Pain and burning sensation in the area

What are the causes of pain and burning on the anus?
People think that the main reason for pain is hemorrhoids, in which the veins are inflamed and bulge out of the anus.
However, pain can also be caused by the following:

A rhagade is a tear in the skin, tissue, or mucous membrane. An rag is an injury to the internal or surrounding tissues of the anus and rectum (by feces that injure the anus).
Rhagades cause burning pain or a burning sensation during bowel movements.

A muscle spasm may occur, causing pain that persists for hours.
fissures cause severe pain after bowel movements.
fissures are common in both adults and children. They are usually not serious, but can be painful, especially in children.

Perianal abscess – An abscess is an accumulation of pus caused by an infection inside the tissue (due to a bacterial infection) that can cause fever and long-lasting, continuous pain.

Often these types of localized infections occur in or on the rectum

Fungal infection that can cause protracted, less severe pain like an abscess.

Tumor (such as cancer) that can cause severe pain that progressively worsens.
Rectal cancer can lead to rectal or occlusion. The real cause of rectal cancer is unknown, but it is often seen in the elderly.

muscle spasm in the pelvis can cause severe acute pain, which usually disappears quickly.

Fistula, an abnormal canal that forms between the rectum and the skin and can cause pain from the anus to the coccyx, especially if feces block it and an abscess forms in the canal.

ulcer, a painful or sore area that causes severe pain and where an infection can develop.

Sexually transmitted diseases of the rectum, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia or herpes.

Skin problems (such as psoriasis or dermatitis) that can cause itching or burning on the outer anus.

Painful bowel movements: Pain or discomfort during defecation is a cause for concern if it occurs frequently. A person may feel pain when the stool is extensive and hard. There are several reasons for these situations.
Pain also arises when the person coughs, because this increases the pressure in the abdomen as in the case of defecation.

Indigestion: In most cases, it is caused by the amount and type of food consumed. A person can suffer from stomach and intestinal problems if he eats too much or eats foods that are not hygienically prepared or extremely spicy. Diarrhea caused by food poisoning or indigestion can also lead to painful defecation.

Constipation: The most common causes of constipation are dehydration, low-fiber diet, some medications, etc. Often constipation causes irregular defecation.
People are influenced by advertising and often eat foods that are well presented but full of preservatives, dyes and harmful substances.
One should avoid processed foods, confectionery, trans fats and saturated fats because they cause most diseases.
Usually, people who follow a vegan diet and eat nuts, pistachios, peanuts, fruits and vegetables have good digestion.

Hemorrhoids are a condition in which the veins on the anus swell, thus causing pain and swelling in this area. Therefore, the person feels severe pain when emptying the stool, because there is friction on the hemorrhoids.

Pregnancy is a risk factor for the formation of hemorrhoids due to the congestion caused by the increase in size of the uterus.
On the first day, the pain occurs continuously, while sitting, lying down and walking.
With hemorrhoid surgery, the pain can last for a few days or weeks.

Bacterial prostatitis: Chronic bacterial prostatitis is an infectious inflammation of the prostate.
Men with chronic bacterial prostatitis have symptoms that grow and decongest.
This is mainly felt at the root of the penis, in the area, in the perineum (the zone between scrotum and anus) or in the lower back.
Defecation may be very painful.

Irritable bowel syndrome
One of the most common causes of pain is irritable bowel syndrome. In this disease, the inner wall of the intestinal muscle is hyperactive, and due to this, rapid spasms develop, which lead to rapid passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract.
Therefore, the food is not completely absorbed by the body. In addition, the spasms persist for a certain period of time, even after the food has passed, and pain occurs.
The patient may also suffer from meteorism and possibly find mucus in the stool.

Proctitis is an inflammation of the anus and the inner wall of the rectum. Symptoms of this condition include:

  • Painfulness of the rectal and zone
  • Pain during bowel movements and touch
  • Bleeding and discharge from the anus
  • The patient cannot ride a bicycle due to the discomfort

Due to this pathology, there may also be stool constipation.

Crohn’s disease or ulcerative
Colitis is an inflammation of the intestinal tract. Ulcerative colitis is limited to the colon, while Crohn’s disease can involve the entire digestive system. Both cause inflammation, which provokes the rectal pain.
The intestinal problems can also cause pain in the legs.

Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are also diseases that cause abdominal pain after defecation.
Crohn’s disease is a condition in which intestinal spasms occur, while ulcerative colitis is inflammation of the inner walls of the intestine.
Thus, these diseases trigger pain signals in the body during and after defecation.

Trauma during rectal intercourse – A whole range of physical injuries can occur during voluntary sexual activity. The most common external injuries are caused by intimacies. Although most of these injuries are mild and can be healed with a minor surgical procedure, they can be annoying and worrisome for the affected person.

and rectal lesions – lesions or nodules in and around the anus can cause rectal pain. Two of the most common lesions are genital warts and herpes simplex, which hurt even without bleeding.

  • Genital warts – Round, smooth, and flesh-colored lesions caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). Genital warts are transmitted sexually. HPV can also cause cancer.
  • Genital herpes – One of the many types of herpes. Genital herpes occurs due to the herpes simplex virus. They are painful and fluid-filled blisters around the anus. These lesions burst, dry up, and sometimes form ulcers on the rectum and anus.


When does pain occur?

During defecation. The main reason is a rhagade or laceration in the anus.
The stool burns through the tight muscles of the anus when exiting. Usually, the pain disappears after defecation, but it could also persist due to muscle spasm.
When cleaning. Often the pain is due to a skin problem or a fungal infection (for example, Candida intestinale), which also affects children.
Constant pain, regardless of the stool. Most likely, the cause is an abscess or infection, and sometimes thrombosed (caused by blood clots) hemorrhoids. But it can also be a tumor.
The pain can also persist at night.
Progressing over time. This may indicate a thrombosed hemorrhoid, an infection or a tumor.
When the person concerned is sitting. If the patient cannot settle, the cause may be an abscess, muscle spasm or tumor.

Where does it hurt?

The pain that can occur in the anterior or posterior anus area during defecation usually stems from a rhagade.
In this position, the pain can be stabbing.
The pain caused by swelling comes from deep tissue and is usually an abscess. The pain from an abscess usually shows up over the course of a few days and can be caused by a painful outgrowth of skin in the area.
A solid formation that emerges from the anus and is colored blue is usually a thrombosed hemorrhoid. This means that a blood clot has formed in the blood vessels. A soft and spongy formation that hurts can be an inflamed hemorrhoid.
A painful bump that develops slowly over a few months can be a cancer.
Pain in the skin on and around the anus can result from trauma, yeast infection, or too robust cleansing of the skin.

When to worry?

One should have the pain examined by a doctor if it has not passed 24-48 hours after using over-the-counter medicines. pain that lasts longer than two weeks can have serious causes. Chronic pain, which is getting progressively worse, can be cancer.
In rare cases, the pain, if severe enough, can cause fainting.

What happens if bleeding and pain occur at the same time?

The most common cause of painful defecation with bleeding is a rhagade.
The thrombosed hemorrhoid can lead to bleeding and sudden pain.
The most common cause of bleeding, which is accompanied by pain and is not related to defecation, is an infection of the skin, such as a yeast infection.
itching and burning may be caused by the sweat of the skin surrounding the anus.
Children may have oxyures (worms) that cause severe nocturnal itching. If the child scratches himself, this can lead to a skin lesion and bleeding.

What should you do? Natural remedies for pain

Warm baths with baking soda
After defecation, gently dab the area with toilet paper or damp compresses.
If one suffers from hemorrhoids, apply an over-the-counter hemorrhoid cream.
If there are rhagades (skin tears or injuries), the doctor may recommend an ointment based on hydrocortisone.

Therapy for itching and burning in the area

  • One can treat constipation by changing dietary habits and lifestyle or taking laxatives.
  • With an infected wound or abscess, therapy consists in taking antibiotics, in more serious cases, surgical sanitation must be performed.
  • One can treat hemorrhoids by changing bowel habits and following correct dietary guidelines. Surgical intervention may be required if the hemorrhoids are very large.
  • The treatment of rectal cancer depends on the stage and growth of the cancer.
    If a person has been suffering from pain during bowel movements for a long time, a doctor should be consulted, because it may be the symptom of a more serious disease.
  • Also, the detection of blood in the stool is a sign of a serious disorder and a doctor should be consulted.


A healthy and balanced diet is essential to avoid disorders related to digestion and defecation. The person concerned should also avoid eating particularly spicy foods, especially in the evening. Drinking adequate amounts of water helps dilute the acid in the body. Regular exercise can also be helpful in regulating defecation.

Pain after defecation

Pain after defecation is a symptom caused by many special diseases, because it indicates a problem that can affect the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract or the anus.
Many diseases that cause this disorder also lead to pain in the abdomen and abdomen.

Therapy for pain after bowel movements

Treatment of pain after eating and after bowel movements depends on the underlying cause.

If there is an infection, antibiotics usually help with treatment. However, if the pain is caused by spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, antispasmodics (antispasmodics) are an important help.

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