The characteristics of albinism

Albinism – a genetic disease – affects the production of melanin in the dermis, which causes changes in the color of the skin, hair, and often also the eyes. The person with this problem has extremely clear skin, due to the partial or total absence of this pigmentation. In addition to these characteristics, the disease can increase the sensitivity of the skin and the propensity to vision problems.



The disease can be manifest in people of any race. It is usually passed from parents to children, and carries some specific signals. Pink and freckled skin, white or yellow hair, blue or violet eyes, are some of the most common features.

Can it cause risks?

The main risks related to albinism are related to the eyes. Individuals with this disorder usually have several problems, such as decreased vision. In the case of the skin, because there is a deficiency of melanin – responsible for the protection of the dermis.

As a result, she becomes more susceptible to complications such as infections, skin cancer , blemishes, skin rashes and even osteoporosis , due to lack or overexposure to the sun.

To avoid these problems, some care must be taken. Using sunscreens daily can be an effective alternative.

What to do

As soon as the problem is identified – which usually happens in childhood – it is important to seek medical advice. The professional will be able to guide the best way to treat and live with the situation, without major complications. If necessary, genetic mapping can be done during pregnancy to identify the disease even before the baby is born.
