Deep sadness: know how to recognize the signs of this condition

It is normal to feel sad from time to time, but when that feeling does not go away and there are other symptoms with it, it is important to be alert!

Deep sadness, even though it is not considered a mental disorder in itself, can be a symptom of some other condition, such as depression .

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 120 million people suffer from deep sadness around the planet.

Check the article below for the symptoms of deep sadness and what to do in the face of that feeling!


What are the symptoms of deep sadness?

Deep sadness is characterized by feelings of emotional pain, anguish, tiredness , guilt and loneliness. When the person is very sad, he may feel unable to cope with his life and have feelings of low self-esteem . Sometimes, deep sadness can be a symptom of depression .

However, deep sadness is just a feeling that, although lasting, tends to pass over time.

It cannot be considered a mental disorder in itself, especially when it appears due to unpleasant events such as disappointments, significant losses, death of loved ones, ending relationships, among others.

The feeling can also arise without any apparent reason, which can be considered a kind of invitation to reflection.

If the reason for the sadness is not clear, it may indicate that there is something wrong with the lifestyle or relationships that the individual is leading, and it is important to reflect on these issues to find the source of that sadness.

In some cases, there is really no reason for sadness. It may just be the manifestation of an undiagnosed mental disorder.

Are deep sadness and discouragement signs of depression?

Although sadness is a normal feeling and does not always have a greater significance, the presence of a deep sadness that does not go away for several weeks can be indicative of depression.

Even in situations where sadness is considered an appropriate emotional response, it can indicate that more care must be taken with mental health , especially when it lasts more than two weeks and is accompanied by other symptoms.

Among these symptoms are insomnia or hypersomnia (too much sleep), discouragement, apathy, changes in appetite, loss of interest in things that I used to like to do, irritability and difficulty in feeling pleasure.

In addition to being a symptom, the constant presence of deep sadness can also influence the development of a depressive state. Therefore, from the onset of sadness, it is important to be attentive and seek to improve to prevent it from becoming something more serious.

If deep sadness is really a sign of depression, psychological treatment is needed. Not infrequently, there is a need for pharmacological treatment as well, which must be prescribed by a psychiatrist, the doctor who specializes in mental disorders.

What to do to combat sadness?

This idea of ​​taking a step by step to combat sadness may seem strange. In fact, there is no manual for what works and what does not, and it is often necessary to just face these feelings and learn to deal with them.

Accept and understand sadness

Like physical pain, emotional pain often arises when there is something wrong with a person’s life. Usually, sadness appears for some reason. If you have been suffering from deep sadness for days, it is important to investigate the source of that sadness.

Accepting that sadness is a normal feeling and that she is there to say something is the first step. Understanding what causes this feeling can be a difficult task, but it is extremely important for you to overcome it.

If the reason for your sadness is work or a relationship, for example, you must first accept that this is the problem so that you can look for another job or leave a relationship that does not make you happy.

Let the sadness manifest

Sadness is often an unpleasant feeling and therefore people tend to suppress the emotion, but this is a mistake. Repressed emotions do not cease to exist and, at one time or another, they surface.

Feeling sad is normal and letting that sadness manifest is one of the best ways to let it go. If you need to, cry or unburden yourself to someone you trust.

Only by “releasing” the sadness will it be able to go away. It is by experiencing emotions that it is possible to learn to regulate yourself emotionally.

If you find yourself in a situation in which crying or venting is not appropriate, remember to do so as soon as you have the opportunity and privacy necessary to do so.

Seeking distractions and pleasure

Although it is necessary to accept and understand sadness, it is not healthy to let yourself be consumed by it. Seeking to do things that give you pleasure helps to regain the joy of living.

When looking for pleasurable activities, it is important to choose something that does not make the situation worse. Going to the bar for a beer with friends can be nice from time to time, but when it comes to sadness and depression, it is an activity with great potential to worsen the feeling.

Try to do physical activities, play sports, take courses, learn a new hobby, go to the cinema, chat with friends, among others.

Connect with friends and family

It is normal to feel alone when you are sad. Connecting with friends and family can help lessen that feeling that no one understands or that everything is lost.

Remember to go after those people you trust, that you know will support you and will not invalidate your feelings and opinions. The support of these people is very important to recover from that feeling.

Eat properly

It may be strange, but diet influences mood. This is because most of the serotonin , a neurotransmitter whose lack is related to depression and sadness, is produced in the intestine and a poor and nutrient-poor diet impairs this production.

Switching to healthy eating may not be a simple task and it also usually takes time to show results, but in the long run, it is a way to improve deep sadness.

Seek self-knowledge and / or psychological help

Knowing yourself is one of the best ways to understand and deal with your own feelings. If you know who you are, what you like and what you value about yourself, it becomes easier to understand why the sadness came and how to let it go.

There are several ways to get to know yourself. Meditation and mindfulness exercises are good options. Psychotherapy is also a great alternative. It is worth remembering that it is not necessary to have a mental disorder to undergo therapy: it brings benefits even for those who just want to know themselves better.

Some events in our life can leave us in deep sadness, but it can also happen that we feel that way without a specific trigger.

It is important to understand that this feeling can arise and that there are ways to deal with it. This does not mean to deny or repress it, but to understand how to get through this phase in the best possible way.
