Basil: does tea lose weight? See the health benefits

Basil (or Alfavaca, Basilicão and Erva-rea) is a plant that can be used with medicinal, aromatic properties or simply as an ingredient in the kitchen.

It can be easily found in health food stores, fairs and even in common markets.

As for cultivation, basil is a small shrub that can be from 60cm to 1 meter in height, with broad leaves and a strong smell – it can also have small lilac, white or red flowers.

Despite this, there are also people who cultivate at home, planting it in pots and using it for individual consumption.

Let’s learn more about the benefits and uses of this plant:


What is the benefit of basil?

Like many plants, basil can also have numerous health benefits when incorporated into a balanced diet or used medicinally. Check out some examples:

  • Relieves cough (it is an ingredient in many syrups);
  • It takes care of oral health – due to its properties that act as a fighter against bacteria, preventing bad breath and periodontal diseases;
  • Improves the skin – helps in the purification and cleaning of the dermis, besides helping against acne;
  • Relieves stress (some experts recommend chewing 10 basil leaves a day to relieve stress from taste and aroma);
  • Prevents cardiovascular problems – its antioxidant properties reduce cholesterol and, thus, takes care of heart health;
  • Treats flu symptoms – chewing basil leaves can help the body fight bacteria and improve the immune system.

This plant has detoxifying, antiseptic properties and helps control infections in the body. In addition, it can also be used as an anti-inflammatory and with anti-bacterial functions.

It is due to its natural properties that basil is able to provide not only these, but many other health benefits.

It is worth mentioning that this herb, compared to others, is also a great source of minerals – such as Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Potassium. It also has a considerable amount of vitamin C and omega 3. All of these are essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the body.

How can I use basil?

It is possible to fully explore the uses of basil. It can be used through its leaves or even as an essential oil.

Thus, it is possible that it is a culinary ingredient or that it is present in therapies aimed at health and well-being. Check out:


Without a doubt, the most traditional way of using the plant is as a fresh, dry or even powdered condiment.

It is one of the ingredients of recipes for pizzas, sauces, soups, salads and many others. Still, due to its characteristic aroma, it is often added as a way of providing a pleasant smell to the dishes.

Therefore, when using basil in cooking, in addition to the flavor, you can increase the nutritional value of the preparations.


Aroma is not only good in food, it is also the main form of action of essential oil, widely used as aromatherapy . Basil oil has been used for many years to promote mental balance, reduce stress and increase energy.

It is common to use it from diffusers, but it can also be mixed with creams to be spread on the body during massage sessions or for personal use, applying in areas of tension.

In addition, it can be used to make inhalation, allowing its properties to act against flu symptoms or infections. Thus, it acts providing relief and a feeling of well-being.

It is worth mentioning that the use of teas or herbs is not a substitute for medical treatment and can also pose health risks. Therefore, the ideal is always to seek professional help.

What is basil tea for?

Basil tea, like that of many other plants, is commonly used as a “home remedy”.

As we have seen, basil does have beneficial health properties (anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, etc.).

Generally speaking, many teas can help against the flu, headache or throat, infections, poor digestion, etc. The same goes for basil tea.

It is worth mentioning that it is never advisable to replace traditional medicine with the use of teas or other home remedies. In case of illness it is essential to seek a doctor in order to receive a correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

If you want to make basil tea, just take approximately 10 leaves from its leaves and place in a cup of hot water – stir and let it sit for a few minutes before drinking, so that the plant will release its properties.

Some recipes also mix other ingredients to add flavor, such as lemon, mint or ginger .

Does basil tea lose weight?

There is a popular idea that teas lose weight, which is not necessarily true. Many teas really help to speed up the metabolism or even to reduce hunger, being able to favor the weight loss process.

In the case of basil tea, like many others, it can have a diuretic action. But that does not mean that it makes the person really thin, it only helps against fluid retention and, with that, reduces the feeling of bloating.

However, combined with physical activities and healthy eating, it can help those who want to lose weight.

Do you have contraindications or side effects?

Basil is not a plant that can be considered toxic. However, some people may rather have allergic reactions, so that the use should not be done.

In addition, basil tea may not be recommended for pregnant women, as it is capable of interfering with uterine contractions. It can also be contraindicated for breastfeeding and children under 12 years.

In cases of doubt, the ideal is to replace the basil with another ingredient or consult a (a) specialist, in order to carry out a safe consumption of this plant.

Including herbs and plants in your routine can be very beneficial to your health. Basil and many others are rich in nutrients and properties that allow for widespread use.

In addition, choosing natural spices and essential oils can provide good physical and mental health, bringing a better quality of life.

However, in cases of illness or other doubts, it is essential to seek medical attention in order to receive reliable information and not carry out any treatment independently.

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