Candidiasis: what is it, symptoms, remedies (ointment), is it curable?

The intimate region has a series of bacteria that, when the body is healthy, coexist harmoniously and do not cause danger to women.

But when there are conditions favoring their proliferation, such as a drop in immunity, this can be the cause of a number of discomforts.

Candidiasis is among them.

On average, it is estimated that 3 out of 4 women will experience at least 1 episode of candidiasis in their lifetime.

Despite being well known for affecting the vagina, the infection can also affect other regions, including men!


What is Candidiasis?

Candidiasis is an infection caused by any type of fungus of the genus Candida . There are more than 20 species of Candida , the most common of which affects humans is Candida albicans.

The disease is curable and can affect several areas of the body, such as the private parts, the mouth, the skin and even be systemic.

The most common is vaginal, affecting 3 out of 4 women in their lifetime.

When it affects the private parts, its symptoms include itching, redness, swelling, among others.

When it affects the mouth, white spots appear. On the skin, it causes irritation. And when it is systemic, it can bring serious complications, such as problems with the immune system.

It is worth remembering that candidiasis is not an STD . Because it affects the genital region, many people believe that candidiasis is a Sexually Transmitted Disease, which is not true.

Treatment for candidiasis involves using topical or oral antifungals to fight infection. To prevent its appearance and reappearance, taking care of personal hygiene is extremely necessary.

It is very important to be aware of the signs of candidiasis so that it does not spread and is left untreated, as there are many myths regarding its treatment.

What is systemic or invasive candidiasis?

Called systemic or invasive candidiasis, this condition is characterized by a deeper and more intense involvement of the organism. For example, the fungus affects the intestines, joints, kidneys and other parts.

In general, it occurs when the infectious agent reaches the bloodstream, which allows it to spread quickly.

What are the types of candidiasis?

There are several types of fungal infections caused by the Candida fungi , but we can say that, in general, there are 6 main types of infections.

Each caused by a different species of fungus, affecting different areas of the body. Check out:

Check out a list of the 6 main Candida species that can affect the organism.

Candida albacans

This is the species that most causes fungal infections, being responsible for more or less 50% of all cases of candidiasis.

It is an opportunistic species by nature and attacks just when the organism is most fragile.

If you have low immunity, if your skin’s natural bacterial flora is deregulated because of antibiotics, stress, excessive carbohydrate intake or hormonal dysfunction, Candida albicans can attack various parts of your body.

The most common symptoms of this variation are:

  • Fatigue;
  • Swelling;
  • Gases;
  • Anxiety;
  • Depression;
  • Vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina);
  • Itchy skin;
  • Difficulty concentrating and impaired memory.

When not treated properly, this type of candidiasis can spread and lead to systemic infection through the bloodstream, allowing countless diseases to happen.

Candida tropicalis

This is the second most common variation of candidiasis. The Candida tropicalis is responsible for 30% of cases of bloodstream infections in the blood of candidiasis.

It normally grows in the intestine and spreads to the skin, especially in people with diabetes, leukemia and lymphomas, causing a number of problems, including diarrhea, gas, stomach pain, skin irritation, itchy eczema and hives.

The Candida tropicalis is also responsible for the vaginal candidiasis. If the disease spreads to the rest of the body, it can affect the nervous system and result in depression, headaches, and memory loss.

Despite not being as aggressive as Candida albicans , with each passing day, this variation has become increasingly resistant to antifungals, which makes its treatment difficult.

But this is not so bad, as a new variety of antifungals has been discovered and has effective results when combined with changes in diet and lifestyle.

Candida glabrata

Mucous and systemic infections caused by Candida glabrata have grown in recent years, as data from the National Institutes of Health in the United States say.

When infecting a patient, it can cause complications such as canker sores, which usually appear white and creamy, and a small increase in lesions in the mouth.

These symptoms can result in difficulty in swallowing food or fever, if the infection spreads to the esophagus.

Although it occurs more in babies, children, the elderly and people with immunity problems, the cold sore can affect anyone and, if left untreated, can spread to other parts of the body including the lungs and liver of immunocompromised people.

Candida parapsilosis

The Candida parapsilosis is involved in about 30% of infections caused by Candida affecting the nails and tissues. It is also involved in cases of fungemia (fungal infection of the blood).

This variation in the disease causes flu-like symptoms, but with greater intensity. In addition, it can cause fatigue and systemic infections, especially in people with weakened immune systems.

It is highly resistant to antimicrobial drugs, which causes fear in hospitals, especially in Europe.

Candida Krusei

A more rare variant, Candida krusei is responsible for only 1% of all candidiasis cases. It is very much associated with diarrhea in children and, in a few cases, systemic candidiasis.

Candida lusitaniae

Another rare variant, Candida lusitaniae is also responsible for only 1% of all cases of candidiasis.

It can cause candidemia (the presence of candida fungus in the bloodstream), in addition to systemic candidiasis, including sepsis (a type of generalized infection) and pyelonephritis (an inflammation of the kidney caused by infections).

Where does it manifest?

Because it can affect different parts of the body, candidiasis can be classified according to the affected area and the type of manifestation. Check out the main types of manifestation of the disease:

Oral candidiasis (mouth, tongue)

Oral candidiasis is characterized by white creamy lesions in the mouth, affecting the tongue, the inner wall of the cheeks and the palate (roof of the mouth).

Also commonly called “thrush”, it is most often seen in babies, the elderly, patients undergoing chemotherapy and people with AIDS or other conditions that compromise the immune system.

There are several types of oral candidiasis:

  • Oral pseudomembranous candidiasis: usually occurs without pain and causes the presence of white spots like curd in the mouth, which can be easily removed.
  • Acute erythematous oral candidiasis: there is the presence of erythema (rash on the cheek) and pain, especially on the tongue. It is common after the use of oral antibiotics.
  • Chronic hyperplastic oral candidiasis: there are strong spots on the cheeks or on the tongue. They are not easily removed and are more common in smokers and men over 30.

In cases of oral candidiasis, the patient usually complains of burning, decreased taste and the feeling of having a cotton wool in his mouth.

If oral candidiasis spreads to the esophagus, the patient may report difficulty swallowing.

Candidiasis in women (vaginal)

Most commonly caused by Candida albicans , vaginal candidiasis affects 3 out of 4 women and is very common in women of childbearing age, as the vagina is a hot and humid environment, facilitating the proliferation of the fungus.

It can still occur during menopause, although it is less common.

It is also known as candida vulvovaginitis and is very common in women:

  • Diabetes mellitus patients ;
  • Suffering from hormonal changes;
  • Who have a genetic predisposition;
  • Who have recently used antibiotics;
  • Who have a compromised immune system.

The most typical symptom of vaginal candidiasis is itching in the intimate area, combined with a burning or burning sensation around the vulva. Pains tend to worsen during premenstrual periods or during sex.

Another frequent sign is vaginal discharge. It is usually whitish, thick, odorless and small in volume.

Candidiasis on the penis (penile)

Penile candidiasis is much less common than vaginal candidiasis, but it can still happen.

Poor penis hygiene and the use of geriatric diapers are factors that can lead to the onset of the disease in men.

Like the risk factors, the symptoms of penile candidiasis are very similar to those of vaginal candidiasis.

They include redness, swelling, pain in the glans, itching and burning during sex. The appearance of white plaques, similar to those that appear on the tongue in cases of “thrush”, are also common.

Candidiasis in the esophagus

The main symptom of esophageal candidiasis is pain when swallowing, called odynophagia.

However, unlike oral candidiasis, which can occasionally occur in healthy patients, esophageal candidiasis is a clear sign of problems with the immune system.

HIV infection and other factors that cause immunosuppression are the most common causes for this type of problem.

When infected with candidiasis in the esophagus, patients also report feeling a pain in the chest, behind the sternum (bone that is in the center of the chest).

Its diagnosis is made through an upper digestive endoscopy.

Candidiasis on the skin (cutaneous)

Also known as candidiasic intertrigo, candidiasis on the skin is characterized by red patches on the skin, which can itch even if it hurts.

These plaques usually appear in the folds of the body, such as in the armpits, scrotum or under the breasts.

This inflammation, which occurs where two parts of the skin touch, is called intertrigo.

Candidiasis on the skin manifests itself in these regions because they are particularly more susceptible to the appearance of intertrigos, since they are humid and hot regions, which favors the proliferation of germs and, mainly, fungi.

Disseminated candidiasis

This is the most worrying manifestation of candidiasis.

It occurs when the fungus multiplies in an uncontrolled manner, proliferating to other regions of the body that are not normally affected, such as kidneys, eyes, heart, liver, bones and other essential organs.

The nervous system can also be invaded, bringing a series of complications.

This type of candidiasis is considered a serious case, especially since the patient suffering from this symptom is already immunosuppressed.

Bacterial vaginosis

Because they are similar, candidiasis can be easily confused with bacterial vaginosis (BV). Bacterial vaginosis is another type of vaginal infection in which, unlike candidiasis, the vaginal flow has a gray- white , viscous discharge , in addition to a characteristic fetid odor, similar to that of rotten fish.

Check below for a comparison of the types of vaginal flow so you don’t get confused when talking to your doctor about your suspicions.

Read more: What can be white discharge?

Normal vaginal flow

  • Transparent color;
  • Odorless;
  • Liquid texture.

Vaginal flow with fungal infections

  • White color;
  • Odorless;
  • Thick and grainy texture.

Vaginal flow with bacterial infections

  • White-gray color;
  • Bad smell (reminiscent of rotten fish);
  • Grainy texture.

What can cause candidiasis?

Candidiasis is caused by fungi of the genus Candida . There are more than 20 species of Candida registered that can cause infections in humans, but the most common is Candida albicans . These fungi are natural to the human organism and do not cause any kind of problem, if the organism is in good immune conditions.

Fungi of the genus Candida  are natural to the human body and usually do not cause any kind of problem, being found in the intestinal tract, mucous membranes and even on the skin.

It is when these organisms multiply too much and in a disorganized way that problems like candidiasis occur. There are many factors that can cause Candida fungi  to proliferate in the wrong way, such as:

Use of antibiotics

The use of this type of medication can cause candidiasis, because, in addition to attacking the bacteria that causes a malignant infection, some types of antibiotics also eliminate bacteria that are benign to the body, leaving it unregulated.

This imbalance makes room for the body’s natural fungi to proliferate and end up dispersing to other parts of the body, causing problems such as candidiasis.

Hormonal imbalances

The use of the pill or else pregnancy are factors that lead to the emergence of candidiasis. That’s because the body’s hormone levels are out of order, which can alter the balance of chemicals within the digestive system.

This imbalance provides the Candida fungus with  the possibility of developing and proliferating throughout the body.


The stress affects the body in two ways:

  1. Releasing cortisone;
  2. Increasing blood sugar levels.

Cortisone is a hormone that depresses the immune system and gives space for the fungus to proliferate in the intestine. The extra sugar in the blood, in turn, ends up serving as food for the fungus, which proliferates more easily.


As with stress, people with diabetes have higher blood sugar levels, which makes it easier for the fungus to feed on the body and increase their chances of proliferating.

How does the transmission of candidiasis occur?

Candidiasis is not normally transmitted. In most cases, it is caused by deficiencies in the immune system and hygiene or bowel problems.

However, it can be transmitted from one person to another.

When the woman has candidiasis, for example, the transmission of the disease to her partner can occur.

However, in men, the disease is usually asymptomatic, making the risk of the partner re-infecting the spouse after she has already healed the disease.

Because, during sex, there is an exchange of fluids and friction of the skin, which can cause the fungus to pass from one person to another.

For this reason, it is important that, when a case of candidiasis is diagnosed in women, both men and women undergo treatment for the disease, even if they have no symptoms.

Risk factors

Candidiasis is much more common in women than men. Studies indicate that 3 out of 4 women suffer or will suffer from candidiasis at some point in life, while in men, the proportion is 2 out of 10.

There are some periods when women are more likely to contract candidiasis. Are they:

  • When using antibiotics;
  • When you have diabetes;
  • During menstruation;
  • During the use of contraceptives;
  • When tight or wet clothing is frequently used;
  • When walking with bare feet or when sharing gloves;
  • When doing intimate hygiene more than 2 times a day and using an absorbent for more than 3 hours straight;
  • During sexual intercourse with the infected partner;
  • If you have HIV or any disease that weakens your immune system;
  • During the pregnancy.

What are the symptoms of candidiasis?

In general, candidiasis causes rashes in the affected region, which can leave the sensitive area, irritated or burning. Rashes and flaking may occur, depending on the affected site. Check out the specific symptoms:

Symptoms of oral candidiasis

In oral candidiasis, the symptoms are simple and easy to identify. The disease, also known as thrush, causes bad breath and the appearance of whitish plaques in the mouth, tongue and internal parts of the cheeks.

It is very common that it is mistaken for inflammation in the throat, because, in many cases, it causes difficulty when swallowing. However, this pain may indicate the presence of esophageal candidiasis, a more serious variation of the disease.

Rashes on the lips are also common.

Symptoms of vaginal candidiasis

Symptoms of vaginal candidiasis usually occur when the body’s immunity is low. Check out:

  • White vaginal discharge, similar to curdled milk;
  • Intense itching and burning sensation in the intimate region;
  • Pain and burning during intimate contact and sexual intercourse;
  • Swelling and redness in the intimate region.

Women with these symptoms should seek medical assistance from a gynecologist, so that a diagnosis is made by examining the vagina, such as a pap smear , and for treatment to be started, if applicable.

In some cases, skin peeling around the vaginal area may occur. Less frequently, this symptom can occur and is a strong indication that you should see a gynecologist and, if applicable, a dermatologist.

Symptoms of penile candidiasis

The symptoms themselves are very similar to those of women: redness, swelling, burning when urinating and pain during intercourse.

The difference is found in serious infections. In them, there may be the appearance of bubbles and flaking of the glans. When the blisters burst, the glans is wet and there may be the presence of white and gray substances similar to the vaginal discharge.

Symptoms of cutaneous candidiasis

Candidiasis on the skin is characteristic of being able to develop in different areas of a person’s body. The most common places are where there is a lot of humidity, as they are the most propitious for the appearance of the fungus.

It is characterized by redness, skin rashes, flaking, itching and the release of a clear liquid. It is important to remember that the person resists the sensation of itching, so as not to infect the affected places.

The most common areas to be affected by cutaneous candidiasis are:

  • Armpits;
  • Between the toes and the hand;
  • Area under the breasts;
  • Area around the anus;
  • Inner thighs;
  • Belly button;
  • Groin.

Symptoms of intestinal candidiasis

Intestinal candidiasis causes an imbalance in the intestine and can cause the following symptoms:

  • Constant tiredness;
  • Lack of energy;
  • Constant mood swings;
  • Acne and skin problems;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Muscle aches;
  • Headaches;
  • Trapped intestine;
  • Irritability.

Symptoms of systemic candidiasis

More serious variation of the disease, systemic candidiasis affects several organs of the body and causes it to malfunction because of the toxins released by the fungus. Among the main symptoms are:

  • Stomach and intestine problems;
  • Feeling of frequent malaise;
  • Lack of energy and bad mood;
  • Sudden mood swings;
  • Constant changes in weight;
  • Frequent urinary infections;
  • Concentration problems;
  • Hormonal imbalances;
  • Difficulty sleeping;
  • Lack of sexual desire;
  • Liver problems;
  • Muscle aches;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Kidney problems;
  • Frequent cough;
  • Weak memory;
  • Hyperactivity;
  • Severe PMS;
  • Flatulence;
  • Depression;
  • Allergies;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Ulcers;
  • Fatigue;
  • Gases;
  • Asthma;
  • Acne.

It is very important that, if you suspect systemic candidiasis, you see a doctor as soon as possible. Its complications can be serious.

Candidiasis causes blisters?

In general, manifestations on the mucous membranes are rashes, similar to irritation on the skin or mucous membranes. The region tends to be very red, resembling a peeling or allergy.

In men (penile candidiasis), the infection can cause the appearance of small, rounded, protruding irritations. However, the disease does not cause evident blisters, with accumulation of pus or liquid inside.

How is candidiasis diagnosed?

The diagnosis of candidiasis will depend on the symptoms and each of the ways in which the disease manifests itself is diagnosed in its own way. Check out:

Oral candidiasis

Oral candidiasis is easily diagnosed. As its signs are very evident, even in a quick consultation with the dentist, oral candidiasis is already identified and treatment suggestions can be made right there, right away.

If the severity of the symptoms is greater, the doctor may ask for tests to check for the presence of candidiasis in the esophagus.

Candidiasis in the esophagus or stomach

When there is a suspicion of candidiasis in the esophagus, diagnostic tests should be carried out as soon as possible, as the presence of this variation of the disease is an indicator that there is something wrong with the immune system.

The main exam to diagnose candidiasis in the esophagus is through upper digestive endoscopy , which consists of the insertion of an endoscope in the throat in order to observe the health of the gastrointestinal system.

Vaginal candidiasis

Because it has symptoms very similar to those of other forms of vaginitis, such as trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginosis, its diagnosis is made through gynecological examination, the collection of vaginal secretions and the identification of the Candida fungus  under the microscope.

Can candidiasis be cured?

Yes, candidiasis has a cure!  Most candidiasis infections can be treated with prescription or over-the-counter medications. The treatment lasts about a week, but if candidiasis has arisen because of an immune system problem, you should see a doctor.

What is the treatment for candidiasis?

For each type of candidiasis there is a specific type of treatment. Although they are similar and often use the same drugs, their methods of application and the way they should be used differ from each other.


Oral candidiasis

The treatment for oral candidiasis is clear and simple: impeccable oral hygiene and treatment with antifungals.

Brushing your teeth well is very important to prevent the fungus from multiplying in the mouth and the use of antifungal drugs kill the infectious organism and prevent its proliferation and possible complications, such as esophageal candidiasis.

In the case of children who have candidiasis, all the toys that the child puts in the mouth must be sterilized. Mothers who are breastfeeding should go to the doctor to see if they have candidiasis or not.

People who wear dentures should wash them thoroughly after using them in order for the treatment to be effective.

Esophageal candidiasis

Candidiasis in the esophagus must be treated with the use of potent topical drugs to combat the pathogen and its treatment must be done in conjunction with other factors that may have impaired the correct functioning of the immune system.

The treatment usually lasts up to 21 days.

Vaginal candidiasis

The treatment for vaginal candidiasis is simple and involves the use of medicines that normally do not require a prescription.

The woman should pass these medications around the vagina for a period of 1 to 7 days, depending on the medication.

If the affected area is irritated and the symptoms worsen, treatment should be stopped immediately.

There are other medications that are inserted into the vagina as well, with a suppository-like function.

Some of these treatments have a faster action than the use of ointments and creams, and can be of single or continuous application.

Recurrent vaginal candidiasis

In cases where candidiasis is recurrent, treatment can last longer and be frustrating. It should be based on three principles:

  1. Removal of predisposing factors (for example: better control diabetes, use other contraceptive methods, avoid unnecessary use of antibiotics, etc.);
  2. Elimination of the current infection;
  3. Prevention of recurrence.

An alternative for people who do not want to use medications orally is any topical medication for a period of about 14 days.

In such cases, it is very important to keep an eye out for signs to prevent candidiasis from appearing in the body again.

Non- albicans candidiasis

When the type of Candida  responsible for the symptoms of vulvovaginitis is not albicans , treatment is usually done for the isolated type of the species causing the symptoms.

Because they are less common, the type of Candida  that affects the patient is only discovered when infections are recurrent or difficult to eliminate.

Treatment during pregnancy

Treatment during pregnancy should be done before delivery to prevent the transmission of the fungus to the baby during normal delivery.

Candidiasis during pregnancy is very common, since the woman’s immune system is weakened, facilitating the appearance of fungi. Therefore, consult a doctor before starting any type of treatment.

Penile candidiasis

Similar to vaginal candidiasis, candidiasis in men should be treated with the use of antifungal medications in cream or ointment. Tablets, taken in a single dose, can also be used.

Candidiasis on the skin

In cases of candidiasis in other parts of the body, the best indication is to use specific ointments and lotions for the treatment of fungal infections. For other types of medication, it will usually be necessary to make use of a prescription.

The affected area must be kept dry and clean. In the case of children or people who use diapers, changing the diaper should be more frequent than usual and it is necessary to use the ointments with a barrier cream to speed recovery.

Disseminated candidiasis

If the candidiasis spreads to the rest of the body and starts to become systemic, a more intense treatment can occur, with the ingestion of stronger antifungals intravenously to fight the pathogen until it is completely eliminated.

Medicines for candidiasis

The main range of drugs used to treat candidiasis consists of oral or topical antifungals, depending on the variation of the disease that has been affecting the patient.

Check out:

Oral remedies (tablet or solution)

  • Itraconazole (tablet): like Itralex , Miconal and Spozol;
  • Fluconazole (tablet): like Fluconid and Zoltec IV ; 
  • Ketoconazole (tablet): like Prati-Donaduzzi and Ketoconazole Medley ;
  • Posaconazole (oral solution): oral solution like Noxafil ;
  • Voriconazole (tablet): like Vfend and Vori ;
  • Terbinafine (tablet): like Ceremil and Funtyl capsules .

Ointments, creams and applications

The doctor may prescribe medications for local application, such as:

  • Ketoconazole (cream): Medley cream and Ketonax ;
  • Ciclopirox : Fungirox nail polish and Loprox topical solution ;
  • Econazol (solutions or lotions): Micostyl ;
  • Miconazole (cream): Gino Mizonol ;
  • Nystatin (cream): Nistrazin ;
  • Clotrimazole (cream): Baycuten , Canesten and Gino-Canesten ;
  • Terbinafine : in spray solution or in cream ;
  • Terconazole (vaginal creams): like Gyno Fungix and Ginconazol .


NEVER self-medicate or stop using a medication without first consulting a doctor. Only he will be able to tell which medication, dosage and duration of treatment is the most suitable for his specific case. The information contained in this website is only intended to inform, not in any way intended to replace the guidance of a specialist or serve as a recommendation for any type of treatment. Always follow the instructions on the package insert and, if symptoms persist, seek medical or pharmaceutical advice.

How long does candidiasis take to heal?

In general, soon after administering the medications, the fungi already begin to be fought. However, the body can still take between 3 and 6 days to show a significant improvement. That is, reduction of symptoms.

This time can take a long time mainly because the organism tends to be weakened. It can slow down the total disappearance of symptoms.

However, the vast majority of people already show a very evident improvement in about 48 hours after medication.

Living together: how to quickly cure candidiasis?

After being diagnosed with candidiasis, the main thing to do is to take care that the disease does not appear again. Taking a break from sex and waiting for the body to recover, as well as some lifestyle changes, can come in handy at that time.

Avoid sexual intercourse

Although not considered a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD), candidiasis can pass from one person to another through sex. This is because, during sexual intercourse, fluid exchange occurs and there is a lot of physical contact.

As in men, mainly, candidiasis is usually asymptomatic.

After being diagnosed with candidiasis, it is good for the woman to refrain from having sex until the end of the treatment, as the partner may be carrying the fungus on her private parts and is at risk of relaying the disease to her partner.

The most correct thing to do when you are diagnosed with candidiasis is for your partner to go for an exam as well. Thus, there is no risk that the disease will reappear.

Use condom

If, even after candidiasis has been diagnosed, you want to continue to have sex, make sure to use a condom in all relationships during and after treatment.

Lifestyle changes

After being diagnosed with candidiasis, there are a few steps you can take to prevent recurrence or worsening of symptoms:

  • Do not wear pantyhose during treatment;
  • Wear cotton panties;
  • Choose to sleep without clothes, because this way there will be more ventilation;
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing;
  • Always keep the intimate area as clean and dry as possible;
  • Avoid wearing wet clothing.

Don’t scratch

As much as it makes you want to scratch the affected area, avoid rubbing it. This can open wounds and dirt from the hands can further contaminate the area, which can result in inflammation and infections that will only aggravate the condition.

Can untreated candidiasis have complications?

Despite being a relatively simple disease to be treated, if it is not tackled with a certain degree of urgency, it can have consequences, especially when it spreads through the body and becomes systemic, such as:

  • Allergies;
  • Loss of hair;
  • Lack of libido;
  • Tiredness;
  • Acne;
  • Gases;
  • Memory failures;
  • Lack of concentration;
  • Insomnia;
  • Constipation;
  • Cramps;
  • Muscle aches;
  • Respiratory infections;
  • Impotence;
  • Depression;
  • Urinary infection.

In addition, some other even more serious complications can occur. Check out:

In the immune system

Candidiasis affects the immune system in a few different ways:

  • Imbalance of intestinal flora;
  • Loose bowel syndrome;
  • Adrenal fatigue (malfunction of the adrenal glands, which causes tiredness).

The imbalance of the intestinal flora happens because the fungi proliferate inside the intestine, which hinders the absorption of essential nutrients and can make the body more susceptible to diseases.

The loose bowel syndrome happens for the same reason. The presence of fungi inside the intestine causes an imbalance and hinders the normal functioning of the intestine.

In this case, however, the patient suffers from diarrhea and essential nutrients are lost through the faeces before they are absorbed, leaving the immune system more fragile.

Already the fatigue adrenal occurs when the adrenal glands are subject to too much stress for long periods of time, leading to their exhaustion.

Candidiasis weakens the functioning of these glands, making their regulation very fragile and any small act, such as drinking too much coffee or sleeping too little, can affect their functioning.

In these cases, the adrenal glands become tired and overloaded, causing a hormonal imbalance that causes the immune system to be compromised and a feeling of constant tiredness and fatigue to take place.


In some cases, penile candidiasis can be a sign of the onset of diabetes mellitus .

If the patient does not have an evident risk factor for candidiasis, an assessment of blood glucose levels may be required.

How to prevent candidiasis?

There are some actions you can take in your daily life to prevent candidiasis from occurring. Among them are:

  • Wash and dry the intimate area well before sleeping;
  • Use loose clothing and cotton;
  • Give preference to eating foods with probiotics and lactobacillus, such as yogurt;
  • Sleep without panties;
  • Make intimate hygiene with vaginal gel with a pH between 3.8 and 4.5, avoiding all products and soaps with chemicals.

Another valuable tip is to avoid eating foods rich in carbohydrates , fats and sugar, as they are the main food source of the fungus that causes vaginal candidiasis.

Strengthen the immune system

As the disease is usually present when the immune system is weakened, strengthening it is a good option to prevent and even treat the disease. Check out some precautions you can take:

Make use of probiotics

In addition to releasing small amounts of lactic and acetic acid, which keeps stomach acid at healthy levels, probiotics help to reduce the amount of Candida albicans  in your stomach.

A 2009 study by the University of Pennsylvania, USA, found that a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut improves the immune system. Normal levels of bacteria increase the effectiveness of the immune system and help the body fight pathogens, as the absorption of nutrients occurs in the best possible way.

Taking vitamins

Vitamin C helps to treat candidiasis in 3 ways:

  1. Providing support to the adrenal glands, two small organs essential for the metabolism and regulation of blood sugar, as well as the production of anti-inflammatory and antihistamines;
  2. Stimulating the immune system, providing more strength for the immune system to fight candidiasis;
  3. Increasing the amount of acid in the stomach, which slows down the development of candidiasis.

The vitamins A, E, and pantothenic acid, also known as vitamin B5, are other options for strengthening the immune system.

Vitamin A helps the body to defeat infections by influencing cells on certain mucous surfaces. The use of vitamin E has been shown to be a good way to increase the effectiveness of the immune system.

Medicinal plants and herbal medicines

The use of some herbal remedies can help to lower stress on the immune system. However, before starting any treatment with medicinal plants or herbal medicines, consult a doctor.

Avoid using caffeine

Caffeine is one of the biggest causes of adrenal fatigue, which causes weakness of the immune system. Quitting drinking coffee is not easy, especially for those who drink it for its energy benefits. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce your coffee intake.

Start cutting your afternoon coffee and gradually reduce the concentration of coffee you drink in the morning as well. Over time, you will be able to leave the coffee aside and may even make use of some alternatives, such as chicory.

Chicory tastes similar to coffee and contains probiotics, which promote the rebalancing of intestinal flora, in addition to stimulating the production of healthy digestive enzymes.

Light physical exercise

The practice of physical exercises is good and everyone knows it. It improves blood circulation and thereby supports the strengthening of the immune system. Despite this, you should not overdo the exercises, as too intense workouts can put the body under a lot of stress, which can weaken the adrenal glands.

Steam room

The sauna is a good way to eliminate toxins from the body, removing certain responsibilities from the immune system. In addition, the sauna improves circulation and helps the liver to eliminate toxins and pathogens from the blood.

Reduce stress

Physical and emotional stress contributes a lot to the weakening of the immune system. For that reason, it is extremely important to find some way to reduce stress in your day to day.

Taking time off from work, making trips and relaxing activities are a good thing.

Quality sleep

Many of the body’s problems are caused by unregulated sleep. Sleeping is one of the most important tasks of the body, as this is how the body recharges its energies and regulates hormone levels.

If you wake up early, sleep early. Staying up late and sleeping less than necessary (6 to 8 hours a night) can cause a lot of stress on the body.

Hygiene care

One of the ways to prevent the appearance and reappearance of candidiasis is by being attentive and taking great care of hygiene.

Whether in cases of oral candidiasis, cutaneous or in the intimate region, it is necessary to redouble the care with the own body.

In the case of oral candidiasis, maintaining oral health is extremely important, because then, little by little, you will remove the residues of the fungus from the mouth and prevent it from appearing again.

In the cutaneous, the use of antiseptic soaps is indicated and, in the one that affects the private parts, intimate soaps help in the prevention of the disease.

It is worth remembering that you should use the correct soap for each region, so no use of antiseptics on the private parts, okay?

Another important tip for women is the time to pass the toilet paper after pooping. Pass the toilet paper from front to back, that is, from the vagina towards the anus, and not from the anus towards the vagina.

This prevents the remaining dirt on the toilet paper from coming into contact with the private parts, preventing the contact of the Candida fungus  with the vagina, in addition to other bacteria that can cause urinary infections.

Eating well

Avoiding foods with high glucose content and having a more balanced diet makes your digestive tract healthier.

As we saw earlier, Candida is a fungus that appears in the intestine and can spread to other parts of the body when it has low immunity and other factors.

Therefore, maintaining a healthy diet is very important.

That way, you will have the body in the tricks, avoiding both a low in the immune system, as well as keeping the intestine regulated and at the correct pH, to prevent the natural fungi and bacteria from spreading.

Common questions

Is candidiasis transmissible?

YEAH ! Although candidiasis is not on the list of sexually transmitted diseases or infections (STD and IS), it can infect another person through sexual intercourse.

How long does candidiasis last?

It depends on the region affected. In general, the time for relief and complete disappearance of symptoms varies between 1 and 9 days after the start of treatment. But it is worth remembering that the body’s immune conditions are related to the intensity and duration of the condition as well.

Therefore, the broader the treatment (good nutrition, elimination of risk factors), the faster the body recovers.

What is the treatment for cutaneous candidiasis?

For the treatment of cutaneous candidiasis, antifungal drugs and hygiene habits can be associated. Most conditions are easily resolved with specific ointments or creams, and the maintenance of dry skin.

Candidiasis comes out of blood?

In general, no. But the presence of blood is not necessarily an urgent matter. In severe cases of infection, the cervix can be severely injured and, therefore, bleed.

Although severe, the condition improves with the correct treatment.

Another aspect that must be considered is that the drugs for vaginal candidiasis are treated with ointments. They are usually applied with rigid applicators that must be inserted into the vagina.

As the mucous membranes are very sensitive, there may be injuries or friction that can cause the mucosa to bleed.

However, whenever blood is present, it is important to seek medical advice.

Are there any home treatments for candidiasis?

Yes, they exist. However, they are not recommended . Many believe that yogurt or treatment with boric acid, vinegar, coconut oil and even garlic can solve the problem, but that is not the case. In all of these cases, there is not enough research to prove the effectiveness of this type of treatment.

They may even relieve symptoms, but their effectiveness in fighting the fungus has not been proven. Treating yourself with these homemade alternatives can actually make the condition caused by candidiasis even worse, as the fungus is not completely eliminated from the body.

To treat candidiasis safely and effectively, consult a doctor.

Is candidiasis an STD?

As strange as it may seem, the answer is no !

Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by the excessive proliferation of fungi of the genus Candida . The sexual transmission of candidiasis exists, but that does not mean that it is an STD, precisely because it occurs even without sexual contact.

This is because, as previously mentioned, the Candida fungus  is found naturally in the body and usually only manifests when the immune system is low.

Even so, if your partner has symptoms of candidiasis, it is good for both of you to test yourself for the disease, as it can lead to serious complications. Consult a doctor.

Oral sex causes candidiasis?

The answer to that question is dubious: yes and no.

Not because candidiasis is not a “spread” disease. As stated earlier, it is caused by the excessive increase in the population of the Candida fungus  in certain regions of the body. For this reason, candidiasis is not “caught”, since it is common to all.

What happens is that the mouth is a place rich in candida and the transfer of a significant amount of the fungus from the mouth to the partner’s genital region can happen. If your partner has a weakened immune system, the chances of the disease developing become greater.

However, the chances are higher specifically in women, for some reasons such as:

  • The fact that the vagina is a more conducive place for the development of the fungus, since it is a hotter, stuffy and moist place than the penis;
  • Lack of oral hygiene of the partner, which can lead him to develop more fungi in the mouth, transferring them to the partner’s vagina;
  • The fact that the skin of the vagina is thinner and more sensitive, which allows Candida to have access to the blood more often due to microscopic cuts that can occur on the vaginal skin as a result of sexual contact.

Can virgins also have candidiasis?

Yea!  This is because, as stated earlier, candidiasis is caused by an overpopulation of the Candida fungus in certain regions of the body due to a decrease in immunity. Therefore, virgin women and men may indeed develop candidiasis.

Can candidiasis cause problems in ovulation and prevent the person from becoming pregnant?

The relationship between candidiasis and infertility is small. In most cases, it will not prevent pregnancy or cause problems with ovulation.

What can occur, however, is a change in the pH of the intimate region, which can create a hostile environment for sperm. During treatment with antifungals and vaginal creams, sperm will also have more difficulty in moving to reach the egg, which can also hinder fertilization.

The important thing is that, after the complete treatment for candidiasis, when the disease has already disappeared, any difficulty that could be preventing the pregnancy disappears.

Does candidiasis affect pregnancy?

Due to the hormonal changes caused by pregnancy, the pregnant woman may end up with her immune system compromised, which increases her chances of contracting candidiasis. In fact, candidiasis is very common during pregnancy, appearing 10 times more often than in other periods.

But that is no reason to worry too much. Despite causing discomfort to the mother, the disease does not harm the baby and does not pose any risks for the evolution of the pregnancy.

Even so, it is important to notify the doctor if any type of discharge or discomfort in the vaginal area appears during pregnancy. He is the one who can indicate the correct and healthiest treatment for you and your baby.

Even so, even after curing, there are great chances that the disease will reappear during pregnancy. Therefore, pregnant women should take certain precautions, such as wearing cotton panties or not wearing panties when sleeping, as this allows the intimate region to breathe.

Is thrush in the mouth a symptom of candidiasis?

The thrush in the mouth, in fact, is one of the forms of candidiasis , called oral candidiasis. Also known as oral moniliasis, it can be one of the signs of AIDS , but it also usually occurs in children, the elderly and people with some alteration in the immune system.

Who has had candidiasis once can have it in the future?

Yea!  Not all people who have had candidiasis once will necessarily develop it again in the future, but failure to maintain the correct hygiene habits and prevent themselves may be factors that cause the disease to return.

Does poor hygiene cause candidiasis?

Technically, it is not the lack of hygiene that causes candidiasis. However, the lack of hygiene in the genital region may favor the proliferation of the fungus that causes the disease. Keeping the intimate area clean and well cared for helps to reduce the risk of infections.

Can recurrent candidiasis cause fibroids?

No!  Candidiasis does not cause fibroids. What can happen is a complication of vulvar and vaginal pain, presence of light fissures and pain during intercourse or when urinating. Fibroids are benign tumors in the uterus and, although their causes are not completely understood, they are not related to candidiasis.

Is it possible to have candidiasis even without the common symptoms?

It is risky to say yes, because candidiasis is usually accompanied by its characteristic symptoms. So, if you suspect you have candidiasis, don’t hesitate to see a doctor. He is the professional able to make the diagnosis and assist you in the treatment, if applicable.

Although many people confuse, candidiasis is not an STD. However, if left untreated, it can have serious consequences. So, get informed and watch for signs.
