Sexually transmitted diseases can be prevented by using condoms. People with an active sex life who do not use protection have a high chance of being infected with diseases such as chlamydia and gonorrhea .
If these diseases are not treated properly, serious problems can arise, such as infertility and problems in the uterus, pregnancy in the tubes and pain during sexual intercourse.
Men and women can be affected by this STD. Sexual intercourse without using a condom is enough for the bacterial infection to be transmitted. Contagion occurs through vaginal, anal or oral contact.
The hot, humid areas of the body cause the bacteria to proliferate even more, and factors such as young age and maintaining relationships with different sexual partners increase the chances of the disease being contracted.
Secretion with pus, pain in the testicles and when urinating are characteristic symptoms of gonorrhea in men, while women may suffer from bleeding, abdominal pain, discharge and burning when urinating.
Bleeding in the rectum, pus in the eyes, itching, sensitivity to light and these are the signs that affect both men and women. The bacteria can also affect the joints of the body, leaving the region sore and swollen.
With the appearance of the first symptoms, whether in men or women, the ideal is that the partner is also examined so that both are treated. Only in this way is it possible to avoid further contamination.
The diagnosis is made by reporting the signs to the doctor. Even with obvious symptoms, it is necessary to have tests for the diagnosis to be accurate. Treatment usually involves taking antibiotics .
Among all sexually transmitted diseases, chlamydia is the most contagious. All people who have an active sex life and with different partners have a chance of being infected.
The symptoms are the same as for gonorrhea, however there are cases where there may be no symptoms at all. Most women with this infection have no sign of contagion. In men in some cases there is a burning sensation when urinating. There may still be discharge and pain in the testicles.
Consultation with the gynecologist and urologist must be frequent (at least once a year) so that diseases such as these are detected early. The only way to avoid them is to use a condom, which can prevent not only these but other STDs.