible for maintaining the spherical shape of the eyes.
Also called the vitreous body, the substance is located between the lens and the retina.
It is a tissue nourished by blood vessels and responsible for irrigation and drainage of nutrients and oxygen from the retina.
Its structure is intensely pigmented, which acts by absorbing the light that reaches the retina so that they are not reflected, preventing the formation of the image.
Optic nerve
The optic nerve is formed by the union of nerve fibers in the retina, connecting the eyes to the brain. The structure transmits the captured images to be interpreted by the brain.
It is formed by approximately 1 million axons (part of the neuron that transmits nerve impulses), having about 80% of visual fibers (responsible for synapses) and 20% of pupillary fibers.
Tear apparatus
The device consists of glands, ducts and lacrimal canaliculi, in addition to the nasolacrimal duct.
The lacrimal glands are responsible for the production of secretion of tears, which penetrate the nasolacrimal duct and keep the surface of the eyes hydrated.
The retina is an extremely sensitive and flexible membrane, which is located in the inner posterior layer of the eyes. The region forms the images through the incidence of light, acting in a similar way to an old camera film.
When the rays of light fall on it, photosensitive receptors act by converting the light incidence into electrical impulses. Through the optic nerve, impulses are transmitted to the brain, which will interpret the projections.
Although the vitreous is responsible for keeping the retina in place, adherence is relatively small. That is, the layer has no structure that securely fixes it under the eyeball.
Its structure is quite complex, as it has 9 sensorineural layers (photoreceptor, external limiting membrane, external nuclear, external plexiform, internal nuclear, internal plexiform, ganglion cells, nerve fibers and internal limiting membrane), in addition to the retinal pigment epithelium.
The photoreceptor part, responsible for receiving the light rays, consists of cells called cones and rods, which are responsible for color perception and image formation.
Each human retina accommodates about 6 million cones and about 100 million rods, which act mainly in the reception of images in the dark or in motion. Allowing that even with some difficulty, the vision accommodates different situations.
Traction detachment
The condition occurs more frequently in patients with diabetes – usually when blood glucose levels are decompensated for long periods -, thrombosis or intraocular inflammation.
In this type of alteration, there is inflammation or neovascularization (formation of irregular blood vessels), which make up foreign bodies on the surface of the retina or vitreous.
The mass formed ends up pulling or pushing the neurosensors present in the retinal layer, forcing the tissue and causing the pigment epithelium to separate.
Exudative or serous detachment
In this type, the retinal tissue does not break, being caused by fluid clumps.
In some cases, such as a tumor or inflammatory processes, the body itself produces fluids that accumulate in the intraocular part, below the vitreous layer, and cause the detachment due to pressure.
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (DRR)
It is the most common type, occurring in 1 in every 10,000 people, and the discomfort is usually more noticeable when it is associated with trauma or facial injuries.
The detachment occurs from the tear (holes) or perforation. The rupture in the membrane does not always cause the retina to detach, however, it occurs when there is a leakage of the vitreous into the space between the sensory retina and the pigmented epithelium.
The holes can be caused by the atrophy of the membrane resulting from aging, which favors the displacement of the vitreous. However, they can occur in all age groups, especially in patients with a family history, high myopia , undergoing cataract surgery , affected by serious infections, tumors and unregulated diabetes, or those who have suffered traumas, accidents or injuries to the face or eyes .
The holes
They are mostly caused by degenerative factors, such as aging or optical disorders. If the layer has thinner or more fragile parts, there is a greater risk of breakage in the region.
They are usually caused by sudden dislocations of the vitreous, causing pressure or traction of the retina. Tears are more associated with trauma, accidents or high-impact injuries to the eyes or skull.
Rupture and detachment
Not all retinal rupture, also called rupture, causes detachment, just as not all detachment is accompanied by the disruption of the layer. However, there is a high prevalence of retinal detachments initiated by untreated rupture.
When the vitreous, for some reason, separates from the retina, there is a movement of the fluid that pulls the retina and causes the rupture of the membrane. The causes can be due to trauma or pathologies, such as inflammation, diabetes and high myopia.
The patient, in general, has small changes in vision, such as bright flashes or dark spots, but without the presence of pain. If left untreated, ruptures tend to evolve to detachment of the retina, so it is necessary to perform procedures that recompose the layer and avoid possible detachments.
Treatment depends on the degree and causes, but is usually done with laser photocoagulation or cryotherapy.
The detachment, on the other hand, requires surgical treatment and comprises a more urgent degree, as it can cause permanent blindness.
Condition for detachment
They occur in rhegmatogenous detachment. The retina layer is thinner in some regions and therefore more likely to be punctured.
They also occur in the rhegmatogenic type, caused by a displacement of the vitreous that presses the retina.
It occurs in the traditional type of detachment, resulting from improper formations between the retina and the vitreous.
Accumulation of liquid
It occurs in serous detachment, the result of improper fluid secretion, due to inflammatory or degenerative conditions.
Causes of rhegmatogenous detachment
High-grade myopia
People with myopia have anatomical changes in the eye, characterized by larger dimensions of the globe and a thinning of the retina.
Especially in cases of high degree, above 6, the propensity to detachment or damage in general is high, due to the vulnerability of the retina.
The detachment condition may still follow surgery to correct vision. The problem is not caused by the surgery itself, but by the thinner and therefore more fragile membrane that may not support the surgery or recover properly.
Retinal degeneration
Diseases or conditions that cause the membrane to thin out promote its detachment. Degeneration can come from age, making up a natural process of weakening the body’s tissues, or caused by degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease.
Eye trauma
Blows, burns or perforations in the eyes or in the skull region can cause detachment. The incidents cause direct damage to the retina, through objects or elements that reach the organ.
Eye or head trauma without eye perforation can cause internal tears in the retina, causing it to detach. They are generally related to high impact strokes.
Intraocular surgeries
Intraocular interventions can cause retinal detachment, including cataract and Lasik, which is the surgical procedure for the correction of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism .
The detachment is the result of a weakened retina, which may naturally be more finely tuned (due to changes in vision) or be degenerated by cataracts, for example.
Read more: What are the symptoms of Astigmatism?
Family history and previous detachment
When there are cases of retinal detachment present in the family or clinical history, the chances of affecting the patient are greater. This is because the retina tends to be more fine-tuned due to genetic or anatomical conditions, favoring its rupture in trauma, for example.
Causes of traction detachment
Traction detachment is mostly caused by proliferative retinopathies, which are pathologies or conditions that affect the retina. Retinopathies have a vascular or degenerative origin, altering the functioning of the blood vessels that irrigate the eyes, and tend to spread or worsen.
The proliferative type is characterized when new vessels (new vessels) occur improperly in the retina.
Hypertensive retinopathy
Due to hypertension, the condition manifests itself when high blood pressure causes changes in the blood vessels of the retina. The main anomalies are vasoconstriction, which is the vascular narrowing, thickening of the wall of the arteries and venules, causing a narrowing of these small arteries and veins, in addition to obstruction and rupture of the vessels.
Diabetic retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy can lead to blindness, being characterized, in a first stage, when vessels of the retina or optic nerve are not able to carry nutrients to the inner walls of the eye.
If the condition progresses, the obstruction leads to the abnormal formation of vessels (new vessels) that can form fibrosis or cause bleeding. If there is no effective follow-up and the correct glycemic control, retinopathy can result in loss of vision.
Causes of exudative detachment
Under suitable conditions, the liquid substance that fills the vitreous cavity is sent to the choroid (blood vessels posterior to the retina).
When there are inflammatory processes or tumors, there may be an increase in fluid production or routing, which hinders transit, resulting in the accumulation of fluid between the membranes, characterizing an exudative or serous detachment.
The 3 most frequent eye tumors are:
- Retinoblastoma;
- Choroidal melanoma;
- Intraocular lymphoma.
Some of the infections that can affect the retina and cause it to detach are:
- Toxoplasmosis;
- Toxocariasis (transmitted by ingesting dog feces);
- Lyme disease (transmitted by tick bites);
- Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome (rare viral infection);
- Uveal effusion syndrome (abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the outer layer of the choroid and the ciliary body);
- Posterior scleritis (inflammation of the white part of the eye).
Groups of risk
Advanced age
The degenerative processes caused by aging favor the thinning of the retina, facilitating the occurrence of ruptures. Generally, the condition affects people over 50 years of age.
Anterior detachment
The recurrence of detachment is relatively high. In general, patients are more susceptible because the retina is degenerated, thinned or affected by new vessels, as in diabetic patients.
Family history
Having a family history of retinal detachment affects a risk factor due to the genetic relationship. In this case, it is not necessarily the thinning of the retina that is genetically inherited, but diseases that promote marked sensitivity of the retina, such as degenerative or autoimmune diseases, such as diabetes.
High-grade myopia
Patients with myopia have, anatomically, a retina more susceptible to detachment due to the larger eyeball.
World Health Organization for the Elimination of Avoidable Blindness considers myopia as a public health problem, with 25% of the population having some degree of the problem.
Even in cases considered low, less than 3 degrees, the difficulty of vision favors the appearance of other ocular pathologies, including the detachment of the retina.
The factors that cause myopia can be genetic or acquired. Research shows that 10% is genetic and 90% acquired. Some studies suggest that the lack of vitamin D (resulting from sun exposure and not from food) and the excessive use of digital screens can favor vision dysfunction.
Above 6 degrees, the vision problem is characterized as high myopia, accentuating the risks to the retina.
Eye surgeries
Intraocular surgical processes, such as cataract or corrective surgery (Lasik method) can precede the detachment.
Studies indicate that patients who undergo cataract surgery have up to 3 times more risk of undergoing membrane detachment. Although the rates are considerably increased compared to the population not submitted to surgery, the cases remain low, with less than 1% of detachment from surgery.
Eye diseases
The detachment related to eye diseases mainly results from inflammatory processes. Among the most common are age-related muscle degeneration (AMD), glaucoma and inflammatory diseases such as toxoplasmosis , herpes, Lyme disease and toxocariasis.
The transplant hospital in the state of São Paulo found, through a local survey, that 80% of the treatments for changes in the retina are due to poorly controlled diabetes.
Studies still show that 60% of patients with diabetes for more than 15 years have some symptoms of retinopathy (pathologies in the retina).
The condition can begin with the weakening of the blood vessels in the eyes, causing small bleeds. The condition is characterized as exudative diabetic retinoplasty and, in general, there is no loss of vision, only changes and blurring.
However, when the condition progresses to proliferative diabetic retinopathy , there is an abnormal development of vessels in the retina, which can bleed and cause the retina to detach, leading to blindness or considerable loss of vision.
High blood pressure, over time, can compromise blood vessels, including the eyes.
When poorly controlled, the disease tends to thin the vessels and make them more rigid, hindering blood supply and, consequently, the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the retina, called hypertensive retinopathy.
The condition causes a gradual decrease in vision and can result in detachment of the retina.
Sickle cell disease
Sickle cell diseases cause changes in the production of hemoglobins, also called hemoglobinopathies, as they modify or impair the transport of oxygen within the red blood cells.
The sickle cell anemia is the most serious type of hemoglobinopathies and can cause various eye abnormalities proliferative or not (can only affect the vessels or promote irregular growth of them). The worsening of these abnormalities can result in detachment of the retina.
Other risk factors
Other groups may be susceptible to retinal detachment, due to membrane fragility:
- Glaucoma;
- AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome);
- Eclampsia;
- Homocystinuria (metabolic disease);
- Retinoblastoma (malignant tumor in the retina most frequent in childhood);
- Active and passive smoking;
- Stickler syndrome;
- Von Hippel-Lindau disease.
Retinal detachment is usually not accompanied by pain or high discomfort. In general, the most recurrent signs involve minor changes in vision, such as spotting and darkening, and eye bleeding.
Also called opacity in the vitreous mood , floaters are small spots or lumps that float in the field of view. They can have varied shapes, such as points, circles, lines or irregulars, and are generally more noticeable when the eyes focus on white walls.
Floaters are the result of the thickening or contraction of the vitreous gel, which detaches small portions without causing damage to vision. However, the particles remain immense in the eyeball and can be viewed by the patient.
This means that most healthy people see floaters, which can be uncomfortable, but does not necessarily indicate risks.
With aging, the formation of filaments or particles is greater, due to the marked degeneration process. So, the tendency is for small spots to appear over time.
When degeneration of the vitreous causes excessive retinal traction, blood vessels may rupture. The sudden appearance of many shadows or spots in the field of vision, may suggest that there was bleeding in the inner part of the eyes, composing a warning signal for the detachment of the retina.
Flashes of light
The condition can be perceived by patients without the presence of serious eye problems, affecting mainly elderly, post-op or patients affected by trauma in the facial region, and tends to be transient.
But in cases where there is a prolonged incidence or are associated with floaters, they can represent signs of retinal detachment, because flashes can be caused when the vitreous and retina separate, by traction of the membrane.
Partial loss of vision
Patients with retinal detachment may experience loss or decreased peripheral vision, which makes up the perception of the entire visual field, followed by worsening of the condition. Thus, parts of the vision are darkened and, little by little, can evolve.
Shadows or blots
Dark portions in the field of view, difficulty in focusing on objects and sudden color changes can signal the detachment. Especially if the changes worsen.
The diagnosis is made by the ophthalmologist , through intraocular examinations, as there is no external evidence of retinal detachment.
The detachment is confirmed by manual observation by the professional, using the indirect binocular ophthalmoscope, a device that allows checking the internal conditions of the eyeball without resorting to invasive processes.
In some cases, an ocular ultrasound examination may be requested, which allows you to verify conditions that are not perceptible in manual observation. The examination is performed with the patient’s eyelids closed, without setting up an invasive evaluation.
Is there a cure?
Yes, the detachment is curable through treatments that restore the retina. The faster the diagnosis is made, the better the chances that there will be no sequelae.
In 85% of the cases submitted to surgery, there are good responses in recovery, with no need for other invasive procedures. However, the vision is not always restored in the first days, making up a gradual process.
In cases where there has been severe damage to the retina, even the reconstruction of the membrane may not be sufficient for the recovery of vision.
Laser photocoagulation
Also called cryopexy, the intervention comprises laser surgery. The indication is for cases in which the membrane has ruptured or torn, but there has been no vitreous infiltration or retinal detachment.
The laser promotes the healing of ruptures, prevents the leakage of fluid and fixation of the retina, preventing the progression of the condition.
Pneumatic Retinopexy
The treatment is done with the injection of gas in the vitreous portion (the part where the vitreous fluid is located), in order to obstruct the tear or rupture of the retina. With the pressure that the substance exerts on the detached area, there is preventing the passage of vitreous fluid.
The gas is subsequently absorbed by the body.
Scleral Introflexion
A silicone filament is placed around the eye, responsible for pressing the sclera towards the retina. The ruptures or tears in the membrane are healed with the application of a laser, stopping the passage of the vitreous.
The band or layer that surrounds the eyeball has the purpose of supporting and accelerating the adherence of the retina to its proper location.
Vitrectomia Posterior
The surgery consists of a computerized microincision in the eyeball. That is, very fine instruments are inserted in the eyes to recompose the layers.
The vitreous liquid is aspirated and replaced with solutions of gaseous or silicone, for example. With the replacement and filling of the vitreous space, the instruments repair and seal the rupture.
Depending on the injected substance, the body itself is able to absorb it. However, sometimes, it may be necessary to perform a future procedure for the removal of the substance.
Care after surgery
After the procedure, the ophthalmologic surgeon can request specific care that must be strictly followed for the correct recovery.
In the first week, the use of eye drops and rest are essential, in addition to avoiding places with dust, animals and the use of makeup, so there are no allergic risks. It can also be indicated to avoid driving and transporting at high speeds (passenger cars or buses).
Especially in pneumatic retinopexy surgery, one should not travel by plane or undergo changes in altitude, due to the expansion of intraocular gas, which results in the exacerbated pressure of the membranes.
As the injected substance has mobility within the eyeball, in general, it is necessary that in the first days the patient keeps, as often as possible, the head tilted towards the floor (looking down), so that the gas is properly accommodated .
Surgical inefficiency
The inefficiency of the surgery can occur early, soon after the procedure, or later.
When there is evidence of failure in the surgical process, this is mainly due to the presence of untreated tears in the procedure.
About 50% of retinal detachments have more than 1 tear or hole in the membrane and the inefficiency of the surgery is a result of the non-healing or closure of all lesions.
When there is late inefficiency, retinal rediscovery is considered. Therefore, the treatment was effective, but the condition affected the patient again.
The main cause is the proliferation of vitreoretinal, which occurs when cell membranes with contractile characteristics are formed, that is, predisposed to pull the retinal layer and detach it again. The condition occurs in about 8% after the first surgery, being the most common cause of surgical failure.
Retinal detachment surgery prices
The surgery for detachment of the retina can cost from 6 thousand reais, reaching 20 thousand if the procedure involves vitrectomy and the injection of silicone oil.
There is no drug treatment for retinal detachment, however, after surgery, the ophthalmologist may prescribe the use of antibiotic and anti-inflammatory eye drops .
NEVER self-medicate or stop using a medication without first consulting a doctor. Only he will be able to tell which medication, dosage and duration of treatment is the most suitable for his specific case. The information contained in this website is only intended to inform, not in any way intended to replace the guidance of a specialist or serve as a recommendation for any type of treatment. Always follow the instructions on the package insert and, if symptoms persist, seek medical or pharmaceutical advice.
In 90% of cases the retina is successfully relocated, but some cases may require more than one surgery. Recovery tends to be rapid, with critical points in the first 40 days.
If there is no permanent damage to the vision, the patient has stabilization of the condition, and must undergo constant eye monitoring, due to the incidence of displacement.
The condition that affects the retina has a high degree of urgency. Some cases have partial detachment that can continue to worsen until the membrane is completely detached.
Retinal detachment decreases or terminates the structure’s nutrition and oxygenation, leading to tissue death and, consequently, resulting in permanent loss of vision.
Living together
When quickly treated and relocated, the retina shows improvement in 80% of the cases. However, there may be partial or total loss of vision, significantly altering the patient’s way of life, as vision cannot be recovered when tissue death.
The patient, then, must adapt the routine to provide better living conditions and comfort, facilitating the resumption of daily activities.
- Adapt the house: it is important to avoid risky situations and optimize activities;
- Get help: from the adaptation period to the later stages, it is always necessary to enlist the support and help of friends and family;
- Change your habits: patients who are used to driving and suffer a high loss of vision need to know alternative means of transportation, for example buses and taxis;
- Keep regular visits to the ophthalmologist: even when the condition stabilizes, it is important to keep constant medical monitoring.
As the condition can result from several factors, it is necessary to pay attention to health in general to prevent detachment of the retina.
Taking care of the eye and face region, taking protective measures is essential. People who engage in risky activities, such as riding a motorcycle or extreme sports, are at greater risk of injuring their eyes. Therefore, it is necessary to use safety equipment that minimizes impacts.
Patients diagnosed with high-risk diseases, such as diabetes or hypertension, must undergo medical follow-up and keep their conditions stable.
When infections, tumors or degenerative diseases are present, carrying out the correct treatment, maintaining frequent medical follow-up and keeping the picture supervised by health professionals reduces the risk of damage to the vision and the retina.
In addition, regular consultation with the ophthalmologist is recommended for the entire population, in order to monitor eye health.
Common questions
Can reading on the bus take off the retina?
No . Reading on the move, such as in cars or buses, can cause dizziness, but there is no risk of injury to the retina.
Dizziness is caused because conflicting messages are sent to the nervous system. The book or tablet remains standing in front of you, but in the peripheral view, which captures the context in greater amplitude, you are in motion. Therefore, nausea or dizziness can be brain responses to opposite perceptions.
Scratching the eyes causes the retina to peel off?
In general, scratching the eyes does not represent serious damage to the membranes. What can happen is an injury caused by extreme and repetitive itching, which generates microlesions in the eyes.
Rubbing your eyes too much can be a sign of allergies or irritations , which tend to result in changes in the cornea (keratoconus). If retinal thinning, hypersensitivity or degeneration occurs, detachment can be facilitated.
Can weight lifting cause the retina to detach?
There are review studies that indicate that there is no direct relationship between excessive weight lifting and retinal detachment. However, in cases where there is a predisposition or risk factors, the lifting of a large amount of weight for long periods, may favor injury to the retina.
Bungee jumping takes off the retina?
Extreme sports with great impact can cause the retina to detach. Usually, holes in the retina are caused if there are associated risk factors, such as myopia or degenerative diseases.
The injury is due to the intense streak that occurs at the end of the fall. In general, it is noticed right after the jump if it is accompanied by bleeding in the eye. But, in some cases, it can cause small ruptures in the membrane with no evident signs, which will be diagnosed later.
Vision is the most acute sense of the human being and, at the same time, one of the problems that most affect the population. Therefore, health care in general is essential to prevent or minimize damage to vision.
Although there are factors that predispose patients to detachment of the retina, routinely consulting the ophthalmologist assists in the prevention and reduction of risks.
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