Polaramine: does it make you sleepy? See more about the indication and how to use it

Almost everyone has an allergy or has had an isolated allergic reaction. It is a very common picture, but it almost always needs a drug intervention to be resolved.

There are several types of allergies, from the most serious to the most recurrent and common. Which also causes a variation in the remedies indicated for its treatment.

A very common one is Polaramine. Let’s understand more about its indications and use


What is Polaramine?

Polaramine is a medicine that has the active substance Dexchlorpheniramine Maleate , classified as an antihistamine . That is, it inhibits the action of histamine, which is produced by the body itself in order to indicate an allergic reaction.

In this sense, according to the information in the package insert, this remedy can be used to treat allergies, itching (itching), rhinitis , atopic dermatitis , reactions to insect bites, etc.

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This medication is available in different presentations: syrup, ointment, pills, pills and drops. Each with a form of administration.

However, all are indicated for the treatment of allergic conditions and used for the same purposes – with the exception of the ointment (topical use), which is used only to treat reactions that manifest in the skin area

What is Polaramine indicated for?

The use of Polaramine may be prescribed by the doctor in cases where there is a need for the antihistamine effects present in this medication.

Thus, according to the package insert, the indication of any of the different presentations of the drug may include conditions such as:

  • Allergy;
  • Itching (itching);
  • Allergic rhinitis;
  • Urticaria – skin reaction caused by allergy to food , medication or other irritating agents;
  • Reactions to insect bites;
  • Allergic conjunctivitis;
  • Atopic dermatitis;
  • Allergic eczemas – a type of dermatosis that is characterized by presenting several types of skin lesions.

It is important to always seek professional guidance before taking the medication, in order to ensure a correct diagnosis of the problem. In addition, it also allows the doctor to indicate the appropriate form of use for your case.

What type of allergy is polaramine for?

Since Polaramine is an antihistamine medication, it can be used to treat respiratory , skin or eye allergies – in the last two cases, it is common that you need complementary therapy with ointment or eye drops.

The scope of this medication is due to the fact that allergy is a systemic condition, that is, it can affect one or more organs and / or tissues.

Therefore, when using the antihistamine, no matter in which region of the body the allergic reaction has occurred, the drug will block all histamine receptors. This provides relief from the symptoms of this condition in cases such as:

  • Complications from insect bites;
  • Reaction to food or smells;
  • Allergic conjunctivitis;
  • Manifestations of atopic dermatitis.

But it is worth mentioning that each organism is unique and may present different tolerance to the drug, and some people may not have a satisfactory improvement. This reinforces the need for medical monitoring, avoiding indiscriminate use.

How to use Polaramine?

Considering that Polaramine has different presentations (such as syrup, pills or drops), it is normal that each one has its own particular form of use. See, in sequence, how the package insert indicates the administration of each of them:


The syrup (solution) version of Polaramine is indicated for adult and pediatric use. According to the package insert, there is a variation in the recommended dose for different age groups:

  • Adults and children over 12 years old – use 5mL, 3 to 4 times a day, with a maximum dose of 30mL / day (which corresponds to 12mg daily);
  • Children from 6 to 12 years old – use 2.5mL, 3 times a day, with a maximum daily dose of 15mL (which corresponds to 6mg);
  • Children aged 2 to 6 years – use of 1.25mL, 3 times a day, with the maximum daily dose being equivalent to 7.5mL (corresponding to 3mg).


Polaramine in ointment (cream) version is indicated for the treatment of allergic symptoms that affect the skin region, such as itching and reactions to insect bites.

According to the package insert’s recommendation, it should not be applied to the eyes, mouth, nose, genitals (or other mucous membranes), nor to large areas of the skin – especially in children.

Therefore, when its use is necessary, the application of the ointment should be done twice a day, only in the area affected by the allergic reaction. Bearing in mind that, even the topical use of Polaramine, it lacks professional guidance for safe use.


The Polaramine package leaflet indicates that the tablet version should only be used by children over 12 years old and adults. That is, administration to minors of this age group is not recommended.

As for the form of use, 1 tablet of 2mg (3 or 4 times a day) should be administered .

The maximum daily dose of 12mg (6 tablets) should not be exceeded and it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the doctor or pharmacist regarding the use.

It is worth noting that one should not open, chew or break the tablet at the time of ingestion.


Dragee is a type of pill that has its coating with a “sugary” taste. In some cases, it may have the same dosage and indication for using the tablet.

However, in the case of Polaramine, unlike the 2mg pill, the pill has 6mg of the drug substance.

Consequently, the way of using changes: instead of several administrations throughout the day, the package insert indicates the intake of 1 pill in the morning and another in the evening (reaching the maximum dose of 12mg daily).

It is worth mentioning that its use is not recommended for children under 12 years. Like the tablet, it should not be chewed, opened or broken.


The Polaramine solution in drops can be used by adults or children. However, as in the case of syrup, there is variation in dose due to age difference:

  • Adults and children over 12 years old – 20 drops, 3 to 4 times a day, with a maximum dose of 120 drops per day (which corresponds to 12mg daily);
  • Children from 6 to 12 years old – 10 drops or 1 drop for every 2 kg (3 times a day), with a maximum daily dose of 60 drops per day (which corresponds to 6 mg);
  • Children from 2 to 6 years old – 5 drops or 1 drop for every 2 kg of weight (3 times a day), the maximum daily dose being equivalent to 30 drops per day (corresponds to 3 mg).

What are the side effects of Polaramine?

The use of any medicated substance can cause side effects, in the case of Polaramine is no different. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that some people may not have any reaction, while others may have even more than one.

According to the specifications on the package insert, the only common adverse reaction (occurring between 1% and 10% of patients) is mild or moderate drowsiness when using the medication.

The package insert also mentions possible rare complications (occurring between 0.01% and 01% of patients) that can manifest themselves through the use of Polaramine, they are:

  • Low blood pressure, weakness, headache and / or palpitation;
  • Hives, itching, rashes, skin sensitivity when exposed to the sun, increased sweating and / or chills;
  • Anaphylactic shock (severe allergic reaction);
  • Heartburn, gastric discomfort, constipation and / or nausea;
  • Pain when urinating or incontinence;
  • Changes in the menstrual cycle;
  • Hemolytic anemia, hypoplastic anemia, thrombocytopenia and agranulocytosis;
  • Blurred vision;
  • Nervousness;
  • Thickening of bronchial secretions;
  • Chest compression;
  • Nasal discomfort and / or breathing difficulty.

If you experience one or more side effects from the use of this medication, discontinue ingestion (or application) and seek medical help immediately.

Do you sleep?

-Yeah . Many people often feel sleepy when taking antihistamines, because the chemical histamine is responsible not only for allergic reactions. It also acts on our brain, providing a sensation of awakening.

Thus, when taking a medication that inhibits its action, it stops acting both on allergic reactions and on the neuronal system.

Therefore, it is common for the person to feel tired or sleepy when using these medications. In addition, in the case of Polaramine, the bull itself defines drowsiness as the only common adverse reaction.

It is worth mentioning that, if you feel this reaction very intensely or continue with this symptom after stopping treatment, you also need to seek medical help.

Price and where to buy

Polaramine can be found at any pharmacy. However, if you want more convenience, it is also possible to purchase this medication on online platforms, such as Consulta Remédios .

This site works as a price comparison and allows you to see the same product in different stores in your region. Thus, it guarantees the purchase at the best value and delivers directly to your home.

As for the price *, this can vary according to each of the presentations:

  • Syrup – the box with 1 bottle of 120mL is between R $ 19 and R $ 25;
  • Ointment (cream) – the box with 1 tube of 30g is between R $ 14 and R $ 20;
  • Pill – the box with 20 pills is between R $ 16 and R $ 20;
  • Dragees – the box with 12 drages is between R $ 18 and R $ 23;
  • Drops – the box with 1 bottle with 20mL is between R $ 23 and R $ 30.

* Price consulted in August 2020. Prices may change. 

Are you generic?

-Yeah . There are many drugs that also have Dexchlorpheniramine Maleate as an active ingredient and are classified as generic.

These drugs have the same indication as Polaramine, but it is worth remembering that they may act differently or present other recommendations for use. So that the substitution, or concomitant use of medications, should not be done without medical assistance.

As an example of generic versions of Polaramine, we can highlight:

  • Dexchlorpheniramine Maleate EMS ;
  • Neo Chemical Dexchlorpheniramine Maleate ;
  • Dexchlorpheniramine Maleate Cream Germed Pharma ;
  • Geolab Dexchlorpheniramine Maleate ;
  • Dexchlorpheniramine Maleate Drops Multilab .

As you can see from the drugs listed, another feature of generics is the fact that they do not use a trade name. Thus, the name of the substance (active ingredient) and the laboratory responsible is used.

In addition, it is common for these medications to have a more accessible value.

Although Polaramine is a well-known and used drug, it is always good to know more about it, in order to ensure safe administration and avoid complications.

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