Using electronic devices at night interferes with sleep

Children and adolescents who were born in a world full of technological devices and wireless internet networks grew up with the custom of carrying smartphones and tablets with them, even during rest periods.

Despite this, a study carried out recently in Norway, by researchers from Uni Research Health, concluded that this habit can be extremely harmful to teenagers.


Interrupted nights

Young people between 16 and 19 years old who used to spend more than two hours with electronic devices were observed. As a result, prolonged use has been shown to affect nights of sleep, and consequently, reduced school performance.

Printed book x tablet

Apparently the problem can also affect readers of digital versions of books. A study by the Harvard Medical School in the United States has shown that reading tablets before bed affects sleep nights considerably.

Swapping regular books for scanned versions may not be the best option, especially at night. The light from the devices can interfere with the biological clock, which is naturally guided by the incidence of light (day and night).

The explanation is simple, the time of exposure to artificial light from technological devices (tablets, smartphones and LED televisions) can affect the production of melatonin, a hormone responsible for regulating nights of sleep.


Before going to sleep, it is preferable that tablets and smartphones are left out. Whenever possible, exchange the digital version for the printed book. Look for relaxing, attention-grabbing readings (stories that require too much thinking can also interfere with sleep). Also, avoid watching very hectic programs or movies.
