Knowing how to identify fertile days is one of the first tips for anyone planning to become pregnant. And this is directly related to ovulation.
Ovulation is the process of releasing an egg (female gamete) that leaves one of the ovaries already ready to be fertilized by a sperm (male gamete).
If fertilization does not happen within 36 hours, that egg is expelled naturally along with menstrual blood.
When the woman is ovulating, the chances of becoming pregnant increase because the egg is in the right place and ready to be fertilized.
But how do I know if I’m really ovulating?
The following text seeks to make it easier to identify the signs!
Calculator: How do I know if I am in the fertile period?
The female fertile period can vary according to the body of each woman. In the vast majority of cases, it happens between the 11th and the 17th day of the menstrual cycle. The peak of the fertile period is the release of the egg (ovulation), which usually happens in the middle of the menstrual cycle, that is, on average on the 14th day.
Remember that the menstrual cycle count starts on the first day of menstruation.
For example, if menstruation came down on the first day, the menstrual cycle also started on that day. Considering a normal 28-day cycle, the fertile period will be between the 11th and 17th of this month.
To analyze it more accurately, write down the dates on which menstruation begins and how long the menstrual cycle lasts (which is the period between one menstruation and the next).
There are still other tips that can help to know if the woman is in the fertile period, that is, approaching ovulation:
Pharmacy test
There are some ovulation tests that can be purchased at pharmacies. These tests are similar to pregnancy tests, using urine to measure the amount of hormone.
The main difference is that ovulation tests need to be done for a period of five consecutive days. If the second line appears on one of the ribbons, the woman is ovulating.
These tests cost between R $ 20.00 and R $ 90.00 depending on the brand and the region in which it is sold.
Image testing
Women who have been trying to conceive for more than a year and a half can talk to the gynecologist about the possibility of having imaging tests that indicate whether or not they are ovulating.
These tests are usually done every 2 days from the 9th day of the menstrual cycle. The results are accurate because the doctor can calculate when the egg will be released.
But be careful: the results of this test need to come out instantly, since if the woman is ovulating, she will have up to 36 hours to try to get pregnant.
Blood test
Although it is not the most practical option, it is also possible to have blood tests to see if the woman is ovulating or not. This test is done like any other blood test in the laboratory.
The hormones released by the ovulation process go into the bloodstream and can be detected by the laboratory when analyzing the blood.
But like an image exam, the result should be instantaneous to increase the chances of a pregnancy.
How do I know if I’m ovulating?
Ovulation can vary from woman to woman. Factors such as stress , diet, duration of the menstrual cycle, use of medicines, infections and breastfeeding influence the release of eggs.
Women who are under the influence of these factors may find it more difficult to calculate the fertile period.
In addition, it is important to know that some types of contraceptive (pill and injection) can prevent the fertile period. Women who use these drugs do not ovulate.
Irregular menstruation
In order to estimate when the woman is ovulating, it will be necessary to analyze the last three menstrual cycles.
It will be necessary to average between these cycles. For that, it is necessary to add the total of all days of these cycles and divide by 3.
For example, if the first menstrual cycle lasted 27 days, the second lasted 33 and the third lasted 29, the operation should be performed: 27 + 33 + 30 = 90.
Now, you need to divide this total value by the number of cycles added, in this case, 3. Thus, 90 ÷ 3 = 30, that is, the average of your menstrual cycle is 30 days.
Ovulation always happens in the middle of the menstrual cycle. In the example above, the release of the egg tends to be on the 15th day of the next menstrual cycle.
As a margin of error, the fertile period is estimated to be 3 days before and 3 days after the day of ovulation. That is, if the day of ovulation is the 15th day, the fertile period will be between the 12th and 18th day of that cycle.
But these accounts are only estimates. Women with irregular menstrual cycles should not use the tablet as a contraceptive method.
Postpartum: how to identify even breastfeeding?
The first 11 days after delivery are marked by bleeding, vaginal dryness and low libido.
Each organism is different, but in general, the woman returns to ovulate from 60 days after the baby is born.
Some women can go without ovulating (and not menstruating) for the entire period of breastfeeding. This is because milk production inhibits the hormones responsible for reproduction.
Even so, as there is no guarantee when menstruation will come again, the woman cannot know exactly when she is ovulating.
Therefore, if they want to avoid a new pregnancy, the couple should use contraceptive methods such as condoms and IUDs throughout the postpartum period.
The contraceptive pill can be taken with medical authorization, as this medication can negatively influence the production of breast milk.
Symptoms: what do we feel when we are ovulating?
Not all women experience symptoms when they are ovulating. Among those that show signs, some are more intense and others more moderate. Elevated temperature, increased libido, dense vaginal mucus and sore breasts are symptoms of ovulation. Ovulation pain is one of the signs that the body is ready to become pregnant.
Know the most common signs of ovulation to recognize when you are ovulating:
Basal temperature rise
Hormones (such as progesterone ) released during this period cause the temperature to rise by an average of half a degree.
That’s because these hormones act in the region of the brain that controls body temperature.
To do this control, it is recommended to measure the temperature immediately after waking up. To be more precise, it is advisable to do this at the same time.
After measuring the temperature, mark the result on a paper. Over the days, the woman will be able to average her temperature.
The day there is an increase in temperature compared to the average, the woman will be ovulating.
But other factors, such as viruses and physical exercise, can also cause your body temperature to rise, so this cannot be a completely reliable method.
Increase in libido
Pheromone is one of the hormones responsible for sexual desire. This hormone is also released in greater quantities during the ovulation period.
This is because the female organism is physiologically prepared for reproduction.
Vaginal mucus
Naturally, women release a discharge from the vagina. The color, appearance and smell of this discharge vary according to the menstrual cycle.
During ovulation, this vaginal discharge is transparent, elastic and more dense (similar to an egg white).
In addition, this mucus acquires these aspects during the fertile period to facilitate the arrival of sperm in the egg and allow pregnancy.
Breast sensitivity
During ovulation, the breasts may become larger and more painful. This is because this part of the female body receives many hormones released during the fertile period.
How is ovulation pain?
Ovulation pain, also called middle pain, is a symptom that varies between women, and may not even be manifested. In some women, this discomfort is very strong and causes feelings of contraction and stinging in the lower abdomen. In others, the pain in the middle is nothing more than tingling.
This sign of ovulation manifests itself when the egg breaks the follicle (a set of cells that line the egg). By breaking this structure of the ovary, the egg passes through the uterine tubes until it reaches the uterus.
But if this pain lasts for more than 36 hours, you should see a gynecologist , as there may be other complications such as ectopic pregnancy , endometriosis or ovarian cysts.
Ovulation is one of the periods of the menstrual cycle. Women who want to become pregnant should pay attention to the fertile period and have sex during those days.
Those who do not want a pregnancy, knowing the period of ovulation helps to be more cautious these days.
It is important to note that the tablet should not be used as the only contraceptive method.
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