Astigmatism – glasses, contact lenses and lasers


Treatment of astigmatism

Almost all degrees of astigmatism can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses.

Lenses are not required for a person with mild astigmatism, unless there are other disorders such as nearsightedness or farsightedness.
With severe astigmatism, the ophthalmologist prescribes corrective lenses.

Eye training for astigmatism

The ophthalmologist advises against straining your eyes because he focuses primarily on reducing symptoms, such as tired eyes and headaches.
However, to improve vision, the following eye exercises are recommended:

  • read in poorly lit environments;
  • Read books in small letters;
  • occupy different reading distances, holding the text both close to the eyes and far away; above all, train the weak points.

Effective exercises for astigmatism

The exercises should be done at least 15 minutes a day.
It is recommended to carry out this program every day after lunch or during holidays.
Often the vision problems are solved within a week, even if some patients need several weeks.

  • This exercise is performed outdoors. Fix an object (for example, a pen) at a distance of 30 cm for about 5 seconds, then look for a few seconds into the distance at an object about 20-30 meters away (like a shield). Finally, looking at the pen again. Repeat frequently.
  • Hold a pen at a distance of 30-35 cm from the eyes, then move this object in all directions (up, down, right, left, front and back); the eyes must follow the movement.
  • Fix the bridge of the nose for a few seconds, then relax.
  • Look as far as possible diagonally to the top right, then fix the opposite point (bottom left). Repeat several times, then change direction, from top left and bottom right.

Diet and nutrition for astigmatism

Although the doctor and ophthalmologist do not give the patient nutritional advice, the health of the eyes is linked to the health of the organism.
Vision depends on the accommodation ability of the lens. If this mechanism works well, you can see well, even if the dimensions of the eye may not be ideal and the shape is not perfectly round.
Accommodation is allowed to structures that change the shape of the lens:

  • Ciliary muscles
  • Retaining straps
  • Short ciliary nerve – a branch of the oculomotor nerve (cranial nerve III)

According to the blood group diet, astigmatism is provoked by the consumption of milk and dairy products.

According to Shelton’s natural medicine and hygienism, diseases are caused by a diet rich in animal proteins and processed foods, including astigmatism.
As for the intestines, it is important that the food consumed does not lead to rot and fermentation.

For healthy blood and a life without disease, the foods must be selected as follows:

  • raw
  • simple
  • Of course

The most famous hygienists and naturopaths (Shelton, Lezaeta, etc.) recommend:

  • Fruit
  • raw vegetables
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Potatoes
  • Legumes, as fresh as possible

Glasses to correct astigmatism

Astigmatism can be corrected by glasses, contact lenses or lasers.

The axis of astigmatism when prescribing glasses or contact lenses describes the path of the flattest eye meridian using a scale of 180 degrees.
In addition to the performance of the spherical lens used to correct myopia or farsightedness, astigmatism requires the indication of the difference between the two main meridians of the eye.

A prescription for glasses to correct myopic astigmatism could then look like this: -2.50-1.00 x 90.

  1. The first number (-2.50) is the graduation of the sphere (in diopters) for the correction of myopia in the flattest meridian (less myopic) of the eye.
  2. The second value (-1.00) is the cylinder thickness (graduation) to correct myopia in the most curved meridian. (-2.50 + -1.00 = D-3.50)
  3. The third number(90) is the axis of astigmatism. This is the position (in degrees) of the flattest main meridian on a rotating scale of 180 degrees (where 90 degrees refer to the vertical meridian and 180 degrees to the horizontal meridian of the eye).

When wearing soft toric contact lenses to correct astigmatism, the prescription for contact lenses includes:

  • spherical graduation,
  • a cylindrical graduation,
  • a reference to the axles.

Gas-permeable contact lenses can correct astigmatism. These lenses are rigid and replace the cornea like a breaking eye surface.

In some cases, the patient has problems with night vision (such as driving) caused by inappropriate correction of astigmatism with contact lenses or glasses.
The night lights can create a star effect, with the formation of halos.

Refractive surgery for astigmatism

Refractive surgery with LASIK can correct most types of astigmatism.

Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) – some outer protective layers of the cornea are removed.
An excimer laser changes the shape of the cornea by removing part of the corneal tissue.
If the cornea is healed, it is more spherical.
This procedure can be very painful.
It can take up to a month for vision to be fully restored.

LASEK (Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis) – uses alcohol to soften and then remove the corneal surface.
A very thin layer of cornea is removed so that the eye is less susceptible to injury than in PRK.
A laser is used to change the shape of the cornea, which is then closed again.
LASEK can be chosen for patients with thin cornea.
Recovery time can take up to a week.

Laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) – the doctor uses a device called a keratome and makes a thin and round incision in the form of a zipper.
This can be done using a special laser.
LASIK surgery causes less pain than other techniques and patients recover within a few days.
It takes about a month to stabilize vision, but usually a significant change can be observed after just a few days.

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