What are Analgesics and Antipyretics and what are they for?

A little headache or muscle pain is quite common, whether due to tiredness , stress or even a different physical activity. In addition, feverish states also recur, accompanying colds and flu, in addition to dozens of other infections.

In such cases, it is quite common for people to use painkillers and antipyretics to relieve the condition and relieve discomfort.

In boxes or cartels, this type of medication is easily bought in pharmacies and is part of the emergency bag of many people.

Therefore, it is always important to know a little more about the effects and mechanisms of action of each medication!



Warm face, reddish face, shivering and chills, malaise and body aches are symptoms that, in general, manifest together with fever . It is characterized by a temporary rise in body temperature, which is a response to something out of the ordinary, such as a virus or bacteria.

To run a feverish course, the body excessively produces an enzyme called prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase, which causes the body to generate more heat than is necessary.

This high temperature, fever, is a means that the organism has to accelerate the defense process and prevent further damage to the organism. Despite this, the fever causes malaise and several symptoms that need to be combated, aiming to stabilize the body temperature again and avoid damages that, possibly, can occur when the body is prolonged very hot.

In this case, the drugs called antipyretic drugs are indicated. Although the main objective in this case is to lower the temperature, in general, antipyretics also work by reducing pain related to fever.

What are Antipyretics

Antipyretic drugs are used to fight or reduce fever . After ingestion, the drug acts by inhibiting the action of the enzyme prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase, which causes the problem.

It is worth mentioning that antipyretics do not treat or cure the problem. That is, they do not eliminate bacteria, inflammations or infections. But they act by relieving symptoms and stabilizing the temperature again.

After all, which one is right: antipyretic or antipyretic? 

Antipyretic drugs are the same as antipyretics, that is, they have the same mechanism of action, only with different nomenclatures. They can be called febrifuges or even antifebriles.

How antipyretics act on the body

Fever is the body’s response to infection, inflammation or damage to the nervous system. It is a way to warn that something is not right.

Thus, the enzyme prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase is produced in greater quantities, directly interfering with the functioning of the hypothalamus, a region of the brain that controls body temperature.

That’s where antipyretics come in. They can act right at the beginning of the process, preventing the enzyme from being produced, or also directly in the hypothalamus, preventing its functioning from being affected.


Headache is a very common picture, and it is difficult to meet someone who has never suffered from an episode. In these cases, the use of painkillers is the most adopted measure to get rid of pain.

What are Painkillers

Analgesic is a type of medication that decreases or interrupts the nerve transmission pathways, responsible for capturing pain.

Thus, analgesic substances reduce pain without causing many changes in consciousness or causing sedative effects. They can be used for all types of pain, such as headache, muscle pain, colic and even those related to infections.

Types of pain relievers

In general, there are 3 classes of pain relievers, namely:

  • Non-opioid: as a simple analgesic and non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);
  • Lean opiate: like codeine and tramadol.
  • Strong opiates: like morphine and methadone.

Non-opioids are drugs that are considered to be weakest in relieving pain. In general, they are over-the-counter, very suitable for headaches or muscle pain.

Opiates are chemically similar to morphine, indicated for severe pain and difficult to control. Therefore, they need a prescription for purchase.

How painkillers act on the body

Painkillers block our body’s sensory receptors, so that the brain no longer receives the warning that there is a focus of inflammation or the like.

There are two types of painkillers on the market: the peripheral and the central. The peripheral is the most common, found in pharmacies, and after being ingested, it spreads throughout the bloodstream until it reaches the place where the pain is, where the body absorbs the medication.

Central analgesics are used in more severe cases and act directly on the central nervous system, which is composed of the brain and spinal cord, causing the perception of pain to be eliminated from our entire body.

The main analgesics and antipyretics

There are several medication options, some of which are quite common. The most well-known and popular are:


The aspirin contains the active substance acetylsalicylic acid, having a triple action, with analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory.

The use is indicated for the relief of headaches, muscle, tooth and even menstrual.


The dipyrone is a drug with analgesic and antipyretic action, used both for pain relief and for reducing body temperature.


The Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, but it can also have antipyretic and analgesic action, helping to relieve some pain.


The paracetamol is the drug with analgesic and antipyretic action, indicated for the treatment of various conditions such as headaches, migraines , muscle aches, cramps and sensitivity due to trauma.

In addition, paracetamol can be used to control fever, being an antifebrile.

NEVER self-medicate or stop using a medication without first consulting a doctor. Only he will be able to tell which medication, dosage and duration of treatment is the most suitable for his specific case. The information contained on this site is only intended to inform, not in any way intended to replace the guidance of a specialist or serve as a recommendation for any type of treatment. Always follow the instructions on the package insert and, if symptoms persist, seek medical or pharmaceutical advice.


Pain management should not be done routinely and randomly with the drugs mentioned above, as they may present risks of drug interactions and other adverse effects. Always read the package insert before using any medication and ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before using it.

Medicines, when used properly, bring significant improvements in well-being. Knowing more about them and following medical and pharmaceutical guidelines ensure safety and protect the health of patients.

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