Burst capillaries on the legs

Burst capillaries on the legs are caused by lesions in the capillary wall.

Burst capillaries can be seen everywhere, but most commonly:

  • On the legs,
  • On the hands,
  • Facial.

They may appear as red or purple hematomas or spots that resemble thin threads and become visible under the skin.

Capillaries are used to transport nutrients and oxygen to the cells.

They are very delicate and fragile, so they tear easily, especially with elevated blood pressure.


Causes of burst capillaries on the legs

Often burst veins are a sign of poor circulation.

There are several risk factors for varicose veins, including:

Heredity and gender

Burst veins are a hereditary disorder.

People whose parents suffer from ruptured veins are more likely to develop this disorder.

Varicose veins occur more often in women than in men, rarely seen in children.


Varicose veins are more visible at the age of 50-60 years.

As you age, the skin becomes much thinner and the capillaries lose their elasticity.

The valves inside the veins weaken with advancing age. As a result, the blood accumulates inside the veins.

This increases the pressure in the veins and capillaries and leads to the dilation of many of these blood vessels.

The burst veins become more and more visible as the skin becomes thinner.

Hormonal imbalance

The hormonal imbalance is another factor that can affect the strength of the veins and capillaries.

Elevated estrogen and progesterone levels can dilate veins and capillaries.

  1. Estrogens cause vasodilation,
  2. Progesterone causes increased flexibility of the arteries.

That’s why pregnancy, oral contraceptives, and other types of treatment with estrogens can increase the risk of weakened capillaries on the legs.

On the other hand, greatly decreased estrogen and progesterone levels can reduce the ability of veins to withstand pressure.

Low estrogen levels can increase the risk of hypertension in women.

Burst capillaries are common during menopause due to the drop in these hormones.


In pregnancy, the amount of blood flowing through the body increases. This can lead to dilation of the veins.

Enlargement of the uterus can squeeze the large vein on the right side of the body.

The result is an increase in pressure inside the leg vein, which leads to venous dilation.

Sometimes the valves inside the vein do not function properly due to this phenomenon, as a result of which the blood stagnates and leads to the development of varicose veins.

Chronic venous insufficiency

The veins transport the blood from the legs to the heart against gravity.

The return flow of blood downwards is blocked by a few small valves in the veins.

If these valves do not work properly, the blood accumulates in the veins and capillaries of the legs.

Eventually, the small blood vessels weaken and burst due to the increase in pressure.

This disorder is called chronic venous insufficiency.

The main risk factors are age, obesity and sedentary lifestyle.


The risk of developing varicose veins and varicose veins is higher in people who have a sedentary lifestyle.

Chronic venous insufficiency can worsen if you spend a long time:

  1. Sitting,
  2. With crossed legs,
  3. Standing.

Other possible causes

✧ Excessive stay in sun and heat,

✧ lesion or trauma to the legs,

✧ alcoholism,

✧ liver diseases,

✧ Tumor in the abdomen.

Symptoms of ruptured veins

Symptoms of ruptured capillaries and venous circulatory problems include:

  • Reddened, blue or purple spots visible on the lower legs,
  • pain or burning in the legs,
  • itching on the legs,
  • Swollen legs and ankles,
  • heavy legs,
  • Capillaries that bleed easily under the skin.

Who should you contact if your veins have burst?

The doctor who deals with problems of blood circulation is the angiologist.

Treatment of ruptured veins on the legs

Varicose veins and ruptured capillaries usually do not cause discomfort.

Most people worry only for aesthetic reasons.

How are ruptured veins eliminated?

Drug therapy

There are medicines for oral intake and medicinal creams that can be used for ruptured veins.

Ointments contain vitamins K, C and E.

There are creams that contain a large proportion of flavonoids, such as Antistax®.

One of the most commonly prescribed oral medications is oxerutin (Venoruton).

Laser Therapy

In laser treatment, an electromagnetic beam is used to block the leakage of blood from the capillaries.

It is also used to narrow the blood vessels, which prevents further bursting of the capillaries.

Usually, a session lasting only about 15-20 minutes is sufficient.

In severe cases, the session may be repeated.

Side effects include:

  1. Ecchymosis
  2. Redness
  3. Itch
  4. Swelling.

Sclerotherapy – Sclerotherapy is a treatment in which a solution is injected into the veins that closes the vein and lightens the spots on the skin.

Burst veins and capillaries disappear within a few days.

Sclerotherapy is much more effective than laser therapy when done correctly.

Side effects include:

  1. itching on the legs,
  2. Swelling
  3. Change in skin color.

Home remedies and natural remedies for ruptured veins

If the burst veins are not too noticeable, they can be treated at home.

It is recommended to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins C and K, for example:

  1. Citrus fruits
  2. Spinach
  3. Cauliflower
  4. Cabbage, etc.

To increase vitamin C intake, you can take a vitamin C supplement daily.

The local application of vitamin K-containing ointments twice a day can be very helpful against ruptured veins.

Herbal remedies for the treatment of ruptured veins:

  1. blueberries and horse chestnut (strengthen the veins),
  2. Butcher’s broom (vasoconstrictor for smooth muscles in the vein walls),
  3. Centella asiatica,
  4. Hamamelis
  5. Red vine leaves.

Prevention of ruptured veins

  1. An active lifestyle or regular physical exercise can improve blood circulation and strengthen veins.
  2. The most common exercises to improve circulation are walking and running.
  3. Long stays in one and the same position (sitting or standing) should be avoided. If this cannot be avoided, you should take short breaks and move your legs for a few minutes.
  4. You can wear support stockings or slightly elastic stockings to improve blood circulation and prevent ruptured veins.
  5. Wear comfortable shoes, especially when working standing for long periods of time.
  6. Do not wear high-heeled shoes.
  7. Keep your body weight appropriate to avoid too much pressure on the veins.
  8. Habits such as crossing legs while sitting.
  9. Avoid salted foods because too much sodium leads to water retention, which increases pressure in the blood vessels.
  10. Eat a healthy diet with more fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid ready meals.
  11. You can hide or mask skin defects with basic make-up, for example with Collistar or Covermark.
  12. Waxing can cause trauma that damages the capillaries. Women who suffer from weak capillaries should therefore shave better.

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