Rice is one of the most consumed foods by Brazilians. Combined with beans , the grain has become an almost indispensable item in everyday meals.
Be it white, integral or parboiled, each type has its particularity, pleasing different tastes.
Learn more about food, its varieties and health benefits!
What types of rice?
Although white rice is one of the most consumed in Brazil, there are other different varieties of the food.
From the integral to the Japanese, each one has its own characteristics that can be beneficial to health and a good option to vary the menu.
Some types are:
White rice is the most consumed in Brazil. Also known as polished rice or needle, it undergoes a polishing process, in which its husk is removed.
Thus, it has less nutritional value than other types of rice, since it is in the husk that most of the nutrients are.
Despite this, it is the type that has the fastest cooking among the varieties, which makes it practical for everyday life.
Brown rice is rich in fiber and, unlike white rice, it keeps the outside of the grain.
This gives it a brownish tinge, in addition to making it one of the most nutritious.
Because of the fibers, their consumption helps to improve intestinal transit and provides a feeling of satiety.
It also has a longer cooking time.
Parboiled rice has no husk, however, it still conserves part of its nutrients. This is because the grain undergoes a hydrothermal process in its formulation, that is, pre-cooking.
During this pre-cooking, part of the nutrients from the husk pass to the grain. Subsequently, it is removed for commercialization.
That way, even without the outside, it has good nutritional value.
Less well known, black rice, as the name says, has a dark color.
It is richer in fiber and protein than the others, in addition to having less fat. Thus, it is a good option to increase the protein levels of vegetarian meals, for example.
Because of its color, it has flavonoids – antioxidant pigments – that help prevent premature aging. Its cooking time is also superior.
Usually used in risottos, arboreal rice has more starch inside than the others, which provides a creamy texture after cooking.
Its grains are smaller and yellowish in color. In addition, nutritional values are similar to polished rice, with few fibers.
Japanese rice
Widely used in Japanese cuisine, Japanese rice has a higher amount of carbohydrates than other varieties, being a good source of energy.
It is also one of the types that has the least amount of fats.
With a short and rounded shape, after cooking, the beans are moist and well joined.
What are the properties of rice?
Rice, in general, has properties that add nutrients to meals.
In 100g of cooked rice there are approximately:
Nutrients | White Rice (100g) | Brown Rice (100g) |
Carbohydrates | 28g | 26g |
Protein | 2,5g | 2.6g |
Lipids | 0,2g | 1g |
Fibers | 1.6g | 2.7g |
Contrary to what many people think, the caloric values of white and brown rice do not vary widely.
The biggest difference between the two types is in the fibers and lipids, in which brown rice is richer. This makes the processing of carbohydrate in digestion different.
In addition, rice is a source of minerals and vitamins , which act beneficially on the body.
Minerals are inorganic substances responsible for the proper functioning of the body’s metabolism. In 100g of white rice, we can find:
- Calcium – 2.5mg;
- Phosphorus – 18mg;
- Magnesium – 2.3mg;
- Potassium – 14.7mg;
- Sodium – 1.2mg.
Calcium, together with phosphorus, acts to fortify bones and teeth.
Potassium, the second most common mineral in food, helps control blood pressure.
Magnesium, combined with sodium, helps in the correct functioning of muscle contraction.
Along with vitamins, minerals assist in the proper functioning of the body.
Vitamins in general are compounds that aid in the health of the body. In white rice, we can find:
- Vitamin B1 – proper functioning of the nervous system;
- Vitamin B2 – prevents degenerative diseases;
- Vitamin B3 – controls cholesterol levels;
- Vitamin B6 – helps in the production of red blood cells;
- Vitamin E – important for the maintenance of the immune system;
- Vitamin K – regulates blood clotting.
It is worth remembering that most of the vitamins are on the outside of the grain. Thus, varieties that undergo a process of removing this film lose a large part of these properties.
Can you eat rice every day?
-Yeah . Rice is a food source of energy and nutrients, necessary for the proper functioning of the organism.
If consumed in moderation, the food provides benefits, without causing weight gain, for example.
Thus, rice can be part of the daily diet, however, it is always worth moderation.
Is it true that rice is fattening?
The idea that rice is fattening is very popular, because it is a great source of carbohydrates. However, contrary to popular belief, when consumed in moderation, isolated food does not cause significant changes in the balance.
Rice is a food rich in carbohydrates, which can later be turned into fat.
This is because the nutrient is transformed into energy for the body to perform its daily tasks.
However, when consumption is made in excess, this causes a greater stock of energy.
If this energy is not spent, the body stores it in the form of fat, which causes an increase in weight.
Therefore, like most food, what defines weight gain or not is mainly the amount consumed.
Thus, if ingestion is done in moderation, in general, rice alone will not cause weight gain.
What makes rice or potatoes more fattening?
The properties of rice are often compared to that of other foods, with the question of which has the greatest potential to increase weight, since rice is a good source of carbohydrate. To understand which food is fattening the most, it is necessary to look at several aspects. The differences between rice and potato are:
Nutritious | Cooked English Potato (100g) | Cooked White Rice (100g) |
Caloric energy | 52kcal | 128kcal |
Carbohydrate | 11,9g | 28g |
Protein | 1,2g | 2,5g |
Fibers | 1.3g | 1.6g |
Like any other food, weight gain depends not only on what is being eaten, but also on the amount consumed.
Comparing the same portion of potatoes and rice, English potatoes have fewer calories, carbohydrates and proteins than white rice.
How to season rice in a healthy way?
Regardless of the type of rice chosen, there are some tips to make your consumption healthier.
Between them:
Reduce the salt
Reducing the amount of salt used in the preparation or even eliminating it is an option to make the dish healthier, as it can help prevent high levels of blood pressure and fluid retention, for example.
For those who want a complete change, foods like garlic, onion, lemon, ginger and pepper can be good options to replace it.
For those who cannot completely eliminate the seasoning from the diet, instead of just using salt to season the food, mix it with herbs, which helps to add flavor to the food.
Decrease the amount of oil
The amount of oil used is also an important factor when making a meal. Decreasing the amount of oil in the preparation of rice is a tip, since excess fat is bad for the body.
Do not use ready-made spices.
Avoiding the use of ready-made seasonings is also a good action when it comes to health.
Despite being practical, these spices, in general, have dyes and preservatives in their composition, in addition to often being rich in sodium, which, in excess, is not good for the organism.
Thus, it is always worth prioritizing natural spices, such as garlic, onions and herbs.
Rice is a very well-known food in Brazil and, together with beans, it has become a typical dish in the country.
Although the polished version, also known as white rice, is the best known, there are several varieties.
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