The recommended diet for those suffering from hemorrhoids is rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber, especially insoluble fiber.
The main problem in nutrition arises when there are different diseases that require two different diets.
For example, diabetes requires a low-sugar diet, fatty liver is treated by a low-fat diet, while colitis requires high-fiber foods.
In addition to fiber, in the treatment of hemorrhoids, foods rich in zinc, vitamin C, anthocyanins and flavonoids may be useful. Eating apples may improve hemorrhoids, because some recent studies show that they contain rutin, a type of flavonoid traditionally used against hemorrhoids.
What to eat with inflamed hemorrhoids and why?
Anthocyanins or anthocyanins can be effective in hemorrhoidal disorders because they can strengthen the veins by reducing their permeability.
The main food sources of anthocyanins: cherries, cabbage, radishes, grapes, raspberries, pomegranates, blueberries, rhubarb and strawberries.
Blueberries are one of the healthiest foods ever and are a boon to those suffering from hemorrhoids. Due to their increased concentration of anthocyanin, blueberries help repair damaged proteins in the vascular walls and maintain the overall health of the vascular system.
Blueberries are a good source of insoluble and soluble fiber such as pectin. In addition, and compared to other wild berries, blueberries (especially the wild blueberries) are a good source of vitamin E.
Complex carbohydrates
Studies show that hemorrhoids rarely occur in regions of the world where you eat plenty of complex carbohydrates, fiber and unrefined products.
Main dietary sources of complex carbohydrates are: broccoli, potatoes, pumpkin, blackberries, pasta, wheat, whole grain rice and chestnuts.
Quercetin can be useful in hemorrhoidal disorders because, like flavonoids, it can strengthen the structures of small veins and capillaries, reducing their permeability and fragility.
The main dietary sources of quercetin: cabbage, grapefruits, apples, blueberries, pears, grapes, spinach, onions and garlic.
Vitamin C
Foods rich in vitamin C are useful for anyone suffering from hemorrhoids because vitamin C strengthens the veins.
Vitamin C promotes the healing process.
The main dietary sources of vitamin C are: cabbage, oranges, strawberries, potatoes, tangerines, peppers, kiwi.
Zinc helps with hemorrhoids because it speeds up the healing process and serves to heal injuries.
The main dietary sources of zinc are: barley, chicken, crab, oysters, lamb, beef, wheat and turkey.
A change in diet or lifestyle is a natural healing method that can also be used during pregnancy.
Thus, it also helps to calm the inflammation of bleeding and painful hemorrhoids.
According to conventional medicine, drinking plenty of water supports intestinal function.
Juicy fruits and vegetables are very helpful.
Acquiring a juicer or blender pays off by improving health.
Fiber is fundamental.
Many foods such as raisins, apricots, oranges, apples, lettuce, corn, cabbage and eggplants contain a lot of fiber.
Food sources high in fiber include: whole wheat, whole wheat rye, oats, untransformed oatmeal, whole grain rice, legumes, beans, Brussels sprouts, carrots, corn, cabbage, green beans, lettuce, eggplant, apples, apricots, figs, raisins, oranges and plums.
One should avoid transformed, refined, fatty and oily foods as well as refined carbohydrates in the form of sugary foods, because these do not contain fiber and other vital nutrients that are necessary for maintaining health.
The most efficient diets
There are many possible nutritional models. Here we compare the diet recommended by doctors with 2 typical natural diets, which, according to many patients, gave excellent results without the need for additional medication or surgery.
According to conventional medicine, the main enemy in the fight against hemorrhoids and fissures is constipation.
The following are recommended:
- Oats (contains fiber)
- Chestnuts
- Potatoes
- Yoghurt
- Fruits and vegetables in general
According to conventional medicine, the following foods should be avoided:
- Alcoholic beverages
- Coffee, tea and chocolate
- Sugary and carbonated drinks
- Cheese
- Sausage
- Spicy and spicy foods
- Fats and fried foods
- Vinegar and lemon
- Nuts and almonds (no more than 3 per day)
- Crustacean
- Garlic and onions
Despite all this, however, this does not solve the problem for many people and they try medication.
However, since drugs often do not relieve inflammation in hemorrhoids, the doctor often recommends surgical intervention.
Dr. Mozzi/D’Adamo’s blood type diet deals with the reaction of the immune system based on the foods you eat.
In the case of hemorrhoids, it has been established that cereals are the main culprits.
To solve the problem, one should replace all cereals with:
- Pulses
- Fish (especially cod, which is tolerated by virtually all humans)
- Vegetable
Of course, you should also avoid:
- Alcoholic beverages
- Sweet
- Fried foods
- Sausage products and pork meat in general
A person of a certain blood type can eat some foods, but should avoid others that could provoke a reaction of the immune system.
The creators and developers of this diet criticize conventional medicine because it does not treat the causes of the diseases, but prescribes drugs and surgical interventions against the symptoms.
For example, a person of blood type A should not eat red meat, but tolerates fruit without further ado, unlike people of blood type 0.
According to the blood group diet, the cause is not constipation. Many people can solve the problem with this method of nutrition, thus avoiding surgical intervention and taking medication.
Vegan diet / raw food
Hygienism and naturopathy are based on a simple diet with foods that are as raw as possible.
According to the recommended diet against hemorrhoids, starchy foods are the culprits.
On this point, it coincides with the blood group diet.
In most cases, avoiding grain products is enough to fix the problem.
The hygienists’ diet consists of a vegan/raw food diet and it is therefore recommended to replace starchy foods with:
- Fresh legumes
- Fruit
- Vegetable
- Nuts
- Seed
- Potatoes
Cooking or cooking should be avoided as far as possible, especially cooking at high temperatures:
- In the oven
- In the microwave
- When frying
Through a vegan diet, many patients have been cured or their blood tests (blood sugar, cholesterol, thyroid hormones, etc.), blood pressure and other symptoms have improved.
Often, people who change their diet and stop eating “harmful” foods such as milk and dairy products experience new symptoms such as:
- Cold
- Mucus and catarrh formation
- Sweats
- Skin rashes, etc.
These are normal “abstinence” symptoms. Anyone who gives up smoking knows that coughing occurs for several weeks until all toxins are eliminated from the body.
In addition to nutrition, it is important to spend as much time as possible outdoors, even when it is cold or raining, and to exercise regularly.
You do not have to drink excessively, as fruit already contains a lot of liquid. Half a liter of water per day is sufficient.
Special foods against hemorrhoids
Juices of forest fruits such as blueberries and blackberries, as well as cherries, have a strong effect on hemorrhoids.
They contain so-called proanthocyanidins and anthocyanines, which are substances that reduce swelling and pain caused by hemorrhoids and also strengthen the veins of hemorrhoids.
You should drink at least one glass of fruit juice a day.
Juicer One of my patients benefits a lot from vegetable juice from the juicer
She doesn’t like the taste of vegetables, but since she uses the juicer, she can consume them daily.
Black and red currants are very helpful for hemorrhoids, even after surgery.
Currants contain many minerals, rutin and vitamin C. The juice is extremely important for the treatment of hemorrhoids.
It contains a small amount of the fatty acid GLA and produces prostaglandins that control pain in the body.
During the day you should drink a few glasses of black or red currant juice.
Consumption of iron-rich foods
There are foods with a high content of iron, which is an important component in the blood.
Although it is rare, with major bleeding, iron reserves decrease and a special supply may be required.
Foods such as poultry liver, dried plums, cashews, raisins and tuna are great.
The sugar or cantaloupe melons are excellent for hemorrhoids because they contain a lot of fiber and prevent hard bowel movements.
The cantaloupe melon is also a very tasty fruit.
You can bring about improvement if you switch to a diet of raw foods.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are particularly suitable at first, for example, melon, broccoli, tomatoes, etc.
There are other foods that can reduce bleeding from the hemorrhoids. These include:
- Beans
- Linseed
- Molasses
- green leafy vegetables,
- Alfalfa (or Medicago sativa).
You have to have a smooth and regular bowel movement without sitting on the toilet for a long time and pressing, because excessive amounts of doughnuts and pizzas were nibbled or coffee was drunk.
In addition, onions, ginger and garlic are good, even if they are considered more of a seasoning.
It should be added to the diet.
They help in the degradation and elimination of fibrin.
Fibrin is a substance used for tissue repair.
However, there are situations when the body creates a larger depot of fibrin, which causes inflammation in the arteries around the area where hemorrhoids are located.
Foods to avoid for internal and external hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are a common condition that affects about 75% of all people. Symptoms include itching, swelling and blood buildup on the stool.
These are basic nutritional mistakes when suffering from hemorrhoids:
- Consumption of caffeine and caffeinated products
Caffeine is not only found in tea and coffee, but also in:
– some soft drinks, – chocolate,– energy drinks.
Excessive caffeine consumption can have negative effects on the body.
Caffeine should be avoided because it leads to dehydration.
There is an increased loss of water, the colon area dries out, and this leads to stool hardening. That is why constipation is inevitable, which leads to greater inflammation and irritation of the hemorrhoids. -
Abstaining from alcohol is an effective remedy for treating hemorrhoids, as alcohol can worsen symptoms.
Like caffeine, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to dehydration and hardening of the stool. The reason is the loss of water caused by micturition.
This leads to irritation and inflammation of the hemorrhoids due to constipation.
In addition, too much alcohol can cause cirrhosis of the liver, which leads to dilation of blood vessels in the rectum. - Consumption of foods that cause allergies.
There are some foods that can cause allergic reactions. Allergies or food intolerances can have negative effects. Allergic reactions can aggravate the symptoms of inflammation and irritation of the hemorrhoids and negatively affect the healing process. Dairy, fish, nuts and wheat are some foods that can cause allergies. - Spicy, spicy, smoked and fried foods should be avoided as well as vinegar, Nutella, nuts and honey.
Desserts should be kept to a minimum. Better is a shortcrust pastry cake with homemade jam without added sugar.
People who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet should be careful and do not eat too much dried fruits, nuts, mushrooms and seeds, as these can cause inflammation of the hemorrhoids.
Menu examples for hemorrhoids
What diet helps with hemorrhoids?
Those who suffer from hemorrhoids can prepare a sample menu as recommended below:
For breakfast there is a piece of seasonal fruit, 20-30 g of almonds, 100 g of chickpeas or lentils, 2 tablespoons of raisins, half a grapefruit, a cup of green tea, lemonade or ginger tea.
For a snack in the late morning you can have a piece of fruit and half a glass of orange juice.
Lunch can include a cup of vegetable soup, a quinoa bun, green salad, 1/2 cup of beans from the oven, and a medium-sized apple.
For dinner you can have a salad, 200 g of potatoes with vegetables and sesame seeds, broccoli, 20-30 g of peanuts with fennel tea or chamomile tea.
- Recommended diet for high blood pressure, foods to avoid
- Nutrition for colitis
- Nutrition for osteoporosis