Contact dermatitis: treatment and natural remedies


Treatment of contact dermatitis and medication

Symptoms of contact dermatitis can be effectively treated with proper therapy.
For some people, there is an improvement in symptoms, while for others, the symptoms disappear completely.

There are several types of treatment for contact dermatitis, including:
1. avoid cause, 2. emulating and moisturizing creams,

3. local corticosteroids (in severe cases),
4. oral corticosteroids (for severe and diffuse symptoms).

Treatment of contact dermatitis includes:
1. Avoid irritants and allergens. In order to avoid this, the causative agent must be identified and exposure to it excluded.
It may take two to four weeks before the skin reactions subside.
2. Use of oral medications. In severe cases, the doctor may prescribe oral corticosteroids for inflammation or antihistamines to relieve annoying itching.
3. Application of creams and moist compresses against itching.

Home remedies for contact dermatitis

In mild and moderate cases, home remedies can be used.
Wet envelopes can also be applied.

1. Apply an anti-itch cream or a soothing lotion (zinc oxide + iron) to the affected area.
An over-the-counter cream that contains at least 1% hydrocortisone can temporarily relieve itching.

2. An over-the-counter or natural antihistamine.
An over-the-counter, oral antihistamine such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl, Betadorm, and others) can help with severe itching.

3. Use mild soaps without dyes and fragrances. Wash the soap well from the body. After washing, rub the skin with a moisturizer for protection.

In this way, one can help relieve redness and itching.

What cream to use for contact dermatitis?

There are different creams. You may have to try different ones to see which one works best.
You can also use a combination of creams according to the recipe, for example:
1. an oil for very dry skin;
2. a cream or lotion for slightly dry skin;
3. a cream for the face, lips and hands;
4. an ointment for various uses for arms, legs and trunk;
5. a lotion instead of soap.
The difference between lotion, cream and ointment is determined by the proportion of oil it contains. Ointment has the highest percentage of oil, so it can be very fat and is best suited for maintaining skin hydration.
Lotions contain less oil, so they are not as fat and are therefore less effective. Creams are roughly in between.

Natural remedies for contact dermatitis

 To reduce itching and relieve inflammation of the skin, the following strategy can be tried:

1. Place damp and cold envelopes. Moisten white, soft cloths and cover the affected areas of the skin to relieve skin inflammation.

2. If possible, do not scratch the eczema areas. Cut nails short and wear cotton gloves during the night.
If the patient cannot resist the scratching stimulus, protect the affected area with a bandage.

3. Take a cool bath. Add baking soda or colloidal oatmeal to the bath water, sprinkle ground oatmeal on the bottom of the bathtub (Aveeno products or others).

4. Wear finely structured, soft cotton clothing and avoid wool textiles. In this way, the skin is not additionally irritated.

Diet and nutrition in contact dermatitis

Nickel is an allergen that often causes contact dermatitis. It is a trace element present in food, such as:

  • cocoa and chocolate,
  • Tea
  • Buckwheat
  • Legumes: beans, lentils, soya, peas, chickpeas,
  • nuts: peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds,
  • Oats.

Nickel is everywhere (clothes, food, etc.), if it causes an allergy, the patient would have to have an allergic reaction every time he touches a coin.

Natural diets for dermatitis

According to various theories of natural medicine, the best treatment of contact dermatitis is to eliminate the cause, and not necessarily to avoid contact with the allergen.

A change in diet is enough to eliminate symptoms, say patients who:

  • lead the way of life of hygienism,
  • follow the blood group diet.

Natural medicine assumes that dermatitis affects people who consume processed foods (for example, dairy, sweets, etc.).

Hygienist Shelton asserts that a vegan diet with at least 50% raw food content can definitely cure the problem; However, caution should be exercised with cereals.
Cereals are sweet grasses (Gramineae), those who eat them daily have a high probability of developing:

  • Allergies
  • Dermatitis.

This nutritional theory recommends the following foods:

  • raw vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables and cabbage,
  • juicy fruit preferably seasonal fruit,
  • nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, etc.),
  • fresh legumes in small quantities,
  • Potatoes.

Not only the diet should be changed; the hygienists also recommend:

  • Sports activities in the fresh air to promote blood circulation in the skin. Here, the body releases the toxins through sweat.
  • Wear loose clothing because the skin needs to breathe.
  • Avoid medication, dietary supplements and stimulating substances such as tea and coffee.
  • Avoid beer, alcohol and sugary drinks.

The blood type diet is based on the reaction of the immune system that occurs when certain foods are consumed.

This reaction depends on the blood group:

  • Members of a blood type may experience symptoms after eating certain foods.
  • In people of a different blood type, the same food does not cause any symptoms.

For example, someone with blood type may develop disease after eating red meat, while people with blood type 0 may experience health problems after drinking coffee.
In principle, the following should be avoided:

  • milk and dairy products,
  • fried foods,
  • cereals (pseudo-cereals such as quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat are allowed),
  • Candy
  • Sweets,
  • Pork
  • Chewing gum (contained sweeteners).

To be enjoyed in moderation are:

  • nuts and almonds,
  • juicy fruit.

The blood type diet is based on vegetables and protein-rich foods, especially:

  • meat (turkey meat is particularly recommended),
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Pulses
  • Seeds, nuts and almonds.

There is another type of natural diet called the Paleo or Stone Age diet, which is based on foods that people ate in the Stone Age.

Foods recommended by the Paleo diet:

  • meat of grass-eating animals,
  • Seafood,
  • fresh fruit,
  • fresh vegetables,
  • Eggs
  • Nuts
  • Seed
  • Avocado
  • healthy oils (from olives, walnuts, flaxseed, coconuts).

According to the Paleo diet, prohibited foods:

  • Cereal
  • legumes because they contain harmful substances called lectins,
  • refined sugar,
  • Potatoes
  • processed foods,
  • very salty foods,
  • refined vegetable oil,
  • Candies, sweets,
  • Fast food
  • Alcohol.

How long does the disease last? Prognosis for patients with contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis usually lasts 2 or 3 weeks, then the rash usually heals again.
Nevertheless, eczema can recur if the substance or material that triggered it cannot be avoided.
Workplace or lifestyle habits may need to be changed if the disturbances are caused by occupational exposure.

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