Inflammation of the colon is called colitis, a condition in which the inner wall of the colon (or mucosa) becomes inflamed.
The inflammation can be the result of:
- an autoimmune disease,
- an infection of the colon,
- a poor blood supply,
- another unknown cause.
How does the colon work?
The large intestine consists of the colon and rectum (rectum).
Function of the colon :
- Absorption of water, mineral salts and vitamins.
- Transportation of feces to the rectum (rectum) to be excreted.
The colon is formed by:
- an ascending (right) section,
- a horizontal section,
- a descending section (on the left) that ends in the rectum.
If the intestine is inflamed in different places, ulcers (ulcers) may form:
- in the stomach,
- in the intestine.
This condition is called ulcerative colitis.
Types of inflammation of the colon
Inflammation of the colon (colitis) can have various causes:
- Infectious colitis – occurs due to the development of many pathogenic bacteria.
- Ischemic colitis – the blood supply is interrupted due to disability, causing i.
- Ulcerative colitis – it is an autoimmune disease that affects the rectum and sigmoid colon.
- Crohn’s disease – it can affect different sections of the digestive system, including the colon.
- Microscopic colitis – a rare disorder that can occur in an autoimmune disease.
Treatment of inflammation of the colon
Treatment varies from person to person and depends mainly on:
- the type of colitis,
- the progression of inflammation.
There are no specific medications to treat or cure inflammation of the colon.
Usually, doctors prescribe medications that reduce the effects of the disease.
If the inflammation worsens despite the given medication, the doctor may advise surgical intervention.
How to treat inflammation of the colon?
- Medications such as mesalazine (composed of 5-ASA) and corticosteroids are prescribed to reduce inflammation caused by ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.
These drugs serve to reduce inflammation and keep it at the lowest possible level. - In irritable bowel syndrome, doctors often prescribe antispasmodics (e.g. buscopan), which usually have a good effect.
- Some drugs are prescribed to slow down the attack of the immune system against the intestine in the case of ulcerative colitis.
These drugs are called immunomodulators because they help reduce inflammation. They are sometimes given to patients for whom steroids have been ineffective. - In pregnancy, it is not possible to take medication, although some gynecologists prescribe Buscopan.
Pregnant or lactating women should cure themselves with:- natural remedies,
- alternative therapies.
If the drugs are unsuccessful in the treatment of intestinal inflammation, doctors advise their patients to undergo surgical intervention in some cases.
The operation involves the partial or complete removal of the blockage in the colon.
During the surgical procedure, the surgeon can proceed as follows:
- Make an abdominal incision, separate the intestine above and below the blockage and connect the two ends of the intestine (ileo-anastomosis). This new course facilitates defecation.
- Remove the colon and introduce a reservoir or sac that facilitates defecation.
Both methods are used depending on the severity of the inflammation and the disorders that cause it.
After surgery, the patient can lead a normal and active life.
Inflammation of the colon can lead to a malignant tumor, but this is very rare. It is important to pay attention to the diet and to adhere to a healthy diet.
What to eat? Diet and nutrition for inflammation of the colon
It is important to adhere to an appropriate diet.
In the case of inflammation of the colon, according to conventional medicine, the following points must be observed:
- Avoid drinks that aggravate diarrhea. Examples include:
- caffeinated beverages,
- carbonated drinks,
- Alcohol (beer, wine).
- Foods to avoid include fatty foods and dairy products because they can overload the digestive system and worsen the condition.
- Avoid the intake of insoluble fiber. A high-fiber diet is healthy under normal conditions, but it can worsen inflammation in the colon.
- Avoid spicy, spicy or fried foods such as French fries and fried eggs.
- The diet should be rich in soluble fiber, which promotes the growth of healthy gut bacteria.
- The doctor recommends:
- White bread
- Oats
- Tofu
- cereals without added fibre,
- Courgette
- Barley
- Radish
- Fruit.
- Reduce stress by performing relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, etc. This helps the body cope with colon discomfort and especially ulcerative colitis.
Natural diets
Natural diets are among the most effective forms of therapy for disease treatment; for instance:
Blood type diet
is based on proteins because they form the tissues of the body. Blood type is fundamental because there are foods that only cause immune reactions in people of a certain blood type, but do not cause any problems in others.
Some people also develop symptoms when ingesting some non-contraindicated foods.
The decisive factor is the time when the symptoms appear:
- If the symptoms are noticeable when you wake up, dinner is responsible.
- If the patient feels bad after breakfast or lunch, the problem lies in the meal previously taken.
Stone Age diet (Paleo diet)
You can only eat food that nature offers.
It is the diet of man in the Paleolithic period, i.e. before the introduction of:
- Agriculture
- Livestock breeding.
Permitted foods:
- Meat
- Fish
- fruit and vegetables,
- Nuts
- Seed
- Honey
- Berries.
Vegan diet with at least 50% raw food content
This form of nutrition is recommended by hygienists:
- Shelton
- Lezaeta,
- Honors, etc.
Only foods of plant origin are allowed, especially those that can be eaten raw:
- Nuts
- vegetables, preferably green leafy vegetables such as lettuce,
- juicy fruit,
- pulses (in moderation),
- Potatoes, are digested quickly.
You have to eat the food at ambient temperature, because the stomach works at about 37 °C; Thus, digestion slows down when consuming:
- ice cream and other cold dishes,
- cooked or hot foods.
Fasting cure
A fasting cure is recommended to eliminate toxins and waste products of the organism.
When fasting:
- if you lose weight, the toxins stored in the adipose tissue are freed and enter the bloodstream;
- the body has more energy and can focus on eliminating the toxins.
Foods to avoid
All natural diets advise against:
- transformed foods,
- Dairy products
- Cereal
- Sweet
- sugared drinks,
- Frying and cooking at high temperatures.
In detail:
- Hygienism prohibits all animal proteins (meat, fish, eggs and dairy products).
- The blood group diet generally advises against pork.
Food combinations
The right combination of foods is essential to avoid slowing down digestion.
In the digestive section, slow digestion can be the cause of:
- putrefaction of proteins,
- Fermentation of sugar.
The result is the accumulation of toxins.
Examples of incorrect food combinations:
- No fruit at the end of the meal, it should be consumed alone, half an hour before the other foods.
- Protein Foods must not be consumed together with carbohydrate-containing foods. The stomach acid needed to digest proteins is very acidic, while low acidity is necessary to digest carbohydrates.
- Acidic foods (such as lemon) must not be consumed together with proteins because they inhibit the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach (which is needed for protein foods).
- Do not drink water during or after meals.
Dietary supplement for inflammation of the colon
One should consider using natural supplements that promote bowel function and reduce symptoms of colon inflammation.
The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends the following supplements that may be helpful:
- Zinc (25 mg per day)
- Folic acid (1 mg per day)
- Vitamin B12 (1 mg per day)
- Fish oil (3 g per day) can reduce inflammation.
- Probiotics with the yeast Saccharomyces boulardii (250-500 mg, four times a day) can reduce diarrhea.
- Glutamine (400 mg, four times a day) promotes general intestinal health.
Natural remedies for inflammation of the colon
Lactic acid bacteria (without lactose). Since gut bacteria can affect ulcerative colitis, researchers hypothesize that the supply of beneficial bacteria (probiotics) may help the gut fight the disease.
Aloe vera. Aloe vera juice is a natural anti-inflammatory that is considered in people with ulcerative colitis. But there is no evidence to support this claim.
In addition, some people who take aloe vera juice observe a laxative effect.
Acupuncture. Many studies show that for people with ulcerative colitis, acupuncture may be beneficial.
The procedure involves the insertion of fine needles into the skin.
In this way, natural endogenous, pain-relieving substances are released.
Curcumin. This compound is obtained from a spice called turmeric and is available in drugstores.
The combination of curcumin with standard ulcerative colitis therapy (corticosteroids and sulfasalazine) has helped to:
- improve symptoms,
- reduce the dose of medicines taken.
However, the evidence for this comes from only two small scientific studies.
More research is needed before this therapy can be recommended.
Prognosis and duration of inflammation of the colon
The prognosis of inflammation of the colon is generally good.
Colitis has no long-term consequences, except in more severe cases.
If any of the above symptoms occur, one should not be intimidated, but consult the doctor.
With infection, intestinal obstruction or ischemic colitis, the inflammation decreases and completely disappears in a few days, once the cause is treated.
If the inflamed colon is the result of an autoimmune disease such as ulcerative colitis, the duration is undetermined because there is no definitive medical treatment yet.
- Inflammation of the colon: causes and symptoms
- Nutrition for colitis
- Joint pain: treatment and nutrition