Red eyes

“Red eyes” are a commonly used term to describe reddened, irritated, inflamed, and dilated blood vessels in the eyes.

They can be a symptom of:

  • subconjunctival bleeding or injury to blood vessels,
  • blepharitis or inflammation of the eyelids,
  • inflammation of the sebaceous glands of the eyelids,
  • Special effect through contact lenses to represent red eyes.

Red eyes can vary: from a bright red that completely covers the white skin of the eye (sclera) to a few dilated blood vessels that appear as red or pink serpentine lines on the sclera.


Causes of red eye

Allergy Red eyes are often called “allergy
eyes” because reddened eyes are often an indication of allergic reactions.
When the immune system reacts to external substances, such as:

  • Pollen
  • pet hair,
  • Dust
  • chemicals in make-up or contact lenses,

an inflammatory reaction occurs and histamine is released to “fight” the culprit allergens.
As a result, the released histamine causes dilation of the blood vessels in the eyes. They turn red and lacrimation is triggered.
According to conventional medicine, therapy is to avoid the allergens as much as possible or to use the medications recommended by the doctor, such as antihistamine-containing eye drops, to control allergic rhinitis.

Contact lenses
One of the main reasons for red eyes is the excessive use of contact lenses, dirt that irritates the surface or microbes that come into contact with the eye.
Red eyes can be a sign of a serious infection when wearing contact lenses, such as fungal-induced keratitis.
If the eyes redden when wearing contact lenses, they should be removed immediately and consult an ophthalmologist.
Contact lenses can also worsen dry eye syndrome because they usually reduce the oxygen that reaches the cornea, thus limiting normal fluid production.
The risk of red eye can be reduced when wearing contact lenses by keeping them clean and disinfecting them at all times and wearing them according to the ophthalmologist’s recommendations.
The doctor may recommend daily contact lenses or another type of material for lenses, such as gas-permeable contact lenses.
There are drops for moisturizing, which are dripped into the eyes after inserting the contact lenses.

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)
Red, tired and burning eyes can occur when looking at a computer screen for long periods of time.
One of the reasons is that the eyelids blink less when you sit in front of the computer. The surface of the eyes dries out too much.
Tips to avoid tired eyes in front of the computer are:

  • the observance of frequent breaks when working on the PC,
  • wearing glasses.

Lubricants in eye drops can help keep eyes moist.

Blepharitis causes inflammation of the eyelids and eyelashes and can be caused by poor hygiene of the eyelids. The most common causes of blepharitis are:
1. hypersecretion of the eyelid glands, 2. allergic reactions, 3. bacterial infections,

4. pubic lice on the eyelashes.

With blepharitis, the following symptoms may occur:

  • feeling of sand in the eyes,
  • Eyestrain
  • tears of the eyes,
  • Itch
  • red and swollen eyelids,
  • dry eyes,
  • Crusts on the eyelids.

This condition is not contagious and usually does not cause permanent damage or vision loss.

Uveitis Uveitis
is an inflammation of the iris of the eye and can lead to redness, pain, blurred vision, suspended matter in the vitreous and sensitivity to light.
The symptoms of this condition can appear suddenly and worsen very quickly.
Iris skin inflammation must therefore be treated quickly, because if you wait too long, complications can arise such as:

  • Retinal detachment
  • Glaucoma
  • Blindness.

Dry eyes Tears protect the eyes
because they have sliding properties and nourish and protect the surface of the eye.
If the tears are absent, the eyes can become dry and irritated. Chronic dryness can lead to inflammation on the surface of the eye and dilation of blood vessels.

Hailstone A hailstone (chalazion) is a cyst on the eyelid that develops due to chronic inflammation of the glands that produce the oily component of tear fluid. At a certain size, it can cause discomfort due to friction and lead to astigmatism and eye pain due to pressure on the cornea.

Barley graine
A stye (hordeolum) is the inflammation of the sebaceous glands at the base of the eyelashes with a purulent swelling; it causes the sensation of a foreign body in the eye.

Redness can be the result of an eye injury.
The blood vessels of the eye grow larger and dilate to stimulate the cells for healing and repairing the damage.

Keratitis or inflammation of the cornea When the cornea
of the eye becomes infected, the nearby blood vessels dilate and swell due to the incoming cells that fight the infection. These cells can cause visible redness.

Corneal ulcer
It is an open wound on the cornea.
As a rule, the cause is an infection of the cornea, trauma or contact lenses.
Since it is a medical emergency, one must go to the emergency room immediately.

The symptoms are:

  • red eyes
  • Eyestrain
  • Photophobia
  • limited field of view
  • Feeling of sand in the eyes
  • watery eyes

Subconjunctival hemorrhage
A ruptured capillary often causes subconjunctival hemorrhage.
When the blood vessels rupture, they bleed and their contents spread under the conjunctiva.
Subconjunctival bleeding can be caused by sneezing, coughing, exertion, vomiting, trauma, arterial hypertension, diabetes, and sometimes some blood disorders.

Conjunctivitis Conjunctivitis
, also known as “red eye,” is one of the most common (and contagious) eye infections, especially in schoolchildren.
The conjunctiva is a fine and transparent membrane that covers the sclera and the posterior sides of the eyelids.
Conjunctivitis is an infection of the subjunctives. It can be caused by allergies, bacteria, viruses or toxic substances.
The “red eye” is very common, but usually not serious.
If the conjunctiva is infected, the blood vessels inside are irritated, swelling and giving the eye a red or reddish appearance.

Angle-closure glaucoma
Acute angle-closure glaucoma is a serious medical emergency and must be treated immediately.
This serious glaucoma disease causes painful eye redness, which usually affects only one eye.

Trauma, for example caused by a foreign body or a corneal injury, causes pain that depends on:

  • type of trauma,
  • Heaviness
  • Localization.

The patient must be thoroughly examined with a slit lamp.
Consult an ophthalmologist immediately if there is a risk of serious injury due to trauma or foreign body entry.

and swollen eyes, along with a runny nose, are common symptoms of a cold or influenza.
The red eyes in this case are caused by infection or occlusion of the paranasal sinuses, especially if they are accompanied by sneezing and coughing.

Pregnancy Hormonal changes during pregnancy can also affect the eyes in various ways.
The eyes may become red and dry, itchy and sensitive to light.
Pregnancy can also change the shape of the cornea and cause intolerance to contact lenses or lead to blurred vision.
Eye redness and other symptoms are usually temporary and disappear completely within a few weeks or months of birth.

The dangers of cigarette smoke for the heart, lungs and smoking diseases are well known, but do we know that smoking damages the eyes? In addition to the significantly increased risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), cataracts and uveitis, tobacco smoke is a toxic irritant to the eyes and can also cause dry eyes, redness, and itching in the eyes.

Smoking marijuana causes red eyes.
The psychoactive main ingredient of marijuana (THC) leads to a significant dilation of the blood vessels in the eyes, causing eye redness that can last for several hours and even longer.

Excessive alcohol consumption can cause red eyes.
Alcohol decreases the oxygen level in the red blood cells and causes vasodilation in the eyes.

Environmental risks and risks in the workplace
Extremely dry air, dust, smoke and too long in the sun are harmful irritant elements that can also cause eye redness, among other symptoms.
Corneal injuries caused by wind particles such as sawdust, sand, metal chips or glass splinters can mean serious eye injuries.
You should therefore always wear safety glasses if there is a risk that foreign objects can get into the eyes at work, during sports or during minor household chores, for example when mowing the lawn.

The appearance of the eyes can be a sign of fatigue.
Swollen eyes and dark circles are a telltale sign that you haven’t slept enough.
Caution: rubbing sleepy eyes can worsen symptoms.

Swimming Chlorine and other products used to disinfect water in the pool can redden the eyes.
In addition, bacteria that are naturally found in any type of water, including seawater, water in lakes and rivers, can cause red eyes.
For those who often suffer from eye redness, it is better to wear glasses when swimming and diving to avoid bloodshot of the eyes or irritation after swimming.

Therapy and remedies for red eyes

  • In cases where tiredness and exhaustion lead to eye redness, no treatment is required.
  • In more severe cases of red eyes that do not pass on their own in a short time, an ophthalmologist should be consulted.
  • Usually, eye drops are prescribed to provide relief.
  • It may be necessary to rinse the eyes with a saline solution to eliminate foreign bodies.
  • If the doctor diagnoses conjunctivitis, it must be avoided to touch the infected eye area and then rub it in the other eye, because this disease is very contagious.

Natural diet and nutrition

According to Dr. Mozzi/D’Adamo’s blood type diet, some foods cause an inappropriate immune response that causes red eyes and other diseases.
In order to eliminate the disorder, it is necessary to change the diet and eliminate from the diet certain foods that are unsuitable for people of the patient’s blood group.
Those belonging to blood type 0 may eat meat (except pork) and fish, but should reduce or eliminate cereals (especially if they contain gluten), dairy products (yogurt, cheese, mozzarella, etc.) and fruit.

According to the health care of Shelton and the natural medicine of Lezaeta, the eyes suffer from the “impure” blood, as do the other organs.
To avoid red eyes, it is necessary to follow a diet that avoids animal protein (meat, fish, milk and dairy products), fast food products, processed, transformed and overcooked foods such as those found in supermarkets, salt and cayenne pepper.

Nutrition tips:

  • Ideal foods are raw vegetables and fruits, nuts, seeds, fresh legumes and potatoes.
  • Only eat when you’re hungry.
  • Drink distilled water because it does not contain inorganic salts that are harmful to the organism.
  • Drink little and at least 10 minutes before eating.
  • Do not take medication.

Natural treatment for red eyes

Holistic and natural treatment methods can help with red eyes.
Conventional treatments with eye drops can lead to dependence and have side effects.
This is not the case with herbal remedies.
Herbs such as Vaccinium myrtillus (blueberry) promote the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the eye.
This herb has been the subject of numerous studies in research on the eyes.
Aspalathus linearis (also called rooibos, rooibos tea or African red tea) is a product that helps strengthen the immune system.

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