Kidney pain

Kidney pain can be symptoms of various diseases.
The kidneys are vital, bean-shaped organs located in the two flanks.
The main functions of the kidneys are:

  • maintain homeostasis of body fluids;
  • filter the blood;
  • to excrete toxic substances in the form of urine from the body.
  • monitoring the concentration of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium for maintaining the acid-base ratio in the body.


Localization of kidney pain

The right kidney is slightly lower than the left, which is due to the presence and shape of the liver.
This difference sometimes makes it more difficult to determine the exact position, whether in men or women.
The kidneys are located in the retroperitoneal abdomen just below the diaphragm on both sides.
Many women confuse this pain with the pain that occurs about a week before menstruation.

According to Chinese medicine, the kidneys are the body’s energy stores and control sexual and reproductive functions.

Signs and symptoms that coincide with kidney pain

It is likely kidney disease if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Burning and pain when urinating
  • Irregular urine flow and significant decrease in the amount of urine excreted
  • Frequent urination
  • Blood in the urine
  • fever (signs of infection of the kidneys)
  • Intensification of pain when pressing or touching the back area at the level of the kidneys
  • Visible swelling and inflammation in this area (swollen abdomen)
  • Pain that radiates to the lower abdomen, buttocks and groin

How to distinguish kidney pain from back pain?

Often, pain stemming from kidney disease is intense and cramping, as opposed to the dull pain caused by back pain caused by musculoskeletal problems in the lower back.
Stabbing and constant pain, which is position-independent and caused by kidney disease, is called renal colic.
Lumbar back pain is primarily due to a violation of the

  • Brawn
  • Tapes
  • Discs

If a patient complains of pain that only occurs when moving (for example, when bending), it is likely muscle pain rather than organ pain.

Causes of renal colic

Kidney pain is felt in the back and flanks up to the level of the groin and it is usually stabbing and extremely severe.
The various diseases that can cause this pain are:

Renal pelvic infection: It is known as pyelonephritis, a type of bacterial infection of the urinary tract (UTI) that causes kidney pain and inflammation. The pain-sensitive capsule that surrounds the kidneys expands and the kidneys swell. The infection can be acute or chronic.
The likelihood of getting a renal pelvic infection is increased if a person suffers from kidney stones. The infection causes swelling of the kidneys, which leads to severe pain.
The main symptoms include abdominal pain, back pain, and right- or left-sided flank pain.
In case of infection, the severe pain can provoke numbness in the affected area. They may be accompanied by high fever and foul-smelling urine.
Children can also be affected by a kidney infection.
Therapy of renal pelvic infection consists in the prescription of antibiotics. The doctor may also administer painkillers to relieve the pain.

Kidney stones: One of the most common causes of kidney pain is kidney stones. These are formed due to the crystallization of urine into small, rock-hard solids as a result of changing the balance between liquids and minerals. There are different types of kidney stones that can develop due to different amounts of certain substances in the urine.
Kidney semolina is a type of sand formed from very small kidney stones.
If they are large and hard, they can close the ureters and interrupt the flow of urine. As a result, the urine can not be excreted and causes swelling of the kidneys.
Kidney pain caused by kidney stones is called colic.

The following symptoms occur:

  • The pain begins in the right or left flank and shifts downwards as the stones travel further to the bladder.
  • The affected person may also suffer from nausea and vomiting.
  • The pain is stabbing and constant and can also occur at night.
  • Blood in the urine.
  • Dark urine.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Pain when urinating.

Kidney stones can be treated with medication or surgically removed.
The doctor prescribes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve the pain.

Urinary tract infection (UTI): UTIs are another common cause of kidney pain and mainly affect women.
Gram-negative bacteria are the main culprits for UTIs. The infection affects the bladder and is called cystitis, but can also spread to the kidneys. Symptoes include:

  • Stomach ache
  • Fever
  • Ague
  • Vomit

For the treatment of this condition, antibiotics are prescribed.

Causes of dull kidney pain

Often kidney pain is severe and intense. However, some people may only feel a dull pain.
There are certain conditions that can provoke this type of kidney pain.

  • Polycystic kidney degeneration (PKD): a genetic kidney disease that leads to the enlargement of the kidneys due to the formation of numerous cysts over the years.
    polycystic kidney can cause dull and intense kidney pain felt in the front abdomen and back, as well as blood in the urine, high blood pressure and frequent urination.
    Complications include urinary tract infections and renal insufficiency.
    PKD is treated with dialysis and kidney transplantation.
  • Kidney tumor: In rare cases, a tumor can spread so much that it damages the kidney capsule due to excessive stretching. This can cause intense and stabbing pain.
    The tumor can be surgically removed.
  • Obstruction of the urinary tract: Some conditions such as bilateral chronic obstructive uropathy or prostate enlargement can lead to obstruction of the urinary tract.
    Therapy depends on the cause of the disability.
  • Trauma can lead to kidney pain. To do this, it does not have to be done directly on the kidneys, but can also be caused by a fall from a great height or a fall on the sacrum.
  • An excessively high-protein diet can overwhelm the kidneys and cause pain. In this case, it is advisable to eat little meat, fish or eggs.
  • Lesions and kidney disease (such as acute or chronic kidney failure) can cause kidney pain.
    Often renal insufficiency is called a silent disease, since it is hardly noticed at the initial stage.
    Those who suffer from kidney failure may feel pain.
  • Other causes of kidney pain include kidney tuberculosis and simple kidney cysts.

Kidney pain during pregnancy

Kidney pain at the beginning of pregnancy occurs as stabbing pain in the lower back or abdomen.
They can be attributed to two main causes: a urinary tract infection or a kidney infection.
Recognising the symptoms of these conditions and prompt treatment are crucial, as both conditions can be life-threatening for mother and child.
Pain in the kidney area can be a symptom of the first weeks of pregnancy, along with:

Not always does this symptom mean that the woman is pregnant. Some women also experience kidney pain during ovulation or a few days before menstruation.

Kidney pain in the morning

Kidney stones
This disease provokes severe pain in the kidneys, lower abdomen and back.
The increased amount of calcium and uric acid in the kidneys accumulates in the body in the form of stones. People who drink little are more likely to suffer from this disorder.
It can also occur due to dehydration after prolonged jogging.
The pain varies depending on the size of the kidney stones.
Typical symptoms of kidney stones include:

  • renal colic until the kidney stone reaches the bladder, then the pain suddenly disappears;
  • Difficulty urinating;
  • Pain when urinating.

Kidney infection
The renal pelvic infection or pyelonephritis is another main cause of morning kidney pain even after waking up.
This bacterial infection arises when urine is pushed back into the ureter.
People with kidney stones are at high risk for renal pelvic infections.
Symptoms of renal pelvic infection include:

  1. severe abdominal and back pain,
  2. painful urination,
  3. Ague
  4. Nausea
  5. Vomit
  6. high fever.

Urinary tract infection (UTI)
This is a bacterial infection that originates in the urinary tract.
According to conventional medicine, the bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli) is the most common cause of this infection, especially in women.
The most important and clear symptoms of UTIs include:

  1. blood in the urine;
  2. kidney pain;
  3. Difficulty urinating.

Kidney tumor
Uncontrolled growth and multiplication of body cells cause the kidney tumor. The exact cause of kidney cancer is still unknown.
Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most common type of kidney cancer.
Symptoms of renal neoplasia include:

  1. Pain under the ribs on the right or left side
  2. Lower back pain
  3. Severe fatigue
  4. Weight loss
  5. Fever
  6. In an advanced stage, you can feel a mass at the level of the flank
  7. Blood in the urine (hematuria)

What should you do? Therapy for kidney pain

It is necessary to undergo a thorough medical examination to diagnose the disease.

  • Administering painkillers for pain relief is certainly not the best way to cure these conditions.
  • For fever and renal colic, the doctor may prescribe paracetamol (ben-u-ron) and a spasmodic (buscopan).
  • Anti-inflammatory medications to curb inflammation, such as ketoprofen (Gabrilen), can relieve pain and swelling.
  • The use of antibiotics is indicated to fight a bacterial infection, while extensive therapy is needed to treat severe kidney problems.
  • If the patient repeatedly has severe attacks of pain, the doctor can analyze the state of health and point out appropriate treatment options, including dialysis or surgery.
  • Extracorporeal lithotripsy (shock wave therapy) or percutaneous nephrolithotomy are used to remove kidney stones.
    Lithotripsy involves the use of shock waves to destroy the stones, while percutaneous nephrolithotomy is a procedure in which a surgical instrument called a nephroscope is inserted through a small incision on the back to shatter and remove the kidney stone.

Diet and nutrition for kidney pain

Even though drug therapy or other treatment options can cure kidney disease, it is still essential to make lifestyle changes as well.

Some of these natural remedies can help relieve the pain, others prevent future pain.

There are two nutritional methods that have helped many people solve kidney problems:

  1. the blood group diet of Dr. D’Adamo/Mozzi;
  2. the vegan diet/raw food diet recommended by hygienists and naturopaths.

Blood type diet According to this nutritional theory, some foods can cause symptoms and diseases in members of a certain blood type, while they can be consumed carelessly by the others.

However, there are foods that can basically cause kidney problems, such as:

  • milk and dairy products (for example, they can favor the formation of kidney cysts);
  • sweet cream dishes;
  • cereals, especially if they contain gluten;
  • tea and coffee;
  • Fruit – sometimes it should be eaten cooked.

You do not need to drink a lot of water, on the contrary, half a liter a day is more than enough.

Vegan diet/raw food diet
According to Lezaeta’s natural medicine and Shelton’s health hygiene, infections are not caused by the transmission of bacteria, fungi, parasites, etc., but by the digestion of animal proteins that cause putrefaction in the gut and symptoms.
As a result, an environment is created in which these microorganisms can grow and multiply, which the body needs for digestion and to eliminate the waste products.

According to this theory, infections, kidney stones, cysts, etc. can be treated by:

  1. In the acute period, the patient can follow a fasting cure if there are no contraindications, such as pregnancy, organ transplantation, bulimia or tumors that provoke a sharp weakening of the body.
  2. In the subacute period, a diet based on fruits and raw vegetables, legumes, seeds and nuts should be followed.

Processed and transformed products, desserts and seasoning sauces should be removed from the menu.
Meat and animal proteins slow down digestion and lead to rot in the intestine, so they should be avoided as much as possible.

According to hygiene theories, you should drink little, because the consumed fruit contains a lot of liquid.

Nutrition according to conventional medicine

According to conventional medicine, the salts and minerals present in urine tend to crystallize and form kidney stones if you do not drink enough water.
The increased supply of fluids favors the excretion of the stones with the urine.
Fruits such as grapes, watermelon and blueberries contain a lot of water and act as diuretics.
Therefore, consuming these fruits is useful.

Lemon juice helps to break down kidney stones.
Watermelon contains a lot of potassium and prevents the formation of kidney stones.
Blueberries increase the acidity of urine and kill bacteria that could cause kidney infections.

to avoid 
According to conventional medicine, eating foods that contain a lot of calcium oxalate can increase the risk of developing kidney stones.
Therefore, these foods should be avoided.
One should limit the consumption of the following foods:

  • Chickpeas
  • Beetroot
  • Spinach
  • Okra
  • Yams
  • Coconut
  • Cauliflower
  • Turnips
  • Carrots

Tea and coffee should also be consumed in moderation, as caffeinated drinks can lead to dehydration.

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