Chocolate is one of the most famous sweets in the world. It is so popular that it is sold in supermarkets, gas stations and even pharmacies.
On the shelves of establishments, there are several types. But do you know the difference between each of them? Which is healthier and which contains more fat?
The newsroom of Hickey solution prepared a mouthwatering text. Check out:
What types of chocolate?
Chocolate is a sweet made from a fruit called cocoa. There are several types of chocolate. The most common are milk, white, semi-bitter and bitter. The light or lactose-free types are also starting to become popular.
Know a little more about each one of them:
To milk
The main characteristic of milk chocolate is that it has less than 50% cocoa mass. That is, it contains more butter and sugar, in addition to powdered milk, than the slightly bitter or bitter versions – it only loses to the white type.
Generally, most marketed chocolates contain about 30% cocoa. The rest of the formula is supplemented with milk, margarine and sugar.
In general, it tends to be softer and creamier, exactly because of the presence of these other ingredients, which makes it pleasant for most palates who prefer very sweet food.
On the other hand, as it has a small amount of cocoa mass, it ends up having less nutrients from the fruit, such as antioxidants.
Dark chocolate contains between 50% and 75% cocoa. Since the bitter extra chocolate is the most cocoa contains in its composition: above 76% and may reach 99%.
These types of chocolate usually take very little added sugar and milk. Therefore, the color is very dark and the smell is more accentuated than that of milk chocolate.
The taste is, as the name implies, bitter and for that reason, it doesn’t like it so much when compared to other types.
In fact, the flavor tends to become more and more accentuated according to the amount of cocoa. That is, the more present the fruit is, the more bitter the taste will be, especially at the very end of the chocolate.
However, it is the healthiest option, once it has more nutrients.
In its composition, this sweet takes milk, sugar and cocoa butter, which is a type of hydrogenated fat. That is, instead of the dough, the candy contains the fat from the cocoa.
Regarding the flavor, white is very characteristic, being sweeter. As it does not contain cocoa mass, and has much more fat and sugars, it is the least beneficial option to health.
Light chocolate should be at least 25% less nutrient or calorie than ordinary chocolate. That is, it may be less fat, sugar or just calories.
Generally, it is a good option for those who are restricted to some component, but it is worth remembering that they are not always less caloric.
Diet chocolate is one that is completely sugar-free. Therefore, they are recommended for those who need to follow sugar-restricted diets or suffer from diabetes .
These are not necessarily healthier or less calorie options. Therefore, they are indicated only under medical or nutritional guidance.
Zero chocolate is very similar to diet.
The difference is that while the diet is sugar-free, the “zero” type can be fat-free, lactose- free , gluten-free or sugar-free.
Yes, there is soy chocolate. It is not new that this grain is a substitute for some substitutes of animal origin such as milk and meat.
In soy chocolate, cow’s milk is replaced by soy milk and refined sugar gives way to sucralose (a chemical sweetener).
Therefore, soy chocolate is ideal for those who are allergic to milk, lactose intolerant or follow a vegan diet.
What is the composition of chocolate and the main ingredient?
The ingredients present in the composition vary according to each type of chocolate. In general, the main thing is the cocoa mass that makes the candy dark and bitter. Without it, it is only possible to make an imitation of chocolate with vegetable fat and sugar (as is the case with white chocolate).
This cocoa mass is a pasty and fragrant mass that is the result of the process of peeling and grinding the cocoa beans.
Once ready, it goes through a pressing process that separates it into 2 products: cocoa butter and cocoa “pie”.
The first is used to make, for example, white chocolate. The second is crumbled and mixed with sugar, generating powdered chocolate.
But, of course, chocolate is not only made from cocoa mass.
The milk type, as the name says, is made with powdered or liquid milk. This ingredient makes the recipe clearer while margarine is responsible for making it more creamy.
Bitter chocolate, on the other hand, can also receive a little milk, but in smaller quantities. Thus, when mixed with cocoa, it becomes harder and darker.
Is white chocolate chocolate?
In fact, white chocolate is not chocolate. This is because, to be considered chocolate, it is necessary to have in its composition the cocoa mass, an ingredient that is not present in the formula of this sweet. But then, how is white chocolate made?
Well, this “fake” chocolate is made with milk, sugar and a type of vegetable fat called “cocoa butter”. It is produced with cocoa beans and is responsible for the confusion with the names.
Is dark chocolate healthier?
Yes, dark chocolate is healthier than the other types. This is because it has a greater amount of cocoa and thus also has more beneficial properties of that fruit. An example of this is the antioxidants that prevent premature aging of cells.
Another advantage is the amount of sugar present, which is much less when compared to milk chocolate, for example.
But be careful, it is important to make it clear that chocolates with higher amounts of cocoa are beneficial when compared to other sugary foods.
However, this does not mean that his consumption is 100% released. Despite having more cocoa and less sugar, we are still talking about a type of chocolate that should be consumed in moderation.
Otherwise, if consumed in excess, the dark chocolate can also bring other damages such as the increase of bad cholesterol (LDL) and obesity .
Does all chocolate have milk?
Not necessarily. Today, there are already versions of chocolate without milk on the market that can be consumed by lactose intolerant people or who chose to follow a vegan diet, without consuming items of animal origin.
The soy version is lactose-free, but those who just want to reduce consumption can opt for the bittersweet or bitter ones, as they are usually free or contain low proportions.
Although this possibility exists, the vast majority of industrialized chocolates contain milk. So it is always good to check the product label before buying it.
What is the difference between chocolate and cocoa?
The difference between chocolate and cocoa is that the second is the raw material of the first. To put it better: cacao is a fruit that grows on a tree called cacao tree. It is harvested and used to form a mixture called cocoa mass, in which milk and sugar are added to make the chocolate.
In addition to the production of cocoa mass, the cocoa fruit can still be used for other culinary purposes.
One of them is the extraction of the fat present in the fruit pulp, which is called cocoa butter.
The chocolate itself is a combination of sugar and cocoa powder (made with cocoa butter).
In addition to these 2 fundamental ingredients, most chocolates still contain milk, butter and preservatives in their composition.
So, to summarize and explain it correctly: without cocoa, they don’t have chocolate in the same way that without milk, they don’t have cheese.
Does dark chocolate have sugar?
The presence or amount of sugar depends a lot on the brand of chocolate and the percentage of cocoa it contains. As a rule, the bill goes like this: the more cocoa, the less sugar.
For those who want to replace the ingredient, there are options with sweetener, such as diets. But they should only be consumed with medical or nutritional guidance.
There are several types of chocolate for all tastes and conditions (bitter, sweet, lactose-free, gluten-free and the list goes on).
It is important to always remember that, regardless of the type, this food should be consumed in moderation since it has high levels of fats that can be harmful to the health of the body in general.
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