Diagnosis of liver tumor
If the presence of a tumor is suspected, other examinations are carried out in addition to a physical examination: Imaging techniques such as:
- CT
- Magnetic resonance tomography
- Echography.
These examinations not only serve to determine the size and position of the tumor, but also help to determine whether the carcinoma has spread to other parts of the body (metastasis).
- The biopsy consists of the removal of tumor tissue, which is examined in the laboratory.
This examination helps doctors to make a correct diagnosis and choose the right type of treatment. The biopsy is often taken during laparoscopy, a surgical technique that is not invasive for the patient. - Blood tests that reveal the health status of the liver and other organs (how and to what extent they work normally). If there is a suspicion that the tumor is related to a genetic disease, the doctor may initiate some genetic tests to make an accurate diagnosis.
High levels of alpha-1-fetoprotein (AFP) in the blood (> 200 ng/ml) may indicate a tumor in the liver. However, the validity of this method is limited, because only 20% of patients with liver tumor show elevated values.
The levels of transaminases (GPT or GOT) in the blood are elevated, but this examination is not very specific.
Treatment of liver tumors
When the liver stops functioning properly, it cannot perform the metabolic and detoxifying functions for the body. For some situations, surgical treatment is the most appropriate treatment, but the tumor may be inoperable if it is too extensive.
Therapies for a localized and operable tumor (if there are no metastases):
- Liver resection: This is a surgical procedure that involves removing the part of the liver where the tumor is located. The surgeon can remove an entire flap or even the entire organ. In the latter case, transplantation is necessary.
Treatment options for inoperable tumor:
- Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE): Small particles called microspheres are injected into the hepatic artery to cut off the blood supply to the tumor and to attack the mass locally with chemotherapeutic drugs.
- Liver transplant: This is a surgical procedure in which the diseased liver is removed and replaced by a whole liver (from a deceased donor) or by a healthy liver part (from a living donor, often a family member).
- Microwave ablation is a modern therapy method for liver tumors. In the process, an ultrasound-controlled needle is inserted into the hepatic node; the needle produces microwaves that heat the tumor tissue until necrosis. Treatment lasts about 10-15 minutes, the patient needs to stay in the hospital for 1 to 2 days.
- Radiofrequency ablation: This is a minimally invasive (percutaneous) treatment that involves the use of an instrumental examination (ultrasound, CT, or MRI) to insert a needle electrode into the tumor.
The needle is very small, about 1-2 millimeters; the procedure does not provide for incisions and can be performed on tumors smaller than 3 cm. - Percutaneous ethanol injection is a therapy in which ethanol is injected into the liver with a tiny needle to kill the tumor cells. An ultrasound is used to locate the area to be treated. Although this treatment method is very inexpensive, the tumor must be small, the elimination of the tumor cells may be incomplete, and the ethanol could also reach healthy cells.
- Oncological radiotherapy: This form of carcinoma treatment uses high-energy waves that damage or destroy the tumor cells.
Medical treatments include diagnostic tests and the use of medication. They are typically monitored by a hepatologist, i.e. a doctor specializing in the liver.
Diet and nutrition
According to conventional medicine, the causes of liver cancer include alcohol consumption, fatty food, junk food and unbridled eating behaviors, leading to obesity.
There are two nutritional methods that have helped many people heal without the use of medication: the blood type diet and natural medicine of Lezaeta and health hygiene of Shelton.
According to the blood group diet of Dr. D’Adamo/Mozzi, there are foods that cause diseases and symptoms in people of a certain blood type while they are completely harmless in other people and vice versa.
However, according to this nutritional theory, some foods are harmful to everyone and can promote the formation of liver cancer: dairy products, cereals containing gluten, sweets, fried foods and pork.
According to natural medicine and health hygiene, the tumor is caused by a defense mechanism of the body, which deposits all toxins in this mass, instead of allowing them to circulate freely in the bloodstream and in the organism.
In this way, worse damage is prevented and the symptoms and diseases are delayed.
Therefore, hygienists advise fasting (if there are no contraindications, such as pregnancy, cancer and diabetes in the advanced stage, tuberculosis and heart disease).
The patient is allowed to drink only water, but not more than 1.5 liters.
Fasting, which can last a few days or a few weeks, is helpful because the organism is forced to find nutrients within the body.
The first tissues that are “eaten” are fat and the tumor masses (if the cancer is not too advanced).
After fasting, natural medicine recommends following a tumor diet of fruits, vegetables and legumes, which creates a hostile environment for the cancer because it makes the blood alkaline. Meat, milk, dairy products and sugar should be avoided as they promote tumor growth.
Natural remedies for liver cancer include turmeric, which has a natural antitumor, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.
How long is life expectancy? Prognosis for patients with liver cancer
Life expectancy for people with liver cancer depends on various factors, such as tumor size, number of tumor masses, spread outside the liver, and general health of the patient.
The 5-year survival rate for all cases of liver tumors is 15%.
It must be specified that this percentage is also low because patients with this disease also have other disorders, such as cirrhosis of the liver.
What is the survival rate?
Tumor type | 5-year survival rate |
Localized liver tumor (limited to the liver) | 28 % |
Regional liver cancer (spread to surrounding organs) | 7 % |
Liver cancer with metastases (final phase) | 2 % |
Liver tumor in general (all types included) | 15 % |
Surgically removed liver tumor | 50 % |
Liver tumor after transplantation (treated in early stages) | 70 % |
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