Medicine for ringworm on the nail: how to end the fungi?

Nail ringworm (also known as onychomycosis) is the most common type of fungal infection that affects men. They can appear on the feet and hands, but also on any region of the skin and scalp.

In general, the foot (especially the big toe) is the most vulnerable part to this type of infection.

This is because it may be the region where people fail most in care, for example, when they stop drying well after bathing, when wearing socks that do not absorb moisture or constantly wearing closed shoes.

The humid and stuffy environment is perfect for the proliferation of fungi, which penetrate the skin and settle under and around the nails.

Check out a little more about the causes, treatment and remedies for ringworm in the nail:


What is and what causes nail fungus?

Ringworm on the nail is an infection caused by fungi present in the region. Various types of fungi can cause ringworm at the site, such as dermatophytes, yeasts and non-dermatophyte filamentous fungi.

Dermatophytes are filamentous fungi (of thinner and longer structure) that feed on keratin.

Yeasts are single-celled fungi that have an accelerated reproduction. They usually affect fingernails more frequently.

Non-dermatophyte filamentous fungi are those found in nature, on surfaces such as the soil. Therefore, they can affect the feet more when the person walks barefoot on these surfaces.

Some of these fungi may be present in the skin of man in a harmless way, but as they undergo modifications and mutations, they cause ringworm. In these cases, ringworm has a slow progression and it may take a long time to notice the disease.

Other fungi that cause ringworm in the nail are present on the floor, around swimming pools, changing rooms or in pets, such as dogs and cats.

In that case, when they come into contact with the skin, they cause more obvious symptoms that progress quickly.

One of the signs of this type of ringworm is the detachment of the nail, itching, rash and peeling of the skin around it. However, itching is not always a present symptom.

Remedy for ringworm on the toenails and hands

Ringworm on the nails of the feet and hands is treated with drugs that fight infection caused by fungi, called antifungals. These drugs can be found in different presentations, such as ointments, tablets and enamels.

Who should prescribe it to the patient, after the diagnosis of ringworm, is a professional in the field of dermatology.

Depending on the case, it may be necessary to associate the use of pills and ointments.

It is important to know that in these cases the treatment is usually long. For mycosis in the toenail, the time of use of the remedies can be from 6 to 12 months. In the hands, the period is shorter, 3 to 6 months on average.

This is the time needed to completely eliminate the infection and have a complete renewal of the affected nail. In the feet, the treatment is slow, as the nails grow more slowly when compared to the hands.

In addition to the use of medications, the person must also be more careful in relation to the use of shoes, avoiding always wearing them on consecutive days.

Check out some options for ringworm remedies on the nail:


The pills prescribed for the treatment of ringworm in the nail are generally those that have active ingredients such as Itraconazole , Terbinafine Hydrochloride and Fluconazole . They can be found by the following trade names:

  • Itraspor;
  • Traxonol;
  • Sporanox;
  • Styranox ;
  • Flucanil ;
  • Flucovil ;
  • Flucolcid;
  • Fluconeo;
  • Ceremil;
  • Zior .

Polishes and sprays

Ointments and sprays are also widely used options for the treatment of mycosis in the nails.

The active ingredients present in these drugs also include Terbinafine Hydrochloride, Fluconazole and others such as Tioconazole , Clotrimazole and Itraconazole. Some of the trade names are:

  • Lamisilate Cream ;
  • Lamisilate spray;
  • Canesten Creme ;
  • Clotrimazol – Vitapan;
  • ABC;
  • Tralen ;
  • Coselen.

Nail polishes

In addition to ointments, sprays and tablets, the treatment of ringworm on the nail can also be done with the use of antifungals in enamels, with direct application on the nail just like the other topical products.

The active ingredient used in these enamels is Amorolfine Hydrochloride , found in commercial names such as Dermoceryl , Loceryl , Onicoryl and others.

Do home remedies for ringworm on the nail work?

Home treatments cannot help fight fungi and do not cure ringworm. Therefore, when using them, the person is not treating the condition and just relieving the condition.

Some homemade recipes for ringworm on the nail take garlic and mint, which have antifungal and antiseptic properties, giving the impression that the disease is improving, but this is temporary and without achieving a cure.

Using only home remedies is not something recommended by dermatologists, as the treatment of ringworm on the nail is usually long and done with remedies that really fight the infection.

In order to take no risks, the person should not substitute a treatment prescribed by the doctor to use only home recipes.

To find out what is the best remedy for ringworm on the nail, whether on the feet or hands, it is important to seek an evaluation from a doctor or dermatologist.

This professional will know if it is necessary to use an antifungal agent in ointment, pills or enamel.

In preventing the disease, people should be more careful with some hygiene habits.

After bathing, they should always dry the whole body very well, especially the feet and other fold areas, such as groins and armpits.

When doing your nails, in the salon or at home, it is important to always separate a material for your own use or sterilize it very well before making the shared use.

Other measures that help to prevent the proliferation of fungi is not to wear wet clothes for a long time (whether from sweat, rain or other reason) and stuffy shoes, which make your feet damp and breathless. In changing rooms and saunas, it is important to avoid walking barefoot.

Anyone undergoing ringworm nail treatment should not share towels and shoes. Couples who sleep together should also avoid direct foot contact.

These are some tips to prevent ringworm on the nails or contagion. If you notice any changes or symptoms in the nails, see a dermatologist.

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